11. The Fake Date

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                           Internally, I started to panic. What did she want for me? Why did she call Jessie? How did she get her number? I took the phone from Jessie.

"What, Delilah?" I asked into the phone.

"Sydney! Oh, I'm glad you're okay! Where are you? Dad and I are coming to get you?" My sister sounded glad as she spoke.

I wasn't even gone half a day! There's no need for a search party. "No, Delilah. I'm staying with Jessie. How did you even get her number?"

"Got it from your phone when you were sleep," Dee quickly said in one breath. I need to put a password on my phone. "Now, where's her house?"

No, there was no way I'm going back. I'm staying with Jessie, and that's final. "No, Dee. I'm staying here. Don't look for me."

"Come on, Syd. Mom and Dad want to have a little talk with you! And I'm sorry for last night. It was inappropiate. And tell Jessie I'm sorry. But really Sydney? A janitor?"

That got to me, and my face started getting hot. "Hey, she may be a janitor, but I like her a lot, okay? It doesn't matter what job she has, or how much money she has, or anything. And having the privilage of her liking me back is amazing, and I won't take that for granted. So, if you don't like her because of that, then so be it. It only matters that I like her. 'Bye."

"Sydney, wai--"

I hung up and sighed. I've never gotten into an actual fight with my sister before. It felt really wrong, but it also felt so right. I was defending Jessie, the girl of my dreams. Literally. I've dreamt about her.

"Are you okay?" Jessie asked, wrapping her arms around my chest and pecking my cheek.

I smiled at her gesture. "I'm fine, Jessie. Perfectly fine."

I put her phone on the bed-side table, and mine vibrated. Not even caring that Jessie was behind me, I opened up the text from Stephen.

Steph: I'll be at your house at six to pick you up, babe.

"'Babe'?" Jessie questioned.

I shrugged. "I don't know. But, I really don't want to go."

"Remember, what if I did?"

I rolled my eyes, then texted back with 'No, I'll see you there at six :)'. I turned to Jessie. "There. Happy?"

"Not really. I'd rather you stay here with me."

My mouth gaped open at her. "But I just said--"

"Sydney, you have to do it! And I want you to hurry. I'll be missing you while you're gone. You might want to get ready."

I shook my head. "These are the only clothes I have with me. So, I'm already ready."

Jessie sighed into my neck. "Do you want to go tomorrow to get some more? I'll buy them for yo--"

"No, Jess. It's okay, okay? I don't want you to spend your money on me."



We pulled up to Olive Garden, and I saw Stephen already there with his parents. I rolled my eyes before giving Jessie a kiss and getting out the car. She told me to text her when we're about to leave, then drove away. I didn't want to do this, but it's for Stephen. And maybe this is our last date. That's a good thing.

"Sydney!" Mary exclaimed when I got to the table. I hugged everybody before sitting down beside Stephen.

"Oh, Sydney, how are you?" She asked.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now