Her Own | 22. A Break

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Katy was unpacking her bags as Jessie and I dressed. Jessie was still on the topic of me calling Katy that day in the supermarket.

"...I mean, you could've at least try to talk to me! I'm not that difficult!" Jessie insisted, buttoning her jeans.

"Jessie, yes you were. You called me stupid. I don't like that word, and you know it! He called me that word, Jessie!" I angrily said, slipping on a shirt.

"Baby, I'm sorry. But you shouldn't have accused me if cheating!"

"Since when...nevermind." I left the room, fully dressed, and slammed the door. I haven't accused her if cheating in her face! To Katy, yeah. But not to her!

Katy ran into me in the hallway. "What happened?" She asked, knowingly.

"Jessie's still on the topic of me calling you. And I got mad, so I walked out," I explained, going down the stairs.

She followed me, from how close she sounded. "That gives no reason to slam doors."

"But Jessie's overreacting! Is it wrong to call somebody if something's wrong?"

"Is it wrong to not talk to your wife about a situation?" I heard Jessie say, now coming down the stairs also.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the backyard. I needed a place to think without Jessie. She wasn't on my good side anymore, which is alarming.

"Who was even talking to you?" I asked, turning to her.

"Last time I checked, I am the one you're married to! We're supposed to work this out together! Not have a friend do it for us!"

I threw my hands up in frustration before crossing my arms. "Fine! Then why is wrong, oh beloved wife?"

"You won't talk to me! We are a team, we do this together! If something's wrong, we're supposed to settle it!"

"I'm trying to, but you keep yelling at me!" I said, raising my voice.

"I am not!"

"Are to!"

Katy jumped in between us, holding her arms out so we wouldn't get any closer. "Calm down you two! No need to raise our voices."

"This is pathetic," I laughed, turning away and running my hand through my hair. "One minute, we're all loved up, and the next we're fighting. Is this how it's gonna be when the baby gets here?"

Jessie crossed her arms. "Only if you make it."

"This all started when you got pregnant! Being all moody, and blushing and flirting with another man. I can't wait until he or she comes, and after that, there will be no more children."

"Um, excuse me, but since when could you tell me how many children I can have? This isn't China, Sydney!"

"Ever since you've started to act like that, Jessica. It's like you're not my wife anymore."

"Whatever. You're just jealous that I can be pregnant and you can't."

My hands started to shake as I glared at her. Her face softened immediately, and I heard her stutter an apology. But I spun on my heel and stormed away.

"Sydney!" Katy called, but I didn't answer.

I went to the roof and into my little quiet room that nobody else is allowed in. I locked the door, sat down, and put my head in my hands.

This baby and pregnancy mess isn't all what it's cracked up to be. Jessie's the most hormonal woman I've known, and I had met pregnant people. Even when they were most upset, they didn't act as bad as Jessie. Maybe this was all a mistake. Or I deserved it. Or a sign. A sign that said Jessie and I aren't meant to last forever.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now