Her Own | 14. Perfect Night Gone Wrong

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A/N: This is a random question, but does anybody live in Paris? Because I heard what happened there, and it's really devastating. Plus some other places, too.:( The world is an awful place. Okay, sorry. Imma get on with the story now. X)

P.S. There will be some content in this chapter. Just saying.

Jessie laid in my lap as I fed her chocolate-dipped strawberries by hand. This was the first food craving she's had since she got pregnant. The morning sickness started this morning, so I wake up to a sick Jessie. The perks of having a pregnant wife.

"Syd, I'm gonna get fat," Jessie said, pinching her flat stomach.

"I assure you that you won't get fat. With all the running around you do, the baby will get exercise too," I joked.

"You won't make me sit down?"

"Knowing you, you'll disobey me because you're hard-headed."

"I am, aren't I?"

The slight breeze felt great against my skin, and Jessie sighed. We were sitting outside since she wanted to watch the sunset like the hopeless romantic she is.

"Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?" Jessie asked, hand on her belly.

"A boy," I answered confidently. "And his name will be Francis."

"Francis? Why Francis?"

"Well, my dad's name is to close to...his name, so I decided to give him his middle name, Francis."

"That's a handsome name, but it's gonna be a girl. I can feel it."

"How can you feel it if the baby hasn't even grown legs yet?" I asked, looking down at Jessie.

"Because she is a part of me."

"No, he is a part of you. Trust me, I know these things."

"Whatever." Jessie rolled her eyes.

Soon the sun had set, and I followed Jessie inside. Hazel was up in her room, probably playing with Toby. Lucy slept peacefully at her door. Kirby was in his little closet, snoozing away also.

Jessie closed and locked our door before joining me in the bed. Without saying a word, she started kissing me and touching my body. I didn't know where this sudden affection came from, but I wasn't complaining. Jessie's always been the touchy-feely type, no matter how dominant she is in lots of things.

Her lips travelled down to my neck, where she bit and licked and sucked. Small moans escaped my lips at the action, while I felt Jessie unbuckling my pants. She stuck a hand down them and started rubbing me through my underwear. And as good as it felt, I knew we couldn't continue this.

"Jess...Jess, stop. Hazel's still awake," I said, pushing her off.

But Jessie continued with her hand in my pants. My moans grew louder and I bit into my lip to keep them down.

"Jessie, what if she needs us?" I asked, my hips starting to move on its own accord.

"Shhhh...Just be quiet and she'll think we're sleep."

Her hand slipped inside my underwear, and two fingers easily slid inside of me. A loud moan came from me, and Jessie smirked at me. Her thrusts started out slow, then sped up. The noises coming from my mouth couldn't be stopped. After all the long time of knowing each other, Jessie knew what I liked, so it was hard trying to resist her. She used her free hand to pull my pants and panties down, and then captured my wrists and held them over my head.

A third finger was added, and that's when I lost it. My hips bucked against Jessie's hand and Jessie had to kiss me so my moans weren't so loud. Pleasure flowed through me as Jessie spread her fingers and curled them. More than once I screamed out as she made me feel on too of the world.

Then I screamed in ecstasy as I was on my high, Jessie still pumping into me. My back unarched once it was over, and I saw Jessie's head disappear between my legs. Her tongue licked all around me, cleaning me, when my phone rang.

Jessie fished it out of my pants and handed it to me. Sleepily, I answered my phone. "Hello?"

"Syd! It's your mother."

"Oh. Hi, Mom," I dreamily said.

"Baby, Delilah's in the hospital."

That jolted me awake, and Jessie sat up all the way when she saw me look alarmed. "What?!"

"Sydney, come quick! Delilah's asking for you."

"I'm coming, Mom! I'll be there soon. I'll call you when I get into town."

"Hurry, baby."

I quickly hung up and got dressed, Jessie asking me what happened.

"My sister's in the hospital," I informed, slipping in my shoes.

"Oh my god! I'll go get Hazel."

Jessie slid on her shoes and ran out the room. How could such a perfect night turn so horrible?

A/N #2: Sorry for the short chapter.

Also, I wanted to say thank you to you all still reading and voting. I honestly thought I would lose a bunch you, and I kinda did. But it's okay, as long as I have SOMEBODY reading this. XD Anyways, thanks, and you're the best.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now