Her Own | 19. Unexpected

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I sat in the bushes for a while, shivering because the sun was about to go down, and itching because I had big bites everywhere, even in the most unpleasant places. The jacket had little affect on my body and trying to get it warm. So I sat there, ignoring the world around me, hiding my face because the sun was still somewhat bright.

"Syd? Are you out here? I see your footprints!" Jessie's voice called not that far away from me.

I stayed put, wondering if I stayed still if she would find me. My eyes closed as I kept myself in the ball I had curled up in.

The bushes rustled, and I heard an, "Oh, Syd."

Jessie dropped down to her knees and hugged me. It felt good to be back in her arms, honestly. I almost hugged back, but I restrained myself from doing it.

"Baby, you're freezing. Come on inside."

She attempted to pull me up, but I wouldn't budge. After sighing heavily, Jessie hooked her arms behind my knees and on my back. She picked me up, looked into my eyes, and carried me properly into our house, not through the bushes. She went through the back door, then carried me upstairs.

When we were safely in our bedroom, Jessie sat me down on the bed. I was about to get under the covers when Jessie grabbed my wrists and pulled me back into a sitting position. She gave me a look before going through my things and getting out some clothes.

"I had to reschedule my appointment because of you," Jessie said. Her voice was full of disappointment, and I wanted to tell her I was sorry, but I didn't open my mouth or change my expression.

She gathered my clothes and sat them beside me. She was about to dress me until she got a closer look at me and saw the swollen places.

"Oh, for goodness' sake," she muttered, then disappeared into the bathroom.

I just sat there, staring at the ground. My mind was blank. It's been that for a while now. I never really thought anymore. I never had a reason to.

Jessie came back with a tube of ointment, probably for my bug bites. She put some in her palms, rubbed them together, then started with my arms. I had to admit, it felt good and it soothed the burning and itching sensation. She applied some to every inch of my body. Literally. But I didn't thank her when she was done, and I guess she didn't really care. Because she then dressed me in shorts and a t-shirt.

Jessie lifted my chin up, and I was met with the sight of her crying. It broke my heart, seeing her upset because of me.

"Why are you like this?" She softly asked, holding my face.

"Because. I can be."

"Syd...it's because of Delilah."

"Don't speak of her!" I hissed angrily at her.

"Syd, you can't hide or ignore the fact that you're doing this because of her. Look, I know it's tough with your twin being dead, but we can get through this--"

"Oh, shut the fück up, because you're only just saying that." I rolled my eyes.

Out of nowhere, something connected with my cheek, and it started to heat up and burn. I held it and looked up to see a very heated Jessie. Her expression softened then turned into horror as she realized what she did. She covered her mouth as I only stared at her with no emotion.

"Shįt, Syd! Baby, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean... Oh my God!" Jessie began crying again, this time sobbing also.

"Sydney...I'm so sorry, baby."

Still, I stared at her, not doing or saying anything. My cheek throbbed, but I ignored the pain.

Jessie panicked, then ran out the room.


That night, I didn't see Jessie again. I hadn't gotten anything cold for my face, because I realized my mistake, and I was in the wrong. I deserved it. I neglected my own family because of my selfishness. My sister died, and I had saw something like a miracle that night. I made a note to talk to Rhonda about it tomorrow.

But that slap was like a wake-up call, and I felt so guilty for being a horrible mother and wife. So the swelling and throbbing on my face is a reminder I should never do it again. My sister's gone, and I had to accept that fact. Thank God Katy had called and I talked to her all about this. She made everything clearer.

It was dark except for the living room lamp, which castes a golden light in the hallway. I quietly walked to it and peered inside.

Jessie laid on the couch, hugging a pillow to her. She didn't have a peaceful look on her face like she usually does when she's asleep. She wore one of sadness and fear. Soon, she started crying and saying my name over and over. It turned into sobs and loud cries of my name.

I hurried over and bent down by her face. I shook her softly until her eyes opened. Jessie jolted awake, sitting up. Her red eyes looked around before landing on me. She continued to cry, hiding her hands under her arms.

"Jessie, stop crying," I calmly said, slowly sitting on the couch also.

"You're here...down here, with me," Jessie said, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, I am."

"Syd, I am so--"

"Don't be. I'm the sorry one. I deserved that slap--"

"No you didn't--"

"Yes, I did, and you and I both know it! I was being an åss and ignoring you and Hazel. I was too busy being selfish, I didn't care about you! I deserved that for disrespecting you, and being a horrible person. A horrible mother. A horrible wife. You have every right to hit me, because I needed it."

Jessie removed her hands to reach out and place her hands on my shoulder. I scooted closer and put mine on her waist. She leaned in, and kissed me softly. This time, I kissed back with all the love I have for her, not pulling away until she did so.

"I love you so much, Sydney Elizabeth Tenner," Jessie said standing the both of us up.

"I love you more, Jessie."

She smiled then was about to walk up the stairs until I softly tugged on her arm. Jessie came close to me, asking what was wrong. I grinned and leaned down to scoop her in my arms. She squealed as I carried her back to the room.

"Yep, I still got it," I said, going into our room.

A/N: Awe, love is in the air! Well, in the book yeah. Near me? No. XD

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now