Her Own | 21. A Ruined Couch

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A/N: The next part will be explicit, and if you're not comfortable with that, skip on until you see the ~'s, and proceed.

My eyes opened to see Jessie peacefully sleeping on top of me. She was also naked along with me, and somehow, a blanket was draped over the two of us. Last night was amazing, one of the best I've had in a long while. I'm gonna tell you the truth, we didn't make love all night long. At first we did, but soon it got faster and rougher, and it was just rough sex. I've never done that before, until last night, but I really liked it.

I stroked her hair, running my fingers through the curls. Just thinking about last night has me shivering. My legs are sore, and in between them is throbbing right now. Probably because of Jessie's body laying on it, since my legs are spread wide open.

Just as I was about to get up, Jessie opened her eyes and yawned cutely. She looked around before seeing me. Her hair looked messier than I thought, so mine must be a complete nightmare. Jessie giggled, then finger-combed my hair back, as if reading my thoughts. But I never do it to Jessie. She looks sexy with it, always.

"Morning, babe," she said in her morning voice.

"Good morning," I responded, learning down to kiss her softly.

Jessie quickly turned it into a heated kiss, with her hands roaming my naked body. She pushed the covers away from our bodies, causing me to sigh because of how hot my body was getting. Her mouth quickly dropped to my breästs, where she kissed and licked and sucked. Soon, my moans started up, and Jessie focused on my center. Her hand massaged it in circles, and my hips bucked against her hand.

"Jess, please," I whimpered.

She didn't listen, and did it more. I whined and moaned and begged for Jessie to do more. Of course she slowed down to tease me even more. A frustrated moan came from me, and I pushed her hand away so I could plunge two of my fingers inside of myself.

Jessie gasped, and she stared at me with hungry eyes as I pleaded myself. Then she growled and pushed my hand away, positioning her center in front of mine. A loud moan came from me when she pushed herself in me. She instantly began to move, and I grinded my hips back on her.

The sound of our wetness against each other filled the room along with our moans. The feeling was sensational and I didn't want it to stop, all the while, Jessie was saying dirty things to me, making my moans louder. She has such a dirty mouth when it comes down to things like this.

"Please don't stop," I moaned, breathlessly.

Jessie went faster, shaking the whole couch. My nails dug into her back as my released near. I knew my wife could sense it, because she stuck her hand in between us and started to rub me faster. Between that, her gyrating hips, and her foul mouth, I was on the edge. My breathing grew shallow, my legs shook uncontrollably, and my mouth wouldn't close and shut up. Somehow, my eyes had shut, and I opened them up to see Jessie's green ones, darkened with pure lust. And that's what sent me over the edge...


"...Alright, you lovebirds. Get on up!"

My eyes snapped open at the sound of Katy's voice, and I saw her in the living room, coming in with a suitcases. Seeing as we had no clothes on, I screamed, which woke Jessie up also. We covered our bodies up with each other, while Katy crossed her arms at us.


Katy narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't scream at me, Sydney. I can beat your åss if I have to."

"But, why are you here? With a suitcase?"

"Because, I am your marriage counselor, and I am here to help you. I'm going to be living with you for a while in order to help you and Jessie get through this pregnancy."

Jessie pinched the bridge of her nose while she shook her head. I leaned over and whispered, "Your friend's an idiot."

"Heard that. And besides, you're the one who brought me here. After being so mad about what happened between Jessie and Mike, I've decided to research more about marriage and pregnancy."

Jessie glared at me, while I sat there speechless. "Why did you call Katy?" She asked angrily.

"Because you were being unreasonable. I didn't want to get into a fight with you!" I defended.

"We were already in a fight!"

"Oh really?! You can that a fight?! I only thought it was a mere argument--"

"AND THAT...is why you need me," Katy ended nicely. "Now, go shower and put on some clothes while I look for another couch to replace the one you ruined."

A/N: Short chapter, but yeah. Anyways, I need you guys' help! I was thinking of a new story, and I wanted a list of musicians that you like. There's no specific number, and if you want any of them to be a main character or any preferences, include that too. Or ignore this, because I know most of you will. :,(

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now