My Lover | 3. The Oven

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Instead of staying there or looking for Jessie, I left her house. She really hurt my feelings. So, I went home and told Delilah everything. But even though I was sad, I couldn't help but replaying that perfect moment over and over. Years have passed since we last kissed. And she still gave me butterflies.

"She didn't want to ruin your marriage," Delilah insisted.

"But...maybe I wanted her to ruin it!" I said, putting meatloaf into the oven.

"Go back over there and talk to her! You must know why she ran!"

I shook my head at my sister. "It's too late. And I'm making dinner."

"Oh...then tomorrow, go over there and MAKE HER LOVE YOU!"


"You're not really helping here, Syd."

"Sorry! But I'm being reasonable."

We talked a bit longer and I had to hang up so I could concentrate on this dinner and not burn it. A faint smile appeared on my face. I was failing at cooking, so Jessie would teach me a few things while she cooked. She really is an angel.

My phone rung, and I saw Jessie's number pop up. My heart leaped into my chest, and I hesitantly answered. "Hello?"

"I'm really sorry, Syd! I hope I didn't ruin anything between us! I wasn't thinking, an-and I forgot about you and...I'm really sorry, Sydney."

I giggled. She was still cute. "Don't worry about it."

"So...maybe you could come over tomorrow? Start over?"

I bit my bottom lip and swore as the hot spoon burned my arm.

"Syd! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Nothing. Just...burned my hand. I'm so clumsy."

As I picked up the spoon, I heard the front door being opened. My heart sped up. He can't know I'm talking to Jessie.

"I'm gonna have to call you back," I said, quieter.

"Why are you whispering?" Jessie asked.

"NoreasonpleaseI'lltalktoyoulater, 'bye!"

I quickly hung up and Stephen asked who it was. My palms started to sweat as his footsteps grew nearer. I tossed the spoon into the sink and opened the oven to check on the food.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"N-nobody," I stuttered, feeling myself shake.

"Who. Was. It?" He asked firmly, and I wanted to cry.

I said nothing, which was a huge mistake. The next moment, I felt my hair being pulled, and I was facing Stephen's furious face.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!!! WHO WAS IT?!" He roared, and I started to cry.

"It was Jessie,"I sobbed.

"Didn't I tell you to not talk to her again, or else?!"

"Yes, yes! I'm sorry, and I won't do it again! Please don't hurt her, please!" I begged.

Stephen glared at me before releasing my hair. I silently cried, rubbing the back of my head, and I turned back to the oven.

"Oh, and one more thing."

I felt him push me forward, and my hand came in contact with the hot oven rack inside. A scream flew out my mouth as I held my injured hand.

"Don't lie to me again," he threatened, his footsteps growing quieter.

Holding my hand, I ran it under cold water. It burned so bad, and I just wanted to run out the house and go to Jessie's. But I can't let her know what's going on. I can't let anybody know. Stephen would probably kill me if I let a word slip out about his abusive behavior. So, I quietly nursed my hand, carefully wrapping it up. Then I proceeded in making his plate for dinner. This hasn't been the first time.


After school the next day, I decided to stop by the grocery store for milk since we were almost out. I had to drive with my wrist from my hand still injured and throbbing.

Shortly after walking into the store, I located the milk and picked up a gallon of it. As I made my way to a cashier, with my eyes casted to the ground, someone walked into me, hitting my hurt hand. I said a few words before looking at who I collided with.

"Sydney! I am so sorry! What happened to your hand?" Jessie reached for my burnt hand, and I yanked it away from her.

"It's nothing."

"Oh." She obviously wasn't convinced. "So, what happened last night? It was as if you didn't want to talk to me."

To be completely honest, I thought she wouldn't want to talk to me.

"Why wouldn't I?"

I said that out loud?!? "Erm, I--uh..."

"Can I see you tonight?" A small smile appeared on her face.

As much as I wanted to see her, I knew I couldn't risk seeing her again and getting caught. But before I could tell her, my mouth started talking on its own.

"Maybe late tonight."

Her smile grew, and she bent down to pick up my fallen milk. "That would be wonderful," she agreed, handing me the item.

Then we stood there gazing at each other unintentionally. I wanted to ask her why she ran last night, and if it was because of the fact that she didn't love me anymore. But looking into her green eyes made me tongue-tied. I couldn't say anything, all I could do was remember what we had before all the chaos.

Jessie's eyes widened in horror, and she ran away in the opposite direction. Sighing, I proceeded to the nearest check-out line.

A/N: Poor Sydney. Anyways, cover's in the first chapter, and an edit is in the second one. Cover may change, and yadda yadda. How you like this so far? Do yah love meee? I love feedback. X3 You don't have to answer the last one. XD

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now