27. Paying a Visit

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That day I was forced to get all my things from Jessie's house. Slowly, I packed my things up, crying softly. I won't be able to see her house anymore, or even just sit here if they won't let me. But, they don't know about the spare key Jessie has hidden, and I wasn't going to tell them. Yet, I still won't be able to see Jessie again. The wonderful woman who has flipped my life right-side-up.

While my dad was in some other part of the house, I quickly located a grocery list that was lying on the table beside the bed. I scribbled a letter to Jessie, saying if anything happens to me, like if we're moving away, that I will never stop loving her and nobody can compete with her. I laid it on her pillow and hurried to drag my bags out the room before anybody could see what I've done.


I looked up to see Katy standing at the bottom of the stairs. A confused look was attached to her face as I descended them.

"Have you two already broken up?" Katy asked, her voice no more than a whisper.

I bit my bottom lip, willing myself to not cry. "N-no."

"Is this another one of your girlfriends?" My dad spat from upstairs.

"She's just a friend," I angrily yelled at him.

"Tone your voice down!"

I grinded my teeth together as I carried my bags to the car. Katy followed close behind.

"I am so sorry," she said as I tossed my belongings in the trunk.

"They arrested her!" I cried, not able to hold it back any longer. "They took her away while we were at Duck Pond, Katy!"

"How did they know you were there?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I hate them! They ruined my life!"

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

Katy and I spun around to see the very last person I wanted to see. Rachel strolled to the house from her parked car. The tear flow stopped as I glared at her.

"Go away, Rachel," Katy warned, wrapping an arm around me.

"Where's Jessie? On her way to the big house?"

I spoke this time. "For your information, that's none of your...How do you know that?"

I haven't told anybody, and unless Mom and Dad were flaunting their latest success, nobody should know.

Rachel reached in her back pocket to produce a phone. "Well, a little birdie told them about your little adventure and showed them."

A gasp escaped from Katy as Rachel showed us a picture of me and Jessie walking around Duck Pond. The sight hurt because I miss Jessie already. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her amazing body, the way she looks at me when she thinks I'm not looking, how she would always smell of vanilla.

"You BÎTCH!" I hollered, before jumping on Rachel.

"Sydney, no!"

I managed to punch her face in a few times before someone's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me off the demon. I wrestled with the person before bursting into tears and hiding my face in Katy's neck. Maybe this was all some horrible dream, and that I'll wake up next to Jessie. Then I'll tell her about it, and we'd laugh about it over breakfast.

But no. And reality settled in when I woke up the next morning, in my bed. Alone.


"We're going to the fair!" Delilah yelled for our parents to hear as she grabbed her keys.

"Okay, be safe!" Mom called.

It's been a whole week since I've personally saw Jessie. I couldn't even go to her hearing, but they told me she was going for ten years. Ten. Years. I've looked like death the whole week. No make-up, no bright colors, no smile.

And too much Stephen.

But he has something to do tonight, so he won't be visiting. Delilah said she was going to take me to the fair, to cheer me up. I've protested that I didn't want to go, but she wouldn't take no for an answer.

And now we're driving to where ever this fair is that Delilah told Mom. Jessie liked taking me to fairs. She won me numerous things for her incredible skill. Like the giant teddy bear. My bottom lip started to tremble, and Dee groaned about me not crying.

After a good thirty minutes, we pulled up to a building that was most definitely not a fair. It was a prison. I looked at my sister in confusion.

"Just get out, slow one," she said.

I followed her inside, and I sat on a bench as she talked to someone behind a desk. Maybe we're visiting her boyfriend who has gotten locked up again. But I still had a glum look on my face.

Dee came to me and told me to close my eyes.

"But, I--"

"Just close them!"

I shut them as she lead me to an unknown place. The frown was still evident on my face, even when I sat in a chair.

"Open your eyes, Syd."

There was that voice again. I've been hearing her voice for a few days now, showing how much I need her. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped at who I was looking at.


Jessie laughed from behind the glass. There was a circle in the middle so we could hear each other. I have missed her laugh so much.

"I miss you, Jessie!" I admitted, starting to tear up.

"Oh, baby don't cry! You're too beautiful to cry."

"And you're too special to be over there. But, there you are."

Jessie frowned sadly. She looked beautiful in anything, and I mean anything. But seeing her in an orange jumpsuit is my least favorite thing.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized. "If I hid it better--"

"Nothing can stop people from ruining each other's lives. Your parents ruined yours. Rachel ruined mine. It's not your fault."

"But, maybe if..."

But I was at a lost for words. She was right. There's nothing we could have done to stop it.

"Are you taking care of Toby?" Jessie changed the subject.

"I try when I'm free, baby. But Katy's feeding him when she's over there. I think he misses you."

"I miss him, too. Tell him mommy said 'hi'!"

Even though it was dark times, Jessie never fails to make me laugh. She grinned at the first smile I've cracked in a week.

"I love you," she said, tracing patterns on the glass.

"I love you more," I challenged, knowing what she was going to say next.

We both wore goofy grins.

"Impossible," she responded, giggling.

A/N: I would've updated yesterday, but I had to finish a project. Well, two. An essay which was three pages, and a thingy that was four and a half pages. Aren't you proud of me!? XD

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now