My Lover | 30. Pillow Talk

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I took Jessie's "advice" and told the girls we'll have Monday off. I'm actually quite glad, too. I've been so tired lately, no matter how much happier I've been.

Luckily, Jessie was off, too. It was a holiday, which is probably the reason she told me to cancel Monday's practice. She's so sneaky, but I love it.

I woke up to Jessie gazing at me with her beautiful green eyes. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Good morning, baby," she said, stroking my hip with her thumb.

"Morning, Jess."

"Isn't this nice? Waking up when we want, to each other instead of to an alarm, and I'm out of bed early?"

"Yeah," I said. It was all I could say.

"I want this for the rest of my life."

Just by her saying that, it reminded me of the last time I saw Mom. How she was complaining that Jessie and I aren't married yet. It made me giggle, which quickly caught Jessie's attention.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing. I was just remembering what my mom said about us."

"What did she say?"

"She was asking me why you and I aren't married yet," I laughed. "That day I went to visit her and everything went wrong. She was saying that we aren't going to leave each other, and we're in love, and all that."

"And what did you say?" Jessie was staring so intently at me by now, I knew this was something important to her.

"We were taking it slow," I responded.

"Oh. Yeah, we are."

She sounded slightly disappointed, which I didn't like. "What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Would you like to get married?"

"Well, yeah. I'd love to marry you, Jessie. You're my world. My everything. I love you to the moon and back fifty times. Sometimes, I don't understand why you're still with me."

Jessie knitted her eyebrows together. "Why's that?"

"My life is hectic. Anybody would be scared and wouldn't hesitate to dump me. But you've stood by my side the entire time, never doubting me. You got out of prison, and the first thing you did was find me. Jessie, you went to prison for me. Not many people would do that. You could've left me for someone more normal than me."

"Sydney, normal is boring. I love you. You, and only you. Nobody but you. I wouldn't dream of leaving you. It would mean leaving the best thing of my life. I'm a janitor, Syd. Not many people want that in a girl. And you don't even care that I'm rich. You love me for me. You have your own job, and you hate when I spoil you. That's why I love you and I'm with you still."

Jessie sat up and threw a leg over me. I made no attempt to move as she got on top of me, giggling, then straddled my hips.

"Did you ever dream of being with another girl and having kids?" Jessie asked, fumbling with the hem of my shirt.

"No, not really. I imagined a sensitive guy who's a softy. But, I found something better. You."

"Sydney, you're too sweet." Jessie blushed.

My hand slid to her thigh, and I massaged it with my thumb. "Jessie?"


"My dad was trying to save me," I smiled. "He didn't want to kill you, he wanted to save us."

"I knew the story didn't add up right. I'm happy about that, baby." Jessie bent down and kissed me softly.

"I can't live without you," I murmured, kissing her again.

Jessie slid her arms up and pushed mine above my head. She locked our fingers together, and her hips started to grind on me. Giggles started to escape my mouth along with soft moans. Jessie's mouth slid to my neck, and she started sucking on it.

"J-Jessie, we have a child in the house," I breathed, beginning to move my hips long with hers.

"I'll be quiet. I promise."

Now, we all know Jessie isn't the quietest person in the world. She is so loud, I'm afraid to go to work in the morning, fearing the neighbors would complain about the noise.

"You are not quiet, Jessie. You're the loudest out of both of us."

"I have you to muffle my sounds, Syd."

Jessie removed her lips from my neck and she giggled. "Oops, I left a mark."

"Oh you are so going to get it..."


Hazel skipped beside me as we entered the jewelry store. Jessie was asleep from I put her through.

"Now, Hazel, we're choosing a ring for Mommy, okay?" I said to the young girl as we stepped inside.

Hazel nodded. "Okay!"

"Don't touch or swallow anything. Then I'll have to pay for it."

Hazel shook her head in understanding, and I held her hand as we went up to the counter.

"Hello, ma'am," the man behind the counter said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm looking for an engagement ring."

"Ooh! I love looking for these! So, who's the lucky fellow?"

"Her name is Jessie, we've been through a lot, really. And she's just perfect for me. I love her so much."

The man smiled and sighed. "Young love. I love it, well I'm Dave, and I'll help you with your discovery!"

Dave bent down and reappeared with a black box with an assortment of engagement rings. They all looked very beautiful.

"I'm looking for one that'll fit her. Not in size, but in her personality. She's so sweet and loving and will do anything for me."

"Anything, eh? That's why you're glowing?"

My face heated up in embarrassment. I didn't know it was that obvious!

"It's okay. We all need that feeling once in a while."

Then we looked through many rings, all pretty, but not what I'm looking for. Dave even pulled out another black box and we searched through them. I was about to give up hope when he lifted the last ring out of the box. It was so beautiful, and it screamed Jessie's name. I needed that ring.

"How much?" I asked, fishing out my wallet.

Dave sucked in a breath. "It's pretty pricey."

"I don't care. It's for Jessie. I don't care if I have to sell everything I own!"

Dave smiled at me. "You'll be such a great wife to her. How about I give you a discount, and I can say you used the coupon."

A grin stretched across my face.

A/N: Well, it's about that time again. The end of the story. *Waits for complaints*

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now