My Lover | 17. Dead?!

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A/N: I AM SOOO SORRY! My phone was taken away and it was just AWFUL!  I love you guys, and Yays! 5k reads!!! Thank you, my lovelies. And just a reminder, not a lot of happiness. This will be a book of sadness and despair, if you didn't get the memo already. Enjoy!

A faint beeping sound filled the darkness. It was slow, and slightly annoying. Where was it coming from? Am I dead?! Are you supposed to hear beeping when you're dead?! The casket feels somewhat comfy. And smells like hand sanitizer. And it was sobbing. Wait...

Very slowly, with a great amount of energy, I opened my tired eyes. A black tv and a white wall stared back at me. In the tv screen, I could see someone sitting in a chair beside the bed. That specific person with black, curly hair, who was impossible to miss.

"I wish you would wake up," she said between sobs. "You can't leave me after everything we've been through. It just won't be fair, Syd..."

Her hand was holding mine. I channeled all my energy to squeeze her hand softly.

The sobbing stopped, and I saw her lift her head up. "Syd? Was that you?"

Desperately I wanted to sit up and hug her, but it felt like deadweight. I couldn't move anything. Luckily, she moved so I could see her red face, streamed with tears. Yet, she was still as beautiful as before.

"You're awake! Syd, I've missed you so much!"

Jessie hugged me, but I grunted because of how sore my body was. She quickly released me, seeing my heart rate increase, and the monitor sped up to match my heartbeat.

"Baby, are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you!" Jessie said, grasping my hand again. With her free one, she pushed back my black hair off my forehead.

"You don't know how much I love you," she continued, since I still couldn't speak. "I've told you that everyday I was here. Did you hear me?"

Faintly, I could recall Jessie's voice through the pit of blackness. But I just thought it was normal for when you're dead. I squeezed her hand to tell her I did hear her.

"A month, babe. It was a whole month. I cried everyday. I was so scared I lost you."

Jessie gave me a small smile before kissing me softly on my lips. A wonderful feeling came over me, and I kissed back a little. She jumped in surprise and kissed me again.

I've been gone for a month. A whole month without seeing my Jessie. Without opening my eyes or doing anything. A whole month of not knowing anything. I thought I was dead the whole time, and I thought of it as being pretty boring.

"It was him, Syd," she whispered so quietly, I almost didn't hear her.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She saw and understood what I meant.

"It was Stephen, Syd. He burned the house down."

No way. He was that insane to burn down a house?! Was he that crazy?!

"It was sickening, baby. To burn down a house out of jealousy and anger. It wasn't my fault you found me so attractive."

A smirk formed on my lips, and Jessie laughed. A whole month since I've heard her laugh. Still can't believe it.

"Lucy's a brave dog, Syd. She's with your mom now. All she has is a broken leg from something that fell on her as she escaped after the firefighters carried your body out. Well, I carried you out, actually."

She smiled, playing with a lock of my hair. "You see, when they arrived, I was so anxious to see you again that I made one of them give me their uniform. And I, uh, went in there with a bunch of guys to find you. And there you were, Lucy by your side. I cried, thinking you were dead."

I smiled at her. I can't believe she sacrificed herself for me, too. She's so stupid, just like Lucy.

"And, well...there was another body..."

Jessie looked away before her eyes settled on me again. Squeezing her hand again, I encouraged her to evaluate.

"Oh, was your father..."

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now