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Four years later...

As I trudged up the stairs from lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I found Kirby sitting in a corner of the second step from the top. His nose twitched and his ears were folded to the back of his head. Stephen must've done something to scare him again.

"Silly rabbit," I murmured to myself as I picked him up. "Stairs are for people to sit and cry on, or to trip and fall and break something, or for bacteria and dust to grow and make us sick."

Not a very happy thing to tell your pet rabbit, but he'll survive. And besides, being happy is overrated. I haven't been happy for four years and I'm perfectly fine...in my own way. Four years I had to put up with Stephen. Him telling me what to do, him touching me, him controlling me. And I tell my parents, and what do they say? "Better than her." Now, I don't even visit them anymore. Only Stephen sees them. Not even Delilah.

As I carried my pet upstairs, my phone rung and I answered it blindly. "What?"

"Is that any way to speak to your friend?!"

I grinned at the familiar voice on the other end of the line. "Hey, Rhonda."

"Hey, baby. Long time no see! That douche still taking over your life, I see?" Rhonda said.


"Look, I've found another job. It's not a waitress, but it sort of is. Sonic's?"

"Rhonda, I don't think--"

"It's better than nothing! Or you can deliver at Domino's! I know the manager, and he'll give you one. I've sent your resumé and everything!"

I sighed. "Hours?"

"Five to ten? I try to make sure it doesn't interfere with school."

"I'll take it." I'm in college right now, being paid by my parents. But that still doesn't give me a reason to go visit them in a friendly way.

After I hung up with Rhonda, I placed Kirby in his cage and closed and locked it. He stared at me sadly, as if sensing how I've felt.

"Want to go for a walk, babe?" Stephen asked me from downstairs.


I walked in front of the mirror and released my black hair from its ponytail, and tossed it behind my shoulders. I had nobody to impress anymore, so why should I look pretty?

I grabbed my keys and met Stephen downstairs. I flinched as he kissed my cheek, then we left the house.

We lived in a small house that wasn't too far from my parents. They liked seeing Stephen around me all the time. Instead of someone who made me happy. Someone who could make me smile. Someone I would be proud to say was mine. I thought parents were supposed to love their kids no matter what they are or what they preferred.


I turned to the source of the voice and saw somebody I haven't seen for years because of Stephen.


The woman, sporting dark blue hair, squealed and ran to me. We gave each other a bone-crushing hug, and I even picked her up a little out of excitement. I haven't seen Katy for three years because Stephen forbid me to talk to anybody from my past. Even Rhonda. But, Rhonda and Katy are grown women, and I'm sort of getting there. They can do whatever they won't. That, and the fact that they don't like Stephen at all. He even tried to forbid me from seeing my own sister!

"It's been forever!" Katy exclaimed, examining me. "Whoa, what's with your hair?"

She flipped a lock of my black hair. I dyed it after six months of being solely with Stephen. He hated my red hair, and forced me to change it to black.

"Uh, I didn't like it anymore," I lied. I felt Stephen wrap an arm around my waist.

"But, why? Red's your favorite color!"

"Not anymore. Black is more...pretty."

Katy saw right through me, and glared at Stephen, who glared right back at her.

"So...how's Kirby?" Katy changed the subject.

"He's wonderful! He's made friends with the new puppy I got, Lucy!" I happily said, resting my hand on my stomach.

Lucy was a Dalmatian I got when I was looking for Kirby's bedding at a pet shop. She was the smallest puppy, and every time I got near her cage, she was the first one I saw amongst her brothers and sisters. Stephen wasn't a fan of animals, and often mistreats them because whenever I come home, Lucy's the first I see, jumping on me. That's why I barely leave the house anymore.

"Aww, she must be adorable."

I started talking about Lucy, my eyes wandering as I talked. For what reason I they were wandering is beyond me. But I just couldn't stop looking around. As if I was expecting something.

Stephen's arm around me stiffened, and I stopped talking to see why he stiffed up. Then I saw her.

That long, curly, black hair reached past her waist. Her skin that has even gotten paler. Those piercing green eyes that sparkled. The necklace that I gave her hung around her neck, being made just for her. And in her hand contained a bookbag. And not just any bookbag. But, as childish as it seems, the one I've wanted since I was five. The same exact pattern and everything, just a mini version.

"Jess," I whispered, before getting out of Stephen's grip and running to her. He told me she was dead...

She stopped and sat the bag down, holding her arms out. The urge to cry came over me as soon as I had my arms around her neck. She picked me up and swung me around before putting me back down.

"I've missed you so much," I sobbed into her neck.

"I've missed you too, Syd. You don't know how miserable I've been."

"I thought you were dead..."


Instinctively, my hand went to my belly as she pulled away. Jessie picked up the back and handed it to me.

"You remembered," I softly said, holding it with my other hand.

"How could I forget? It was on my mind everyday. Just like you."

I smiled as we gazed at each other. She looked as beautiful as ever.

"What's up with your hair?" She asked. "You liked red."

"I'll explain later."

"And why are you holding your stomach?" Jess giggled. "Cramps or something?"

My face fell, and Jessie's smile started to fade. Her eyes flickered to Stephen's direction before settling back on me. The whole good mood was ruined by Stephen in a matter of seconds.


"Jessie...I'm pregnant."


Okay, okay. Now, since I love you guys, I want to ask you a question. What kind of story do you want me to do next? A sequel? Another fanfic? Anything! Give me a request, and I'll write it. And I'll write more than just one thing at the time, okay? Okay!

And it would be really awesome if you'd share this. And I love all you guys, and yah.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now