My Lover | 4. Memories

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Throughout the day, my mind was stuck on Jessie. And, also, my aching hand. But mostly on Jessie. Seeing her run away from me both times had upset me, but I was more curious as to why she runs away. Both times we had stared at each other like star-crossed lovers, and then she panicked and fled. Was she afraid of loving me?

That night, I was determined to find out. Quietly, I slipped out of Stephen's grip, and hurried to dress. Then I scribbled a note in case he woke up, and I rushed out the room and house, taking Lucy once again.

I started to think about random things, that all ended up to the woman I was about to see. On my way there, I passed a floating newspaper article in the street, and the memories came back.

Of course everybody knew about Jessie and I. They did a story on it just weeks after she was put in prison. Many people recognized me easily, because of my red hair. They kept asking me what I was thinking, if I was being a rebel, or if she seduced me. By the information my parents gave, they made her out to be some sort of child rapist. But, obviously, I love her, and they assumed I was in denial. That she brainwashed me to think that. Idiots.

After knocking on the door, Jessie appeared from behind it. She smiled at me, before looking down t the ground.

"Aww, a puppy! Is she yours?" Jessie asked, scratching Lucy.

"Yeah, she's Lucy. Um, where's Toby?" I asked. I didn't want Toby running around and knocking everything down because he saw Lucy. And I don't want Lucy to go chase after him.

Jessie stood up quickly. "Hold on, I'll go put him up!"

She ran back in the house, and I could hear her coax Toby into her arms. A few moments later, she invited me in, and we sat on the same couch as yesterday. Lucy was in love with Jessie, because her body wiggled as her tail shook hard and fast while she was being rubbed and adored by the beautiful woman. I didn't blame her.

"You ate dinner yet?" Jessie questioned, looking up at me.

"I'm not hungry," I admitted.

Her face immediately fell. Saying someone hasn't ate was like saying someone died to Jessie. "Babe, you need to eat. It's not healthy."

"I'm not hungry, it's alright."

"Please eat?"

"Jessie, I'm fine. Okay?"

Jessie opened her mouth to protest, but then she slowly closed it.

Soon, the conversation started to flow easily. It almost felt like old times again, except without the romance part. She talked about her time in prison as if she just went to a bad part of town. It made me feel terrible, because I was the one who put her there. Unintentionally.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to her.

"Don't be," she softly smiled, hesitating before placing a hand in my shoulder.

"But...if you never talked to me--"

"Sydney, stop." She said it so firmly to me, I resisted the urge to bite my lip.

But, I still couldn't help but say it was still my fault. I introduced her to my parents. If it wasn't for that, they wouldn't have known about her. And all because of that, we're distant, as if we just met each other. No matter how much I desperately wanted to kiss her, I had to refrain from it, unless I wanted to scare her. And the fact that I still loved her didn't help at all.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I had my first performance as a colorguard member and yeah...Got back at 11. So here you go!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now