My Lover | 12. Mom's Approval

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Before today, I would have never imagined going back to the house I've lived at most of my life. But with Jessie telling me I need closure and that they should respect my wishes, I hesitantly agreed. So, like that one day many years ago, we were heading to my parents' house. But we weren't coming out with our relationship this time. We're making it known that there's nobody I would rather be with, not now not ever.

I marched up the steps with confidence, Jessie behind me. The door bell was repeatedly rung by me in urgency, and just to annoy them.

"Syd, you should--"

"I've got this."

Pretty soon, my mom came to the door looking flustered. Maybe she had been upstairs, and thought it was the police or someone authority-like like them. Oh well.

"Mom, we need to talk," I said, brushing past her, holding Jessie's hand.

"Sydney? What's going on? I haven't seen you in ages! What happened to your hair?" My mom lifted a lock of my black hair.

Then she turned to Jessie. "Hello, Jessica. Nice to see you again."

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Tenner," Jessie politely said.

Mom smiled sincerely before turning back to me. Maybe she was just trying to get back on my good side. "Sydney, are you okay, honey? Where's Stephen?"

"Mom...I never liked Stephen, nevermind loved him. He hurts me, Mom, and has been for four years. I've been beaten and burned and just hurt so many times I lost count. Countless bruises and marks appear on me the next day. And now I'm pregnant because he took advantage of me so many times! But, Jessie has fixed me up a little, making me stress-free, and I love her so much and I can't live without her! I don't know how I survived before I met her. She just makes me feel like myself again, making me smile and be happy. And I just want you to accept her!"

Mom nodded slowly before saying, "...I approve."

"But, Moooom! Jessie's--what?"

I couldn't believe my ears. Were they deceiving me? Did my mom approve of me and Jessie? Is this even my mother?

"I've always loved the idea of you being happy, no matter who it was with. Ever since that day you brought Jessica over, I've approved of it. Shocked at first, yes, but I'm just happy you were. Your father? Not so much."

"Where is he?"


My eyes rested on the wedding ring I still wore. Stephen used to beat me if I "forgot" to wear it. "But, why did you push me to be with Stephen?"

"I don't know, to keep you safe? No offense, Jessica, but I thought you would hurt my baby. Since you're older and have more experience, I was scared you would crush her little heart to be with someone older that her. Now, I can tell I'm wrong, which I'm happy about."

Jessie gripped my and tighter. "Mrs. Tenner, I promise you, I won't hurt Sydney intentionally. I don't plan to, and I will take good care of her and the baby. I'll never treat her like Stephen did. I love her too much."

A small smile played on my lips, and I rested my head against her shoulder. "I love her, Mom."

"I can see that. And, Stephen?"

I broke away from Jessie to slide the ring off my finger. "I want a divorce."

"I'm in no position to stop you. How about I go get some divorce papers from my office tomorrow and bring them to you?"

I nodded. "Thanks, Mom."

"Don't thank me! I'm just being a parent!"


"Jessie, we'll have to move," I said to her that night in her room. Kirby laid in my lap as I petted him.

"Why?" She asked from in front of her mirror, tying her hair into a ponytail.

"Dad knows where you live, and he could tell Stephen."

"Your dad wouldn't intentionally put you in harm's way."

"You never know. Or Stephen could find you. We don't live that far away."

"I guess you're right." She sat on the bed beside me. "But where are we gonna go?"

"Somewhere far from here. But I still want to be in California. I'll be homesick."

Jessie smiled. "Being homesick isn't that bad. I experience it everyday."

I looked up at her. "Have you ever visited home?"

"No. I've spent so much of my time here because of you."

My heart felt heavy. If it wasn't for me, she could have visited her toilet-paper-business-owning parents.

"But, I'm glad I've met you." Jessie laid her head on my shoulder, her face tucked into my neck. I could feel the calm gesture of her softly breathing on my skin.

Kirby squirmed and hopped out of my lap, which I was perfectly fine with. Jessie had looked up from the 'thump' Kirby made when he landed, and I got more comfortable on the bed, lying down. I motioned for her to lay down also when she looked over at me. She smiled and obeyed, laying on top if me. I wrapped my arms around her small frame.

"I'm not crushing you, am I?" She asked.

As if. "No, you're so light."

We laid there like that, her face tucked into the crook of my neck like before, me playing with her curls. She gave the impression of being asleep until she spoke.

"If we move...when we move, can we live in the suburbs? I'm tired of the city life."

A smile grew across my face. That was a great idea I never thought of. "Sure, Jess. It all depends on you. Want to start tomorrow?"

"The sooner the better."

Then the room was silent for a while, with the occasional noise from Kirby hopping around. Again, I thought Jessie was asleep until she murmured something.

"I love you, Syd."

Shock overtook my whole body at those four simple words. The same words I thought I would never hear again. That came from Jessie's mouth.

"I love you, too," I responded, kissing her forehead.

A/N: Are you guys happy?!?

And I made it anyways... XD I was borrrrreddddd!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now