Her Own | 13. An Old Enemy

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A/N: I'm sorry about the crap chapter last night. I just wanted to update, and not leave you hanging. I promise tonight's will be better. ❤️

"Jessie?" I called as I entered the house.

Hazel skipped in front of me, holding a bag a candy I bought for her. We went to multiple stores today, and I even got some stress relief things for Jessie when the time comes. I got candles, scented lotion, body wash, soap, and other things that will calm her when she gets frustrated.

"Baby? Where are you?" I shouted, bringing some bags upstairs after depositing the rest in the kitchen.

The room was empty, but our bathroom's light was on. I dropped the bags on the bed and went to the bathroom. Much like other nights, a body slammed into mine, forcing me to support it, while black curls covered my face. I heard sniffling that came from her as she cried.

"Jessie, what happened?" I asked, rubbing her back.

She said something, but I couldn't decipher it.

"Did you take the test?" I questioned, referring to the pregnancy tests. The box sat on the edge of the sink, and I noticed all the pregnancy tests on the floor, but I couldn't see the results.

Jessie nodded.

"We're they all negative?"

She shook her head.


She nodded.

"You're pregnant?!"

Again, she nodded and pulled away to look at me.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm happy, Syd! I'll finally be a mom to a child from myself!" Jessie wiped her eyes and smiled.

"I'm so happy for you, too," I said, kissing her.

Jessie beamed at me as I carried her to the bed and sat her down on it. She noticed the bags and asked what they were.

"Just some things for when you get stressed or hormonal," I replied, going over to the other side with the bags.

"These things are eucalyptus-scented things to help you. Like lotion, soap, body wash, and some stuff you can spray on your surroundings. I heard it helps a lot."

"From who? Katy?"

I nodded shyly.

"She's told me about that stuff. Thank you, baby. You're amazing."

"I'll give you the world if you want."

Jessie smiled at me as I went to put the things in our bathroom and pick up all the pregnancy sticks. All but one said positive, and I worried that this one might just tell the truth. But I shook it from my mind and threw them away before going back to Jessie.

"I had a dream last night," I started as I laid on the bed with my wife.

"Really? What was it about?"

"Us. In the future. With kids. And Hazel was getting ready for her first date with a guy, and the children were fighting over a remote. And Lucy was old. Jessie, I loved it all. And we lived in the countryside. We have to move there!"

"I promise you, we will move there after the baby gets here. The house will be too small."

"Yeah, with all the things you're going to buy them. Jessie, remember about not spoiling them?"

Jessie nodded. "Yeah, but they deserve some nice things, right?"

"Yeah. Only some. Not hundreds."

Jessie sulked but nodded.

"Great. Now that I'm understood, let's go eat!"

"You bought food home?" Jessie asked, standing up.

"Yep. Chinese. Now come on."


The next day, I went shopping with Jessie and Hazel. Jessie was picking just the healthiest things, more healthier than when we got Hazel.

"Jessie, I am not eating plain Cheerios. They have no honey or anything!" I said.

"But they're healthy!"

"I'm not eating them."

Jessie gave me a look and I sighed heavily before putting them in the cart. She just has to have me wrapped around her finger. And I admit that too.

"Can we get poptarts?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, but only the I frosted ones."

Hazel ran off to pick her flavor of poptarts, and I was left alone with this health-crazed woman.

"Baby, you don't want the baby to hate you by overloading with healthy things, do you?" I asked.

"He or she will love me for getting them so strong," Jessie insisted.

"You wish. They'll be as skinny as a stick if you put them in a vegan diet. They'll turn green when they pop out of you!" I giggled.

"Ha. Ha. Funny, Syd. Very funny."


Jessie and I looked directly in front of us to see somebody I thought I'd never see. Suzy Roundtree. In front of us with some guy who was attractive.


She smiled at me, with her dark hair pulled into a ponytail. "Hey! Long time no see!"

"Yeah. Same to you."

She turned to Jessie. "Jessie! I haven't seen you in a long time, either! Aren't you supposed to still be in jail?"

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere that not here?" I shot back.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to sound so rude. Oh! Is this your child?"

Hazel was staring at Suzy as she put her box in the cart. Jessie whispered to her something about it not being polite to stare.

"Yeah. Look, what are you doing up here?" I asked.

"I met my boyfriend up here, and we're getting married. You know, since I had a baby with him."

I rolled my eyes. "I see you haven't changed a bit. Still a bïtch as always."

"Syd!" Jessie hissed.

Suzy scrunched up her face and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Anyways, I have to hurry up and get back to my baby. Ciao."

Suzy and her boyfriend walked the way they came from, and I exhaled a breath I didn't know what I was holding.

"Don't let her get to you, baby," Jessie said, coming and giving me a kiss. "We have a perfect family right here. She's just trying to get to you."

"I know. But I don't like her still. After all these years."

"Syd, you're better than her. You've got a beautiful daughter, a one-of-a-kind wife, and a baby in the way. She wishes to be in your position. Remember that."

"Okay. Now, we aren't getting goat milk for our cereal."

"Aw, come on!"

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now