My Lover | 5. Sleepovers and Baby Names

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"Now, I'm going to ask you one more time. And I swear you better tell me, Sydney Elizabeth. What. Happened. To. Your. Hand?"

I looked down at my hand. I can't tell her a thing, but I want to tell her everything. This was the fourth or so night we've done this. My hand was better, but it left a mark.

"I touched the oven rack while I was cooking," I sorta lied. Except I was pushed into it.

Jessie sighed and shook her head. "Oh, Syd. What did I tell you about wearing oven mitts?"

"I'm sorry?" I questioned.

"Don't do it again. I don't like seeing you hurt, babe. So, when are we having a sleepover?"

Jessie's been talking about a sleepover for a while, and I would love to grant her wish. But there's no telling what my feelings might do.

"I don't know. Soon, maybe."

"I just want to spend time with you, Syd. An hour is not enough, you know?" Jessie sadly looked at me, and I wanted to cry. She doesn't know how she makes me feel. Like I'm falling in love all over again.

"I'm sorry, but--"

"Syd, please! I just feel so empty without you nearby. And if we have one, I'll feel complete, even if it's just for a night."

Those words touched my heart. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was trying to flirt with me a little. Or that the old feelings were kicking in.

I sighed softly. "...Stephen's going on a business trip later on this month. It'll be for a whole week. We can plan it then."

"Really?" Her face lit up. "Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou! Just tell me when he leaves and when you want to come over! Oh, it'll be so much fun, don't you worry, Syd!"

Then she started rambling about all the things we would do while I'm over. She just looked so cute while she did so, and if she was trying to think of something, her eyebrows furrowed as if she was thinking hard. It was beyond adorable to me, and I had to control myself to not kiss her. I've had to do that for a long time, and it's so hard and complicated. If I did kiss her, I would be scared that she'd have a heart attack.

"...How's the baby?" Jessie quietly asked.

I almost forgot about that, since I wasn't parading around my forced pregnancy to random people. "Erm, great. Three months already."

"Oh. That's good. Any names?"

"Stephen and I haven't really talked about it?"


"Uh, he just doesn't want to."

"If it's a boy, it should be something cute. Like Landon, or Chase, or something. And it would be cute if he had curly hair and--Ohhhh, it would be so adorable!"

Was Jessie really fangirling over a baby that's Stephen's? "That's so cute," I said, giggling.

The timer on my phone rung, signalling my time to go. Jessie's face fell as we both stood, and I turned the timer off.

"Well, see you later, Jess."

"Okay," Jessie sighed.

Usually we would just part, but we walked to the door until I stopped. Jessie gave me a confused look as I leaned up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She wildly blushed, and before she could react any other way, I hurried up and left.

Doing this was killing me. All I wanted was to fall asleep in her arms while she sung softly to me. I didn't want to go home to an abusive husband and thinking about a baby I don't want. If I want a baby, I want it to be with Jessie. Not by a guy I don't even love. But until I stand up for myself, this will just have to do.

That night, I made a stew. Stephen loved stews. He made me make them everyday when he was sick. He said it was a man's food. I hate stew.

"Mmm! Something smells good!" Stephen said as he entered the house.

I smiled as he kissed my cheek, then hovered near me. My heart beat increased, and not in the way Jessie does it. I was terrified.

"What is this?" He asked, inhaling something.

I forgot all about spraying on more perfume! "'s a new fragrance. D-do you like it?"

"No. I hate vanilla! And you should know that!"

Without warning, I ended up on the floor, my cheek throbbing. My vision was blurred for a moment until I saw Stephen walking away. I didn't even cry this time. I just stood and grabbed a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and placed it on my face, wincing. It reminded me of the time Rachel had slapped Jessie and I had to aid her. But I don't have to worry about Rachel anymore. She's all the way in Canada, according to Rhonda. Probably out to terrorize another girl who falls for her.

One-handedly, I ladled the stew into a bowl and sat it on the table for my husband. All I could think about was how much I wanted Jessie back. And that I needed to protect her by not letting Stephen find out about my visits.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now