Her Own | 10. A Thoughtful Visit

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"Jessie's being really good to you, huh?"

I was at my mom's house now. She decided to not move now that Stephen was in jail, where he's supposed to be. I travelled down here alone after Jessie's little romantic date. It was too exciting to tell over the phone, so I drove down here instead.

"She is, Mom. I mean, she gave me a massage and ran me a bath, and she basically treated me like a queen," I sighed happily.

"That's good to hear. You deserve it. Now, why isn't the rest of the family down here?"

"Oh, um. Well, I told them not to come. I just wanted it to be me and you, Mom. And you've already spent a whole week, just about, with Hazel. I didn't think you'd wNt to see her again so soon."

Mom gave me a stern look. "Sydney, I love my grandchild. I'll be happy whenever I see her. Speaking of grandchildren, when will I have more?"

I hesitated in answering. I can't tell my mom that we won't have kids right now because of my selfishness. More than ever I want Jessie to have children, but I was still scared. "Mom..."

My mom's face softened, and she reached across the kitchen table to lay her hand on top of mine. "You're scared, aren't you?"

My eyes searched hers in wonder. "How--"

"Sydney, you're my daughter. I know these things. And after having a horrible miscarriage, I understand if you're a little hesitant in trying it again. "

"I don't want Jessie to go through the heartbreak of if she's not fertile enough, or if the same thing happens to her. It would probably be even worse, and if that happens could you come please get Hazel? I don't want her seeing the two of us waddle in our own depression."

"Stop downing yourself, Sydney! I'm sure you'll be fine. Just have faith in yourself. I'm sure your house will be filled with children!"

"Mom, no," I laughed, the mood lighter than it was a few seconds before. "Maybe just one or two more. Three is my limit."

Mom smirked at me. "We both know you won't be able to resist seeing a pregnant Jessie waddle around. I admit, Jessie's a real beauty. If I was like you, liking girls, I would snatch Jessie up in a heartbeat."

"Ha! In your dreams! I'm married to the beauty!"

Mom raised an eyebrow, and I laughed harder. She sure knew how to make me laugh in bad times.

"But still, I'm not going to be around forever, Sydney."

"Mom, you're in your forties. Not your eighties. So stop talking about that, okay?"

"Baby, anything can happen at any given time. You should know this."

Suddenly, images of my dead father popped up in my head. He wasn't even fifty yet. And Stephen killed him. I had to hold back the tears in my eyes to keep them from spilling. I didn't want to make the two of us sad because of jealousy on Stephen's part.

"Mom, you really need a cat," I said, looking around her apartment. "You're all alone in this big house."

"Oh, I haven't shown you my new puppy, Buster? I've locked him in a room so he could sleep peacefully. I reckon he's up now. C'mon, let's go."


"How was your visit with your mom?" Jessie asked as she crawled into bed that night.

"Great. It made me realize some things. Like life is short, and you never know when it will end," I explained, sliding under the blanket.

Jessie looked up at me sadly, and I knew she was thinking about my dad. She is so thoughtful, even when we thought he was out to kill us.

"Yeah, him. Jessie, it's fine."

"But, I don't want you to be sad, baby."

She scooted closer and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her body and held her close to me. Her scent calmed me like nothing has ever before.

"And I've thought about it. My answer is 'yes'."

"Yes?" Jessie asked, confusedly. "Yes for what?"

"About having a baby. My mom talked with me, and she made me realize that we'll have to take chances. So, yes. We can have a baby."

Jessie's face lit up as she sat up. "Are you serious? We can have a baby?"

I nodded, a small grin on my face.

She squealed and bent down to give me a passionate kiss, which I relished. I've made my wife happy with what she's always wanted. A child. Hopefully, all goes well with pregnancy. And my mom was right. Picturing a pregnant Jessie isn't really bad. It's adorable to say the least.

"Thank you, baby. Thank you so much! You won't regret this! Our children will be beautiful, I swear! Maybe we can have some to look like you! Mini Sydneys running around with little me's! And Hazel will be a big sister and will help us, and we'll just have one big family!" Jessie said very fast.

"Baby, we're only having three at the most," I said. Jessie would probably get too carried away if it was up to her, and we'd have about twenty kids running around, pulling on our hair and messing the house up.

Jessie continued grinning anyways. "Sure! I'm just glad we're having one of our own, baby. I love you."

"I love you, too, Jessie," I yawned before snuggling into her.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now