Her Own | 24. I Want to Go Home

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For days, Rhonda and I were on the ship still, having fun. I made sure to call Jessie every day, sometimes I had to call her back after she had call me, because I was out with Rhonda. She tried to hide it, but I knew she was angry.

"The island is beautiful," I told Jessie through the phone.

We just stepped off onto a small island in Hawaii. It was covered in plant life, and had birds singing, and a nature scent to it obviously. It screamed relaxation and stress-free, and I loved it.

The other passengers filed onto cars that resembled dune buggies, and I hurried to sit next to Rhonda. I didn't want to be separated from her.

"I bet it is. Send me a picture, will ya?" Jessie asked.

"I will as soon as we hang up, baby."

"Don't say that so loud," Rhonda said. "If you want to do what you said you wanted to do, don't use that word!"

I rolled my eyes at Rhonda, but I knew she was right. A few days ago, I made a promise that I was going to sleep with someone, to see is I could go through it or not. If I couldn't, then I only need Jessie. If I could without a single thought of her...something's wrong.

"Is Katy still there?" I asked Jessie.

"Yeah. She just won't leave me alone!"

"Doesn't she have a job?"

"She found some people to cover for her. Now she's here until you get back, Syd."

I laughed at that. Katy does unimaginable things. She must be lucky to have co-workers that liked her, because I couldn't imagine people willing to take extra shifts for a long time.

"I miss you, Syd. I miss your presence, your smell, your touch. I miss you beside me at night. I miss the feeling of your fingers in my hair. I miss seeing your purple hair. I miss kissing you anytime I could. Baby, I want you to come home."

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Jessie had my heart in her hands. She knew how to make me feel with the simplest words.

"I love you so much," I said, barely above a whisper.

"I love you even more, Sydney. You're my everything."

She said my full name. It didn't seem like much, but it meant everything to me. I wanted to go home now.

"Well, Katy's trying to get me to go out. I guess I'll talk to you later," Jessie said, somewhat disappointed.

"Aw. I'll call you again tonight, Jess. Love you."

"Love you more." I could hear the smile in Jessie's voice. She was so cute.

But neither of us hung up. Neither of us wanted to lose the other person. This was so stupid and cliché, but I couldn't move to press the END button.

"Hang up," I said.

"No, you hang up."

"Jess, this is silly. Hang up."

"No, you first," Jessie giggled.

"Okay, at the same time. One...two...three!"

I waited to see if she hung up. And for a moment I believed she did. Until I heard, "Are you there, Syd?"

"Jessie! You were supposed to hang up!"

"I'm sorry, honey! I just couldn't."

"Baby, hang up," I ordered.

"No," she stubbornly replied.

"Hang up."

"I'm not gonna."

"Then let me," Rhonda said, taking the phone from me. She put it to her ear and said, "Hello, Jessie. It's Rhonda. Since you two are being childish, I'm going to hang up, okay?"

I heard Jessie laugh, and I smiled stupidly. She said something to Rhonda, and they exchanged some words before Rhonda handed the phone back to me.

"You're welcome," Rhonda said as I slipped it back into my pocket.


We finally got up to the hotel we were staying at. It was a beautiful hotel with flowers decorating the outside of it. And there were even flowers inside, sitting in flower pots on the floor, on tables, and even hanging off the walls. I took pictures of everything I saw interesting and sent them to Jessie. She commented on them, saying they were beautiful.

Finally, we got to our room, and I fell into the bed, tired. Rhonda started talking about how beautiful the place was and how friendly the people were being. I zoned out, thinking about Jessie and how much I missed her.

"I want to go back," I blurted, sitting up suddenly. "I wanna go home, Rhonda."

Rhonda looked at me while crossing her arms expectantly. "I knew you were going to say something like that. Sydney, you aren't going home. You came here to find yourself be at peace. To gather your mind. Not to miss your wife and go back when she says something that pulled at your heart strings. Now, in two weeks you'll go back. But as in right now, you are going to enjoy yourself until you learn if you and Jessie will work out or not. Understand?"

I nodded quickly, but was still with a heavy heart. Jessie's my world. I'm not sure if I can just have fun without her by my side.

"And if you find yourself someone to have a good time with, let me know so I can avoid the room for a couple of hours. Okay?"

"Sure, Rhonda," I laughed, but I was more than sure I wouldn't find anybody anytime soon. And I don't want to.

A/N: Yay, you guys helped me get to over 250 followers! Now, you deserve something special. I was gonna do a Q&A book, but I'm gonna wait until I have over 300 followers. So, is there anything specific you guys want? If not, I'll update more than once tomorrow evening so.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now