My Lover: Summary/Chapter 1

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Okay, so here's the sequel you all wanted soooo badly!!! First the summary, and then the first chapter.

After four years of not seeing Jessie, what Sydney originally planned was not happening. She wasn't dumping Stephen and running away with Jessie, but for a good reason. What she hoped was that everything would be started where it left off, but now that she's not showing Jess any affection, it's as if a completely different person took over their bodies.

Will they ever be able to resume their love from years ago?



My mind was on Jessie that night. All I could think about was her. What she looked like when I told her I was pregnant by Stephen. She looked shocked, confused, angry, and sad all at once. I wish I could tell her it wasn't true, that it was just a joke. But I would never lie to Jessie.

"Do you love him?" She had asked me, grasping my hands, not daring to believe it.

But I couldn't bring myself to respond.

"Do you love me?"

"...I thought you were dead," I truthfully answered, starting to tear up.

Then she had let go of my hands and stared at me in shock, that would think of such a thing. And now I'm ashamed of it. The woman I had fallen in love with was heartbroken that I've thought such a thing. I'm horrible.

And as I lay next to Stephen, I realize I am a horrible person. When I saw her, I was supposed to run into her arms, kiss her, and beg her to rescue me and take me away from him. But, now I can't. Especially not after what Stephen whispered in my ear as we walked away. I can't bear to think of Jessie like that.

But, I needed to see her again, to breathe in her scent, to tell her I love her.

Stephen snored heavily beside me, and I slipped out of bed. Lying here thinking about this wasn't doing me any good. After re-dressing myself, I grabbed the bag Jessie bought me, as if Stephen would wake up to find me gone then take his anger out on the bag. Which, no doubt, I believe he would.

Lucy whined when she saw me, and I quickly clipped her to a leash after bringing her out the cage. Can't have her telling Stephen where I've gone. As I walked Lucy, there was one question I kept thinking of.

How did she get out six years earlier?

Somebody must've bailed her out. But, who? I doubt her parents even knew about her being in jail. If I had the money, I would. I would rob a bank to get her out. Katy isn't incredibly wealthy, and she has a boyfriend to look after.

My mindless walk ended up in front of her house. It sat dark, with a car in the driveway. wouldn't hurt to surprise her. But, wouldn't that be trespassing?

I extracted the key from my pocket. I've always carried that key everywhere I went. But, I have her key. It was the extra key that she would have hidden, but after finding it in the middle of the lawn, I thought it would be best to keep with me.

Lucy walked circles around my legs, and I stepped out of the leash. Toby wouldn't take a dog too nicely, I don't think. But, she's small enough to could hide her in my jacket. So, that's exactly what I did.

Hesitantly, I put the key in the door. Maybe I shouldn't do this. But I just want to see her one last time. Using this as my motivation, I unlocked the door quietly and stepped inside.

"Jess?" I whispered.

No answer.

"Jess!" I called.


She's probably sleep. I closed the door slowly, then proceeded into the house farther. There was no noise except when Lucy would wiggle in my jacket. When I saw a pair of yellow eyes, I immediately knew it was Toby.

"Hey, Toby!" I whispered, scratching behind his ear. He mewled, then hissed at my jacket. Lucy kept trying to poke her head out, so I moved away from the cat and the stairs. Slowly, I crawled up them, making sure I made no noise.

Her room was near, I could smell vanilla in there. I sound like a complete stalker, but I do not care anymore.

As I stepped in the open room, I gazed around to see Jessie sound asleep in her bed. My heart melted when I saw the note I wrote her clutched in her fist, as if she dozed off while reading it. I cautiously stepped closer to her, so I could take in her features. She truly looks like an angel when she's asleep. How I wish I could lay down with her, and hug her to my heart's content.

But I only leaned down so my mouth was only centimeters away from her ear, and whispered, "Happy Birthday." Then I gave her a lingering kiss on her cheek before quietly walking out again.

Despite not being with her for that long amount of time, I still remembered her birthday, and I'm sure I would remember it always. Her birthday, the day she got out.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now