25. (I don't know)

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Okay, so this chapter is for mature readers only. If you're not comfortable with the content, just skip this chapter, okay? Okay!

Jessie's lips went to my neck, and she started to kiss, and suck, and bite there. I bit my bottom lip to try not to make any noise. Her hands rubbed my sides the whole time, and I tried not to cry out as she reached a spot that gave me a lot of pleasure.

"Don't hold it in," Jessie said against my neck. "Let it out, baby."

But I just couldn't. Accidentally I let out a whimper, and my whole face heated up. But Jessie encouraged me to keep going and do more. Yet, I just wasn't ready or something.

Jessie slowly took off my shirt, kissing my chest lightly. I sucked in my breath, which she noticed because she looked up. My eyes met hers, and I just instantly started to relax. She smiled before leaning in to kiss me again.

She's making me feel things I've never felt before. Ever. Every touch she gives me makes me feel like she cares. Which I know she does. She makes me feel special. Especially with the words she's whispering into my ear as she whips her shirt off her body.

As she pulls away, I try not to make it obvious I was looking at her chest. But her quiet laugh told me otherwise, and she slid her shorts off. Now she was the only one with no clothes on. And as she progressed lower on my body, I started to tense up. I was confused. What was she doing to me? I can't think straight. Is this how it's supposed to be?

Countless times she's told me I was beautiful. I was amazing. I was perfect. She fully undressed me without my knowledge until I felt her hand on my naked thigh.

"Are you sure?" She asked again, softly.

Not able to trust my words, I nodded. Jessie kissed the inside of my thighs, getting higher and higher. I willed my body to relax, but when I felt her tongue on me, I couldn't relax. My nails dug into the comforter as her tongue drug across my area. Slowly, it went up and down, doing nothing more. And it was starting to drive me insane.

"Jessie, please!" I whined.

All too fast she plunged into me, and I shrieked out of surprise. She moaned against me as her tongue explored my lower region, and I let out a groan. She rubbed my thigh in approval.

Her tongue played at my entrance, and I bucked my hips on her face. I wanted her inside me, and that's all I could think about at the moment. She granted my wish, because her tongue penetrated me, and I gasped. Her fingers ran up and down my outer thighs in comfort.

When she was completely inside me, she started to slowly move. I had to admit, it hurt to me, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from crying out. But Jessie went slow until it started feeling good, and I told her to move faster. I rocked my hips against her face in rhythm to her thrusts. I can't believe how good this felt to me, and I moaned out more to make Jessie happy.

I felt something building up inside me, and I tried to hold it. It got harder when Jessie switched to her hand. Our eyes locked as she continued to pleasure me until I couldn't handle it anymore.

My screams bounced off the walls as I released, and Jessie's head disappeared between my legs once again.

A/N: Sorry for the creepiness. XS

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now