16. Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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                                The next day, Delilah kept bugging me about coming home, and Suzy kept giving me these looks. What was her problem? And that wasn't all. I saw Suzy stop Jessie in the hallway once while I was on my way to fourth period, which was Parenting & Child Development. I would've went over and said something, but Jessie would have told me.

And at Olive Garden, Rachel shot me daggers each time she saw me. What was up with her too?

Rhonda said it was probably cramps, but she didn't look constipated.

"Rachel's just weird. I'm surprised she hasn't been fired," Rhonda muttered to me.

"I know. But she must be a good employee," I responded.

"Well, how is it with Jessie?" She asked, cleaning a table.

A smile approached my face. "Oh, everything's wonderful. I couldn't be happier."

"But," Rhonda continued for me.

Sighing, I said, "But Delilah keeps pestering me to come home. And I saw Suzy talking to Jess in the hallway while I was going to fourth. I really wanted to g over there and see what was going on."

"Oh, honey, I'm sure Jessie will talk to you. She cares for you, I can tell. And I still want to meet her, if it's alright with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

When Jessie picked me up that night, she wore a beautiful dress and looked astounding. Her hair was straightened and pulled into a ponytail. The dress really brought out her eyes.

"You're so beautiful," I gasped absentmindedly.

"Oh, thank you, babe." Jessie smiled back at me. And I couldn't help but lean over to kiss her.

"I have a surprise for you," Jessie said as she started driving.

"Really? What is it?"

"A surprise," Jessie smirked.

We got to the house, and Jessie covered my eyes with her hand as she led me inside. Something smelled good, and I knew she had to have cooked something.


Jessie uncovered my eyes and I gasped quietly. She cooked a huge meal of the things I loved. The dining room was dimmed down, with candles lit up on the table. I looked over to see her biting her lip, gazing at me. My heart swelled at the gesture. How did I deserve her?

"Jess, it's beautiful. Why?" I asked, going over to examine everything.

"I felt bad for yesterday. So I wanted to make up for it. And ask you a very important question."

We sat down on opposite sides of the table, and all I could do was stare at this perfect woman in front of me. I hope she's not leaving me. She can't leave me. We've been doing great so far.

"Jessie?" I spoke up.

"Yes?" Jessie looked up at me in concern.

"Why was Suzy talking to you? Was she being mean? Did she threaten you?"

I was still hung up about what happened between them two. I couldn't bear knowing if she threatened Jessie with something.

Jessie put down her fork and looked into my eyes. Hers sparkled from the candles. "Sydney, it's nothing to worry about really--"

"Yes it is. I want to know what she said."

"Syd, she only asked about me and you. It's nothing, like I said. I only told her I was your cousin. But I don't think she believed me."

I waved my hand. "Suzy doesn't need to know anything. She's hated me for a while."

"I don't know why, though. You're so beautiful and charming and you could probably beat up fifty grown men."

"Oh, stop it!" I swatted my hand and blushed.

After dinner, I helped clean, as much as Jessie didn't want me to. All we had to do was put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then we sat on the couch, and just looked at each other.

Jessie took my hand in hers. "Sydney, I want to ask you something..."

Our gazes never faltered from each other. I felt my heart skip a beat, afraid of what she would ask me.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

I broke into a smile and pulled her into a hug. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Jessie!"

"Oh my gosh, thank you! I was so scared to ask you, Syd." Jessie smiled at me too.

Now, I'm officially Jessie's girlfriend. Now I can tell Rhonda and my parents that she's my actual girlfriend. I didn't know what else to say, so I just kissed her.

We were interrupted by banging at the door. Jessie hopped up and hurried to get it, lifting her dress up. I followed behind, curious to see who it was. Katy ran in and slammed the door closed, sporting bright pink hair that we put into a ponytail.

"Katy, what are you doing here?" Jessie asked.

"She's back, Jessie," Katy panted, looking as if she just ran a mile.

I was confused. Who was back? But Jessie only shook her head and covered her mouth.

"Who's back?" I asked.

Katy looked at Jessie, who gave a short nod. "Rachel, Jessie's ex-girlfriend."

A/N: I don't feel like making an edit right now. /-\ I'm so lazy. So, how is this so far???

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now