My Lover | 9. Last Try PART TWO

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...Jessie slowly leaned in towards me, and I reciprocated it. Our eyes closed the closer we got, until I felt them. Her warm, soft lips against mine. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered rapidly as I held her waist tighter. The feeling was familiar, and I've missed it. My body felt giddy as her hands held my face.

The kiss grew more passionate, and I felt my body alight. It reminded me of old times, how we used to be. She slid a hand down my body and it came to a rest on my belly.

Finally, we pulled away, but only a few inches. My eyes stared into her green ones lovingly. She started to rub my flat belly.

"When is it?" She asked me, glancing down at her hand.

"Two-thirty," I responded.

"Good. I'll be dressed and ready to drive you."

"Are you sure? You don't have to--"

Her lips cut me off, and I happily kissed her back. This was just like it used to be, and I  can't wait until we're back on track.

"I'm going," Jessie insisted.

"So, what does this mean?" I quietly asked, my heart racing for the answer. Please tell me that she wasn't oblivious to my actions.

"Can we try? Again?" Jessie asked, her hand that wasn't on my belly went to one of my hands on my waist. We entangled our fingers together, a smile appearing on my face.

"Yes, please," I answered her.

"Really?" Jessie questioned, an unbelievable look on her face.

I nodded excitedly, and kissed her again. Finally, this was where I wanted to be. Living my life happily, Jessie on my side, with possibly a baby boy or girl in the future. And the fact that Jessie makes it obvious that she wants a baby also is beyond cute. We'll have the family we've always dreamed of.

A/N: Happy now?!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now