Her Own | 28. Go To Her

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A/N: May get a little graphic at the beginning.

Luna pushed me into my hotel room, our lips locked in a heavy make-out session. We landed on my bed, with her on top. She was an amazing kisser, I can't deny that. It was so good I hadn't realized that my top was off along with my bra. She started to touch me again, and Jessie popped into my head.

Where she was, how she's doing, if she slept with someone else... But I pushed those thoughts out if my head. I'm sure she's fine and that she found herself someone nice.

But as Luna took the rest of my clothes off and entered me with her fingers, I just couldn't continue.

"Luna, no. Please stop," I said while sitting up.

Luna sat up too, giving me a worried look. "What? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. Jessie means too much to me."

Luna nodded in understanding. "You really love her, huh?" She asked.

"I do. And I'm sorry for wasting your time," I apologized.

"It's fine, really. I'm just happy to not get in the way of your relationship." She have me a general smile.

I'm so glad she understands. Other people mostly wouldn't and get mad at me for choosing my wife over them.

"Go to her," she suddenly said.


"Go to her. There's a plane that leaves in two hours. Catch a flight back to her."

I smiled then gave her a big hug. She hugged back before telling me to get dressed.


Finally, I was back. After the long flight, I managed to drive all the way home, out of pure excitement of seeing Jessie again. I love her, and I could only love her, and I realized this break was stupid. No matter what, I would love her, and I would learn to live with her mood swings.

Rhonda knew what I was doing, and she was okay with me leaving her. Probably because she wants to invite the guy she likes over. But I don't mind.

At the door, I shrugged on my jacket and put the hood on so nobody would recognize me. Then I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Jessie sang, and my heart melted at hearing her voice in person again.

The door slowly opened, and I stayed looking down.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Jessie asked.

I tried my hardest not to giggle as I lifted my head. How could she not see my car? But as my eyes met hers, I found her starting to cry.

"It's a shame how you can't even remember your own wife," I joked, pushing my hood off.

"SYDNEY!" Jessie screamed, falling into my arms. She hugged me so tight as she cried, sobbing and all.

"Baby, I'm so sorry! I've made a terrible mistake," she said against my neck. "And I understand if you hate me and all!"

"Jess, it's okay. I almost slept with that girl, but then I thought about you."

Jessie cried even harder and death-gripped me. "I love you so much, I don't want to lose you. Please forgive me."

I softly pushed her away and wiped her eyes. "Baby, it was a break. You could do whatever you wanted."

"Why are you back? I thought it was going to be for a long time?"

"Two weeks is enough. I just want you."

Jessie sadly smiled at me. "You're gonna hate me."

"I never could. Now kiss me."

Jessie bent down so our lips could meet, and I immediately pulled her closer to me. I've missed kissing her so much, that I kiss even harder. Her lips were so soft and soothing, and I could never tire from them.

"I love you so much, Syd," Jessie said against my lips, kissing them again. As if this was the last time we would ever kiss again.

Finally, we made our way fully into the house. Jessie would not stop crying or hugging me. She pressed our bodies close together as she cried into my neck. At first, I thought it was because she missed me. But I now realize that wasn't the case.

"Baby, you can stop crying now--" I started.

"I slept with someone!" Jessie blurted, looking me in the eye.

I wiped her tears away, gazing into her eyes lovingly. "Baby, I don't care. You can tell me every single moment if you want. I'm just glad I have you here with me."

We went to the living room and sat down. Katy came in, and I hugged her also, asking why she was still here, jokingly.

Jessie kissed me once again before moving away so we could face each other. "Syd, I slept with someone--"

"In my book," Katy interrupted, "I say it doesn't count. Since they didn't finish."

Jessie sadly looked over at Katy before focusing back on me. "It was a man."

That shouldn't have been a surprise. I knew Jessie was bisexual ever since we first met. But, that made me angry. We were married, she shouldn't be wanting to sleep with a guy. I only bit my lip to suppress my anger.

"I'm so sorry, Syd. But it was...it was Mike."

My whole face dropped. Jessie slept with Mike. Jessie. Had. Sex. With. Mike. The guy I hate with a passion. The guy I despise.

"Why?" I simply asked, not looking at her.

"I..." She was lost for words.

"In her defense," Katy jumped in, "it wasn't completely her fault. Mike came on to her, she wanted sex, you weren't here, and she jumped on him! Besides, you said she could sleep with '100 million guys if you care'. Trust me, I didn't like it either, but it's done."

"...You're right," I sighed. Although I wanted to say more, I couldn't. I was drained, physically and emotionally. My wife slept with my enemy. That was a lot.

"I'm going to sleep in a guest room," I said, standing up. "I couldn't bear thinking about sleeping under the same sheets with him."

"I burned them," Jessie responded.

"And you think that makes it better?! No, just leave me alone."

"But, baby--"

"Leave me alone!" I repeated before storming up the stairs.

Al I could think about is how betrayed I felt that night.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now