23. Rachel Strikes Again

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                            "Sydney, please wake up! I miss you!" I heard through the darkness behind my own eyelids.

Obviously, it was Jessie, and I did want to open my eyes so I could see her. Quite frankly, I thought I was dead, from whatever my head hit. But, I'm glad to be alive. And whoever caused it will pay dearly for scaring my Jessie.

"Remember when we went to that fair? And I had bought you cotton candy?"

Internally, I smiled. I remembered that fair. It was out of town, of course, and she had won me a prize, the huge stuffed teddy bear I slept with last night.

"...And I had bought you that load of cotton candy," Jessie continued, laughing. "You was happy because you never had cotton candy before. Remember, Syd?"

Desperately I wanted to nod, to acknowledge her words, so she'd know I heard. But I couldn't do a thing. I was frustrated with myself. How come I couldn't move?

"I have a Christmas present in mind," she said. "But I won't tell you, in case you're listening. I've been taking good care of it. I hope you like it."

Taking good care of it? Did she buy me something expensive? I hope she didn't, because my present would be crappy in comparison to hers.

"I wish you would wake up, now. Because...I really need to tell you...that I..."

You what?! What is it?!

"Sydney, I can't hold this in any longer. But...I love you. I really do. And if this is too much, I totally understand."

Finally, I gathered enough strength to open my eyes. Jessie gasped and moved closer to me. "That's it, Syd! Just a little more! I've missed you so much!"

She looked heartbroken. Her skin was more pale than usual, and her hair was curly and even more wilder now. Her green eyes, which were dark moments ago, were lit up in excitement.

But I couldn't have been out for about a few hours. I guess it really has taken a toll on Jessie.

It took me a while, but with persuading and encouragement from Jessie, I was able to move around again. I stretched and smiled at Jessie, who had tears in her eyes.

"I've missed you so much, Sydney! You scared me! I thought I was going to lose you!" Jessie enveloped me in a hug, which I returned.

"I love you too," was the first thing that left my mouth, and Jessie looked as if she was going to burst.

"You...you heard me?"

I nodded and held her hand in mine. I meant those very words too. Jessie has done nothing but cared for me, and I can't go on or do anything else without her knowing that.

"I've wanted to tell you so long," she continued, "but didn't think it was the right times."

My hands went to her face, and she leaned down so I could kiss her. No words could explain how I felt in that very moment. It was as if a burden was lifted. Jessie loves me, and I love her back, and nothing can separate us.

"Get. Away. From. Our. Daughter," a voice growled from behind her, and we jumped away to see my very angry parents. Delilah was behind them, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh, Sydney, darling!" My mom ran to me and pulled me in a hug. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"You did this to her!" Dad pointed a finger at Jessie, in accusation. "You made her get hurt! This is all YOUR FAULT!"

"Dad, no!" Delilah ran into the room and stood between Dad and Jessie.

"It was Suzy," she blurted.

"I should've known!" I gasped angrily. Ever since what happened between us and Jessie last night. She'd get revenge some how.

"Suzy? But she's such a sweet girl," Mom insisted, finger-combing my hair.

"Lies," Delilah said. "She's a liar. She tripped Syd just as she was landing from that complicated flip. On purpose."

"But, why--"

"She hates Syd, Mom!"

Jessie gulped and cowered behind my sister. I could tell she was still scared, and I desperately wanted to hug her and tell her everything's okay.

"And if it weren't for Jessie being here all the time, I don't think Syd would have woken up sooner. Did you hear Jessie in your sleep?"

I nodded, looking at Jessie. She faintly smiled.

"I don't approve," Dad bluntly said.

"Dad!" I cried.

"Stephen will be here in a few minutes to visit. You can break it off with Jessie now or then."

How could he still not like her? After all she's done for me!

"No, Dad! We love each other very much, and you can't take that away from us!" I defended, reaching for Jessie's hand.

"Oh, trust me. I will, Sydney Elizabeth Tenner. I will. "

Jessie grasped my hand with all her might as she watched my parents stalk out the room, Dad shooting daggers at Jessie. I pressed the back of her hand on my cheek, as if it would relieve me of my stress. Delilah sighed and rubbed her face.

"I tried, Syd," she said, sounding defeated.

"I know, Dee. Thank you."

Jessie's eyes began to water. "Syd...Suzy was put up to that."

I rolled my eyes. "What does that mean?"

"I mean...while the ambulance was coming, I went to find Suzy and tell her off for doing that. But then I saw Rachel..."

My eyes focused on her. "Come on, you can tell me."

"Rachel...paid Suzy to injure you, and for last night! I heard it all! She did all that so you would have an excuse to dump me!"

"That's sick," Delilah spat. "That she'd even try to kill you just to get Jessie back! That's foul, I tell you!"

"What if she turns me in?" Jessie cried, tears running down her beautiful face.

"Don't think about that! Don't worry, baby. She won't come between us. I promise she won't. You're too special. And neither will my parents. I promise."

"If they do, remember I love you," Jessie said.

"I love you more."

"Impossible," Jessie sniffed, smiling sadly.

A/N: Ah, you are all going to hate me when the ending comes.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now