17. Rachel

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                           Okay, be calm, Syd. Don't think that Jessie's ex is the same Rachel at Olive Garden. Rachel's a very common name for a girl.

"Jessie? Baby, open up! We need to talk!" The person on the other side of the door said. Yep, that was Rachel's voice.

Jessie bit her lip, a panicked look on her face. She grabbed my arm and hurried to her bedroom. She immediately started to undress, and I looked away.

"Jessie...is that why you don't like going to Olive Garden?" I asked, eyes to the ground.

Jessie sighed heavily. "I'm so sorry, Syd. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry."

"So she's the crazy ex that slashed your tires?"

"Yes," she confirmed.

"That's why she kept giving me evil looks. She must suspect that we're dating!"

"Syd? Baby, look up."

On command, I looked up into Jessie's beautiful eyes. She was scared. Not for her, but for me. For us. Her hand grasped mine, and she slid her fingers between mine. The banging continued downstairs.

"Baby, don't come down there, okay? Even if Rachel calls you. Katy will come up here and tell you where to hide. Please, stay up here. No matter what you hear or anything, don't come down there to help me unless Katy says so. Got it?"

I nodded my head and she faintly smiled at me.

"Be safe, Angel." She kissed my forehead before she left the room, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt with a ponytail. As if she did nothing out of the ordinary tonight.

A few moments later, Katy and her pink hair ran into the room. She put on a nervous smile as she planted and came over to me. "Hey, Sydney. How's it going?"

"Fine, until I realized who her ex was," I murmured.

"You know her?"

"We work together."

"You work at Olive Garden too? Wow."

I shrugged. "Jessie's never told me her name. So I never knew until now."

"Well, okay. But I'm sure Rachel will be looking for you, so keep quiet, okay?"

I nodded, and the room fell quiet. I could hear the conversation downstairs.

"...Baby, I miss you," I heard Rachel say.

"Rachel, please. Stop touching me. We aren't together."

"Who is it? Who is she?"

"None of your business, Rachel. Now could you please leave my house? I don't appreciate you coming here unexpectedly."

"It's that redhead b-tch, isn't it?"

"Don't call her that! It's not nice! And it is none of your business!"

"Sydney! Sydney, come here!"

Katy gave me wide eyes. "Hide!" She whisper-yelled, ushering me off the bed. We went into the bathroom, and she left the door cracked.

"Are you flexible?" She asked me.


"Good. Under the sink. Now."

I opened the sink, and Katy started gathering the things and putting them in the tub. After everything was out, she closed the curtain and pushed me under the sink, then closed the door.

"I'll come get you when she leaves. Just stay in there. Don't come out," Katy assured before going and turning the light off.

I sat in the dark for a few minutes, hearing the stomping coming up the stairs and them two shouting. As much as I wanted to go and help Jessie, I stayed hidden and quiet. I heard them come into the room, and I held my breath. Katy's voice was heard in the room also, and she started yelling at Rachel. Soon, the three of them were yelling. Over me.

I hated listening, knowing I caused Jessie this, and I almost cried. She shouldn't be in this situation. She should be relaxing, with her stressful life.

It wasn't until I heard the unmistakable sound of skin hitting skin and a loud thud that I couldn't stay in here any longer. Katy cried Jessie's name before screaming at Rachel to get out. Rachel apologized over and over, and I soon heard their voices fading.

My hiding spot was abandoned, and I ran to Jessie's aid. She was on the ground, crying and holding her face. My heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight, and I fell to the ground to help her.

"Syd?" She sobbed, crawling into my arms.

I stroked her hair and kissed her temple. "I'm so sorry, Jess. This is all my fault."

"You're supposed to be hiding," she sniffed. "I told you not to come out!"

"Well, I couldn't really sit here and do nothing while you got slapped! Baby, I'm so sorry."

"Stop saying that, because it wasn't your fault. It was all me for having a lunatic for an ex."

I grew slightly frustrated. It was all my fault, and Jessie knew it. She can't control the mentality of someone else.

"Come on, get up."

I helped her up and I led her down to the kitchen, not caring if Rachel was still here. Jessie was mine. All mine.

She laid her head on my shoulder, still crying.

"Baby, you didn't deserve this. I'm gonna take care of you better, okay?" I was starting to cry myself.

Jessie sat at the table, and I took out a bag of peas and wrapped them in some paper towels. She held the bag up to her face, wincing.

"You can't go to work tomorrow," I concluded. "Call in sick."

"No, Syd," Jess sighed. "I'm new here, and calling in sick on the second week won't be good, now will it?"

"People will asked questions," I protested.

At that moment, Katy walked in, face red in fury. Her face softened when her eyes laid upon Jessie. "Oh, Jessie. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Katy."

"No, she isn't," I said. "She needs to take a sick day."

"You do," Katy agreed. "It'll look bad in the morning."

"Look, I am not taking a sick day, okay? I'll put some make-up on it or something. Okay?"

I held her other cheek, and she leaned her head into it. She's such a strong woman, and it amazes me. Others would be glad to take a sick day. But, no. My Jessica is a fighter.

"No matter what, you'll always be beautiful," I truthfully said to her.

That beautiful smile I've loved so much appeared on her. "You're so sweet, Syd." She looked as if she wanted to say something else, but didn't.

"You two are so cute!" Katy said, grinning. Get together, I want a picture!"

"With my face like this?" Jessie asked, pouting.

"Sydney, just cover her cheek with yours, or something."

Jessie put her peas down and I leaned in close to her. After Katy took the picture, I softy and delicately kissed Jessie's cheek.

"You're too cute," Jessie grinned.

"Not as cute as you, Jess."

"Well, I'm gonna go," Katy interjected. "If you need me, call me. Lock all the doors and windows, okay? I'll come by tomorrow to check on you two."

"Could you come with me to work tomorrow?" I asked. "If you have nothing to do."

"Of course! I got the week off, so yeah. Tell Jessie to give you my number and text me."

Soon after, Katy left, and Jessie and I went up to the room. I gazed at her as she got clothes out.

"You're such a strong woman," I said.

"You're such a nice girl," Jessie said, smiling.

"I really am--"

"Stop it. It's not your fault. Now, I'm going to take a shower. Be good. And stay."

Jessie went in the bathroom, giving me a smile.

A/N: I'm still too lazy to make an edit. /-\

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now