My Lover | 11. Hidden Things

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Jessie could not stop talking about the baby while she drove us home. I only smiled at her, listening to her cute rambling. My mind was on what happened t the doctor's office, after I had the ultrasound. It was the look on Dr. Cartman's face. Was it dread? What could he be dreading? Stephen coming back? Jessie taking part in raising the baby? The baby itself? Maybe I'll find out in the next few weeks, when I visit him again.

"So I guess that means no more gymnastics?" Jessie asked.

"Oh, I trashed that a while ago."

"Wait, you quit?!"

"Stephen made me," I quietly said.

Jessie shook her head as she drove, but I knew it was directed to me. I slumped down in my seat farther.

"Sydney Elizabeth Tenner, I an so disappointed in you right now. Wasn't you the one who loved gymnastics and wouldn't quit it for the world? But you quit it for one stupid guy. I am so upset with you."

"He made me!"

"Why didn't you stand up for yourself? Weren't you taught to do that?!"

"Yes, but you don't know him! You don't know what I've had to go through, what I've had to do! You don't know I'm on the edge of losing my mind because of him! You don't know how bad my mental, physical, and emotional state has been because of him! You don't know anything, Jessie! You wouldn't have lasted a day in my shoes, because you think it's all about standing up for yourself and having confidence and a load of stupid stuff! But it's not, Jessie! IT'S NOT!"

We were now in front of her house, and she sat there, froze in her position. She gripped the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turned whiter than usual. Her eyes stared straight ahead. I don't like the way she looks right now, as if she was about to slap me.

"You think--I'm going to slap you?" She muttered.

I said that out loud.

"And why would you say that? Because little ol' Jessie's too weak to help herself, right Sydney? Aren't I weak and stpuid?" She had a wild look in her eyes, and not in the good way either. She practically glared at me, and I chose the best option that popped into my head.

I ran.

I ran as far and as my legs could carry me, to some place I didn't know. My lungs started to burn, but I kept going on and on until I physically couldn't move anymore. I don't know what happened back there, but it scared me. That wasn't my Jessie. She wasn't the same Jessie I've loved for years. Something's happened to her. And I triggered it somehow.


Night fell, and I sat on a bench in the warm night air. I didn't think it would be best to just show up at Jessie's, so I decided I'd sleep at home for the night, then visit Jessie and figure out what went wrong.

But as that unmistakable, sleek car pulled up in front of me, my plans vanished into thin air. She rolled down her window and softly smiled at me. I just stared at her.

"Syd, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so cruel to you. I was just so angered by the fact of what Stephen did to you, and how he's made you feel."

I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. My legs moved as if they had a mind of their own, and I walked to the other side of the car and got in. Jessie smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Never do it again," I said, symbolizing that I was accepting her apology.

"I promise, I won't. Now, lets go home?"

I nodded and she started to drive, one of her hands holding mine. She kept looking over at me, as if she was making sure I wouldn't jump out of the car. As if I was that stupid...

When we got to her house, I walked straight to her room, Lucy jumping on me. I picked her up and showed her some love before putting her on the ground and continuing to my destination. As soon as I was in her room, I gathered my things to take a shower. Since I've ran in the woods, I imagine I must smell like outside. It took me a while in there, and most of the time I was just staring into nothingness while water ran down my body.

Jessie waited for me when I came out the bathroom, the steam from the shower following me out. She sat up, flipping some curls away from her face.

"Do you hate me?" She quickly asked.

"What? No! Jessie, I love you with all of my heart, which you've stolen! I think about you more than I think about anybody else! Even when I was with Stephen! You make me feel things I've never felt before! I feel human when I'm with you! I haven't visited my parents because of you!"

Jessie sat there, speechless for a moment, a curl hanging in front of her face. I reached out and tucked it behind her ear properly, my fingers slowly tracing her jaw-line. Our eyes were focused on each other's, as if we were communicating some sort of language we only knew.

"What else have you been hiding from me?" She asked.

"He made me dye my hair black." We didn't break eye-contact.

"That's obvious."

"He almost killed Kirby." My eyes briefly glanced at her neck, where my necklace still hung at proudly. "But I came in just in time."

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Jessie asked.

"Because...I just want him to be happy."

"But you're not happy! I don't approve of what you're doing to yourself! In eight months, you are going to give birth to a baby, and I don't want them to live like that! Seeing their mother brutally beaten by their father! And what happens if he comes for them? I'll go ballistic if I hear that!"

"Jessie, I got thi--"

"No you don't! You are living with me, end of conversation!"

"He can find you, Jessie! He can go to my parents and find you! That helps nobody!"

Jessie gave me a look, not as if she was mad at me, but like she as mad at herself. "Well...I think it's time to pay your parents a visit."

A/N: I am sooooooo sorry for the late update! I'm a horrible person, I know! I had to stay at my friend's house this weekend, but I had already had this pre-written. I'm trying to spice things up a bit, if you know what I mean. And don't forget that this story will not be entirely happy and cheerful, okay? Didn't mean to burst your happy bubble. And comments make me happy, so thank you! :D

And enjoy this picture of Jessie, which I may or mat not make a cover out of...

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now