28. Presents

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"What's on your to-do list for when you get out?" I asked, tracing the circle in the middle of the glass with my index finger.

I've been visiting Jess two or three times a week for a whole month so far, and I don't think my parents noticed. Delilah doesn't mind taking me there, because she knows it's the only thing making me happy. If they knew, they would force me to stop. But as long as Delilah made up good lies, I could probably do this for the whole ten years!

"Hug my baby," Jessie responded.


"I meant Toby."

I frowned as Jessie laughed. "I'm just kidding, baby. I'll give you the biggest hug. What do you want to do when I get out?"

I shrugged before looking around for ideas, when a girl passed by with a cupcake decorated bookbag. It gave me an idea, and I pointed to that and looked back at Jessie.


"You want...a bookbag?" Jessie asked uncertainly.

"No, well yeah. But I've always wanted one like that since I was young. My dad thought it was too girlish and never did buy me it."

"You know, you have the weirdest wishes," Jessie giggled.

"But, it's getting close to Thanksgiving," she continued.

"And? Want me to sneak you a turkey leg in here?" I joked.

"No! But...your present. I was going to save it for Christmas, but he'd be already dead. Look in the extra room, baby. I hope you like it."

"I have one for you, too," I smiled, reaching into my pocket.

I left the box at home because it would be too big. Checking to see if any guards were watching, I slipped the necklace in the hole, and Jessie caught it. I watched as she started to tear up, and her glossy, green eyes gazed at me.

"Syd...you didn't have to--"

"I wanted to. It took a lot of money from my savings, but it was worth it. For my favorite girl."

It was a necklace that has her birthstone on it, aquamarine, in a heart shape, and it has the date we first met engraved around the silver lining. The first day of school.

"It's beautiful," Jessie gasped. "Thank you so much, Syd! It's honestly the best present I've ever got. I can't wait to get out so I can thank you properly!"

"There's no need to. Just seeing you happy is enough."


A bunny. Jessie got me a bunny. I remember telling her I used to beg my parents for one. But they never saw the use in one.

It's hard to not say it, but I think I'm in love with her. It may just be the emotions talking, but I can't believe she does so many things to make me happy.

Mom and Dad found out about me sneaking out to see Jessie. Mom seemed to not care, but Dad made sure I wouldn't see her again. I couldn't go anywhere unless Stephen was with me. I told Delilah to tell Jessie what happened, and that I was really sorry.

Katy and I have gotten closer as friends, and I quit my job at Olive Garden. Knowing Rachel was still working there, I couldn't do it. I called Rhonda and explained the whole situation to her, which she understood.

"I am sorry, baby. I knew how happy Jessie made you."

"Yeah, I'm miserable," I admitted.

"Maybe if Rachel was fired--"

"No, she would know where I worked and would terrorize me. It's okay, Rhonda. But thank you."

"Maybe I can go to one of your competitions? I would love to see you perform!"

"Okay! It's next Saturday, at eight."

After that cheerful phone call, I held the bunny Jessie got me. His name's Kirby, because his ears are the color of the character. And I think it's cute.


Stephen stood at the door in a tuxedo. I was wearing a cocktail dress. He made dinner reservations for us.

"Come on, time to go!"

Delilah pushed past him. She hates him so much now, and does everything she can to make him know that.

"I've got Kirbs," Dee said, taking the bunny away from me.

"Thanks, Dee. We'll be back in an hour. There's cabbage in the fridge."

Then I stood and reluctantly followed Stephen. He didn't care that my heart hurt. He wanted me.

Remember that girlfriend he had? He dumped her because he actually had feelings for me. I wish he hadn't done that. I will never like him. Especially when he was relieved that "his girlfriend wasn't a lesbian".

But I'll dump him once Jessie gets out. And that's a promise.

A/N: Next chapter is the last one, people!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now