Her Own | 2. Walking

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"Sydney, give me my phone!" Jessie shouted as I ran and locked myself in the bathroom. She wouldn't give it to me so I could call Hazel and make sure her and my mom are okay. So, I had to take it away from her and run.

Quickly, I dialled my mom's number and waited for her to pick up. Meanwhile, Jessie's voice was far away. She still hasn't found me.

"Hello?" My mom's voice answered.

"Hey, mom!"

"Sydney? Why do you have Jessie's phone?"

"Long story," I responded, hearing Jessie squeal a few feet away from the bathroom I was hiding in. "So, how are you? Is Hazel okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine, darling."

"Okay, good. Uh, could I speak to Hazel, Mom?" I asked, biting my bottom lip as Jessie got closer.

"Sure, baby. Hazel, honey! Your mom would like to talk to you!"

I waited for a few moments, until Hazel's bright voice appeared in my ear.

"Hi, Mama Ten!" Hazel greeted, using her new name she gave me ever since...a few months ago, actually.

"Hey, baby! How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

She spoke so properly. "I'm fine, baby. So, you have another captain for gymnastics?"

"Yeah! His name's Mike, and he's really fun. We play games, like who can jump the highest and other things! I like him, Mama Ten!"

"Is he nice to you?" I asked, wanting to know if anything about him was bad.

"Yeah! I really like him, Mama Ten. Have you seen him?"

"No, baby. But I will when I  come back."

"When will you come back?"

Hazel's tone changed from bright to sad. I almost forgot that she was so attached to Jessie and I. Imagining the look on her face made my heart hurt.

"We'll be back before you know it, Haze. I promise. Now, I have to go before--"

"I FOUND YOU!" Jessie shouted, yanking the bathroom door open and looking down at me.

I rolled my eyes at her as she turned the light on and got on the floor in front of me. Then Hazel asked, "Is that Mommy?"

"Yes, it's Mommy!" Jessie cried to the phone. "Lemme talk to her, Syd!"

Accomplishing my mission, I handed her the phone and exited the bathroom. There was no need for me to sit in there and listen to the cute conversations they would have--no matter how adorable they were. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Jessie had took my phone prior to me taking hers. She didn't want me worrying over little things.

Within minutes, I heard Jessie coming towards the living room, ending her talk with Hazel. She ended the call just as she walked in. Her smile shone as her eyes gazed down at me.

"Hi," she said in a small voice.

"Hey," I responded.

"Want to take a walk?"



We walked along the beaches of the island we were on. Hand-in-hand, acting like newly weds. We stole kisses from each other, gushed over things the other says, and bought things for each other.

Wearing a necklace Jessie had bought me, I toyed with the pendant. Jessie giggled at me, and claimed, "You're so cute, Syd."

"No, I'm not. You're the cute one."

Jessie was more than cute. With the white, flowing dress, to the silver bracelet, to the flower sitting in her curly hair. She was beautiful beyond words.

Jessie blushed, then glanced up at a passing woman with a round belly. She turned and stared longingly at her. I knew it wasn't because Jessie was attracted to the woman. It was because of what she was carrying.

I've known that Jessie wanted kids of her own, to experience the whole pregnancy thing. And as much as I wanted for that to happen, I don't think I'm ready for that. Hazel is a girl that's grown, I didn't have to change her diapers. That's completely different from raising a baby that cries 24/7, needs to eat, be burped, bathed, and can barely take care of itself.

"Jess, look! They have ice cream!" I exclaimed, trying to take her mind off of her huge wish.

Jessie sighed and shook her head. "I'm not in the mood."

"Why? What's wrong?"

I stopped walking and stood in front of her. The sadness clearly shone in her eyes as she did her best not to meet mine. Usually, I'd try to cheer her up, but I know there was no way to this time. This was caused by my fear of raising a brand-spanking-new human being. And sometimes I wished she wouldn't ask for my consent. That she would do it by herself, so I could get a taste of reality.

"Lets go back to the hotel," I said, turning her around and heading back to the hotel. Her hand rested limp in mine, and I slipped my arm around her waist instead.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now