My Lover | 8. Your Highness, The Idiot

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"'Bye, honey!" I called out to Stephen happily as he put his bags in a van.

Stephen waved, then climbed in, and I swore I saw a half-naked girl grabbing at his shirt before he closed the door. But at that moment, I didn't care. In 12 hours, Jessie was coming to pick me up and take me to her home--no, to take me home. Nothing could possibly ruin my day!

Everywhere I went, people stared at me because of how cheerful I was. I'm used to being sad and moody most of the time, and now they can't tell what's up with me. Today, I was meeting up with my sister to catch her up on everything.

"Whoa, you're too happy," Delilah commented. "Are you doing drugs?"

"No! I'm just really happy today."

"Yeah, which isn't usual."

I explained to her what was going on with Jessie and I. She could barely contain a smile herself.

"That's great, Syd! Then you could fix the love you've lost by staying up allllll night--"

"Dee, don't even go there," I said. "Remember, she freaked out when she kissed me."

"But, she still has feelings! That's got to count for something!"

"I know, but I'll just need to keep it steady for now."

"'KEEP IT STEADY'?! You've already 'kept it steady' before you even got together! And now you're saying you'll have to 'keep it steady' again because she is too scared to love you? No, I bet you, if you give her the best night of her life, she'll remember everything and won't hold back on what happened before she was sent away!"

"Dee." I shook my head. She didn't have a way with words, but I'm not going to listen to them. "I'm keepin' it steady. Slow and steady is the key."

"Fine. But don't come crying to me when it takes forever to get you some. Because you wanted to take it 'slow and steady', Your Highness, The Idiot."

"Oh, shut up!" I knocked her off the sidewalk, then ran so she wouldn't do the same to me.


Her horn honked outside, and I opened the door to see her getting out. A cute little smile was perched on her face while she came over to help me.

"Ready?" Jessie asked, holding Lucy's leash, while I held Kirby's "Go-Away" Cage.

"More than ever," I answered.

We put my pets in the backseat of her car, and then we headed to her home. She started talking about how she wondered if Lucy and Toby would get along. Originally, it was supposed to be just a one-night thing. But then Jessie had the wild idea of me staying the whole week. Uncharacteristically, I argued saying that I shouldn't stay. Two women under the same roof, who had strong feelings for each other, together for a whole week? Things are bound to slip, and I didn't want to go home in tears.

But, it's Jessie. How can you say 'no' to Jess? It's simple. You can't. No matter the question, it's hard to resist her.

"We're here!" Jessie stated cheerfully. She hopped out, Lucy zooming out right behind her. Lucy walked around the yard, probably finding a place to do her business.

Jessie and I carried all my things inside as Lucy explored Jessie's giant yard. One everything was inside, I wrapped Lucy's leash around my hand and slowly lead her inside, which was hard because she strained against me. Toby sat on the couch, staring at Lucy. As soon as Lucy saw him, she drug me to him. To mine and Jessie's surprise, he stayed there, and he even head-butted Lucy playfully.

"Wow. I thought he would hate her," Jessie admitted, and I agree. But, I don't think Kirby would like him too much.

I unclipped Lucy so she could roam to wherever, then I followed Jessie to her room, where Kirby was camping at for the week. We slipped inside, and Kirby hopped around on the bed.

"He's sooo cute," Jessie whispered, reaching out to pet him.

Kirby jumped away out of fright, but I successfully caught him and held him firmly against me. Jessie giggled as she stroked his long ears, then scratched under his chin, and I felt him relax against me.

"I can always trust you to give cute names to stuff," Jessie commented after I let Kirby go.

"Like Dr. Ted?" I questioned, referring to the giant teddy bear in one of my bags.

"Yes! Prime example! So, what about the baby? Any names?"

It amazes me how Jessie's talking about the baby as if it were ours. I wish it was ours, though.

"No. But, why are you so keen on naming him or her?"

"Because, I'm obviously going to be there for him or her. I want a name to suit them." Jessie smiled softly at me. Then her gaze rested down at my belly.

"You know, stress isn't good for him or her," she continued, her hand reaching out and resting on my tummy. "It'll only hurt you and them."

I placed my hand on top of hers'. "I know. But it's hard to get away from it all."

"At least you have a week to be stress-free! And I'll make sure of that!" She had that determined look upon her face again.

"I have n appointment tomorrow," I blurted out to her.

"Well, I'll go with you. I-if that's fine with you?" Jessie blushed lightly.

I told her it was fine. We were just going to the doctor's. I just hoped nobody would notice us together, even thought it's died down. But if someone reports this, my life is as good as over, because Stephen will kill me.

"Would you let me help you?" She murmured.

"Of course," I found myself replying.

Jessie's great with kids, according to herself. She used to babysit her nieces and nephews all the time, including some from her old neighborhood. Jessie never lies, so I believe her. I can just a mini me running while Jessie chased him or her around.

"And what about Stephen?" Jessie questioned. "He won't be around them, will he?"

"It just depends on what happens to me before they're born."

It was an open door to let her take over my life, and to get us back on track to how we were. I'm more than ready for us to resume our lives. Jessie's just the one not ready to take that big leap yet. If only she'd realize what's going on.

We talked more about the baby until I yawned. It's been tiring today with all the deliveries, and just being in her home makes me comfortable. As I nodded off, I felt Jessie take off my jacket and pants so I could be more comfortable. Then she pushed my body under the covers and kissed my forehead. Just when she was about to leave, I grabbed her wrist.

"Sleep with me," I muttered sleepily, my grip on her firm.

A/N: ...Hi! I just wanted to say, I appreciate every vote, comment, and read I get. And, you know, "Sharing is Caring"! So, I love you guys, and I hope you love me back. OVER a thousand words, my first time since the sequel, and I'm super tired, so you better send me virtual cookies and crap. Okay, byeeee!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now