My Lover | 27. Visiting Mom PART TWO

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Mom decided we should take a walk, and not be stuck in her house all day. So here we were, walking on the familiar trail I've always walked on. Memories of past visits flooded my brain. Lucy looked as if she as about to choke herself from pulling on the leash so hard.

"Jessie wanted this," I found myself saying.

"What?" Mom questioned, glancing at me.

"Us out in public, where everybody can see us. She's so weird, but I like it."

"I love her because she's like that. She cares for where my little girl will be. And she cares forth your safety. Syd, I swear you better not screw this up!"

"I won't! I promise, because she's never gonna get rid of me. I won't let her."

Mom patted my back and smiled. "That's good. So, now what's wrong with your dog?"

By then, we've stopped walking and our focus was on Lucy. She was fighting to get out of her collar, straining to et to the forest. The hair on her back stood. Something wasn't right.

"Lucy? What do you see, girl?" I questioned.

Lucy began barking, and finally, she broke the collar off he leash and bolted into the woods.

"Lucy!" I called, and took off after her.

"Sydney!" I heard my mother yell after me, but I didn't turn around or look back. Lucy was in the woods for some reason, and that reason wasn't a good one.

As I ran through the woods, listening to Lucy's barking, I wished I had let go of the leash instead. I could have something easier to follow. Or she may even get stuck on a tree root or something.


Where was she going? My hope was that she wasn't going to find Stephen. I prayed that she wasn't going to him. The thought of seeing him up close and personal sent shivers through my spine. And there was nobody here to witness him murdering me.

I heard a faint sound of a yelp from Lucy, as if she's gotten hurt, and I ran as fast as I could to the sound. Lucy's name flew out of my mouth many times as I reached the place I last heard her.

She laid on the ground, a large cut across her abdomen. The tears started to come as I bent down beside her, and I tugged off my jacket to wrap it around her. Thank God she wasn't so big yet.

"It'll be fine, Lucy. It's gonna be okay," I muttered into her ear. She whimpered, trying to sit up, but I pushed her down.

All of a sudden, I felt a heavy body on top of mine, and I screamed. On instinct, I pushed him off with my superb strength and backed away so could see him clearly.

"STEPHEN?! Why are you doing this?!" I asked, fists raised.

Stephen, thin and dirty as ever, stood up. A butcher knife in one hand, coated with dry blood. His hair was dirty and matted. He couldn't have been hiding in woods this whole time. He looked better at the funeral.

"Oh, Sydney...I just wanted you to myself...To see that you've ran of with another woman...I was ashamed of myself. What was I not doing right? What did I do to not have you love me?"

"Stephen...I've always loved her."


My fists stayed in place, yet I slightly shook. He may look disgusting, but Stephen wouldn't hesitate to throw a punch at me. Or stab me. Whichever one.

"Was I not man enough? Was I not doing something right? I've talked to your father and--"

"My dad's dead," I practically growled.

"Oh yeah. Shame he died trying to do a 'good dead'."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, yeah. Killing my girlfriend is such a good deed."

Stephen chuckled coldly. It made me want to rip out his throat at how taunting it was. "You idiotic girl. You dad wasn't trying to kill her."

"Yeah, he was! He's had a knife to prove it!"

"No, you numbskull. He as trying to save you."

A/N: ...Ironyyy! God, I'm so stupid. X) ENJOY MY STUPIDITY!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now