18. Will You Meet My Parents?

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The next day at work, Katy was there, as promised. She stayed near me my whole shift, and all Rachel could do was glare at me with so much hatred. Katy had went to the bathroom, and I went in there with her, and then Rachel had showed up.

Rachel pushed me into a wall and stood in front of me. I had nowhere to go, and I was slightly scared. 

"Stay. Away. From Jessie," she growled, clutching my shirt in her fists.

"You can't prove I was with her," I pointed out.

"Don't you dare LIE TO ME! You don't think I saw?! Her in the hood? Her picking you up? I saw it all! Everything! She's MINE! All MINE! Not you--"

Rachel was thrown off of me and Katy stood over her while she was on the ground. I saw her raise a fist, but I pulled Katy out before she could be violent.

Jessie waited for me at home, and I saw her pacing the floor as I walked in. Her teary eyes looked at me, then she ran to hug me and kiss me with all her might. The tears cascaded down her beautiful face as she looked me over, checking for any sign of hurt.

"I'm okay, Jess," I assured her, holding her hands.

"I was so worried about you," she sobbed, making my heart ache. Why did she have to cry so much over me?

"Jessie, please stop crying. Stop right now."

Jessie's sobs lightened up, but she let out a hiccup every once in a while. She started to bruise, and I softly stroked her cheek, she winced.

"Suzy asked," Jessie told me, looking down. "I told her I fell. Delilah asked too."

"Did they believe you?"

Another tear fell and she shook her head. "They thought you did it. No matter how much I told them it was my ex, they wouldn't listen. They know you're strong, Syd. They keep thinking you hit me."

"I would never hit you! You're my baby," I said, starting to cry myself. "I would never put my hand on you to harm you! How could my own sister think that?! I...I..."

Jessie gave me a faint smile. "I really like you, Syd. If they tell anyone, I will fight to keep you. I need you in my life. I see a future in the two of us."

Her hands ran through my red hair as I laid my head on her chest. She's my world, and I'm not ready to give her up anytime soon. The longer we stayed in this position, the more I've thought. If they do tell someone, no doubt Suzy will eventually, I need to tell at least someone about us and how I treat her. Well, two someones.

"Jessie...will you meet my parents?"


The next day, I made Jessie call in sick. I stayed home from school so I could help get Jessie and I ready. I called my mom and told her that I was coming over today, and she and Dad called in sick at their jobs too.

"I'm nervous," Jessie whispered to me as I did my make-up.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, giggling.

"It's what I do when I'm nervous," she replied, still whispering.

"Well, don't be. You're such a charming woman, I'm sure everybody loves you."

Jessie smiled at me before continuing to straighten her hair. I guess she knows how much I like it.

When Jessie and I arrived to my house, my stomach was doing somersault. Would they like and accept her? Would they send her to jail? This is incredibly risky, we both know, but we're ready to take that step.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now