My Lover | 31. Yes

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When we got back home, I told Hazel to distract Jessie by asking to go to see her new grandma. Hazel agreed, and ran up the stairs shouting for Jessie.

Since I got the ring, today's the day. The day I'll finally propose to Jessie, tell her all the feelings I've had about her, and make her realize how much I love her. I slipped the jewelry box into my coat pocket and made my way upstairs. I've planned on making dinner for the two of us, but I don't want her to know.

"Hey, baby," I grinned to Jessie, who was stretching. She smiled at me and held her arms out.

I walked into her arms and kissed her. "Have a good nap?"


"Did Hazel see you naked?"

"No. I was under the blanket."

"Good. Can you take her to my mom's?"

"Sure. Aren't you coming?"

"No, I have things to do at the studio. I'll call her and tell her you're coming."

I whipped my phone out of my other pocket and dialed my mom's number. She picked up after the first ring with a cheery hello.

"Hey, Mom! Is it okay if Jessie comes and see you with Hazel?" I asked.

"Of course it's okay! I haven't seen Jessie in forever, and I want to see my little granddaughter."

Jessie smiled and motioned she was going away, then went to the bathroom.

"Jessie's gone now, isn't she?" Mom asked me.

"How did you know?" I asked, walking out of the room.

"It's you, Sydney. And you do weird things around Jessie. So, why are they really coming to see me?"

"Because...I'm proposing to Jessie."

"It's about time, honey! I thought you two were going to die still being girlfriends! I'm happy for you, Syd! As a matter of fact, I'll drive up there and take Hazel for a while, and you can call me when you're done with everything."

I smiled to myself. I had the best mom in the world. "Okay, Mom. Love you.

"I love you, too."


After I hung up with Mom, I quickly changed into my deep purple dress. My hair was already curled, with a headband to finish it off. Just the thought of seeing Jessie gave me shivers down my spine.

After about ten minutes, I heard the front door open, and I hurried to meet Jessie. She gasped as soon as she saw me and took in every thing I had to show. A small smile took its place on my face as I greeted her with a kiss.

"You look beautiful, baby," Jessie complimented, her hands a little low on my waist.

"Thank you. I have a surprise."

"Is the surprise what I'm smelling now?" Jessie grinned mischeviously at me.

I nodded and led her into the dining room, where the food was already set. I remember the last time we had a romantic dinner together. Jessie had asked me to be her girlfriend the last time.

"Baby, it's beautiful! You are too sweet, baby!" Jessie kissed my cheek.

Dinner was filled with compliments from Jessie and stories of what she did with my mom and Hazel. They'll be coming back in two hours, like I asked my mom. So, I can't wait forever.

"Jessie," I said, gripping the velvet box in my lap. It's now or never.

My currently girlfriend gazed up at me. "Yes?"

"Jessie, you have been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me, how much I cherish you. You're the sun in my miserable life. You've never doubted me. You did unthinkable things for me, and I want to repay you for whatever. If you hadn't been in my life, I would be in ruins. You're my everything, and I love the fact that you're still here after everything I caused you. We've adopted a kid, and I want to have many more, that look just like you. With those breath-taking green eyes, and that beautiful smile, and that laugh that can light up my world. I love you with every cell in my body. I'm in love with you, Jessie. And I just wanted to ask..."

I got out of my seat, holding Jessie's warm gaze. Her eyes started to water as I got down on one knee in front of her. She covered her mouth when I opened the box to produce her ring.

"Jessica, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes! Yes, baby! I love you so much!"

Jessie pulled me into a hug and a passionate kiss. Her eyes sparkled as I slid the ring on her finger. It looked so beautiful and right on her finger. She gave me a tearful smile.

"You've given me what I always wanted. A commitment."

"I love you, Jessie. There's no way you can get rid of me that easily."

Jessie held my waist, and I sighed, knowing I was going to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman.

A/N: Well, that's the end! Sorry, but I just had to end it here.

Who wants a third book?

P.S. My phone's messing up, so I may not update on a regular basis anymore.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now