My Lover | 16. Before Death

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Another week has passed, and we were almost fully moved into our new house. We've stayed over a couple of times to get used to it, and in sure Lucy and Toby love it. Even Kirby gets a particularly large hall closet to himself, which we installed a huge window to replace the door. Just to see him at all times. Right now, we were getting the last of our things out, putting the boxes in the car. Jessie insisted we sleep our last night here, for memories.

"Oh, please," I scoffed as I got out our blankets for the night. "The only good memories we've had was being together."

"And they're the best," Jessie said, kissing my cheek.

I don't understand how I got a girlfriend as beautiful and perfect as her. And I don't think I ever will. But I don't regret a single moment we've been together. The bond has grown stronger between us, with everything that's happened.

I let Kirby roam freely, since there was no furniture to hide under, and Toby was in his room at the other house. Lucy was sound asleep in a corner.

"Maybe we can make this night memorable?" Jessie suggested, tucking a lock of curly hair behind her ear and blushing.

"Like how?" I stupidly asked, before realizing. "Ohhhh! Oh, oh okay. Yeah, sure."

A/N: Okay, so there's gonna be a little scene I've added so it won't be short. I didn't want to put it at the beginning for those who wouldn't like it, and make them not read the chapter at all. So you could just skip to the hyphen (~) and that's where it will end. The rest of the chapter is important. Okay, bai!

Jessie giggled, bringing my face closer to hers' in a kiss. I climbed on top, still kissing her. But my victory was short-lived as she flipped us over, being on top. I unbuttoned her top as quickly as I could, fumbling over some and groaning in annoyance. Jessie giggled at my struggling, gazing down at my concentrated face.

"Couldn't you have worn something easier to get into?" I grunted, feeling the urge to yank the last few buttons off the shirt completely.

"But that would have taken away from the fun!"

I rolled my eyes before forcing her on her back. Then I climbed on top, straddling her hips, tearing the rest of her shirt and taking it off of her.

"Hey!" Jessie whined, but I knew she didn't really care about the shirt. I kissed her again, and she hungrily kissed back.

Soon enough, all of her clothes were off along with most of mine. I kissed down to her legs slowly, making Jessie groan softly. That caused me to move even slower on purpose, silently laughing to myself about how needy she was. She bucked her hips into me, begging me to hurry up. Lucky for Jessie, I had finished my journey south. But unluckily, I started to kiss her thighs. More than likely, she's blown a fuse, because she started to yell at me, saying I was taking too slow and I could never do anything right. I'm pretty sure it was the arousal talking, because she seemed a little breathless while saying that.

Done with teasing her, I plunged two fingers in her, interrupting her yelling with a loud moan. I love it when she moans for me. It's like angels are singing to me. Well, she is an angel in my eyes.

While I thrusted at a steady pace for her to get used to, she gazed into my eyes, hers filled with lust. Just her looking at me sent shivers down my spine, and she moved her hips in time to my fingers, moaning quietly. But something inside me said I needed her to be louder. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to stay in this slow pace forever.

I sped up my actions, bending down to lick and suck on her clït. Her moans grew in volume, and she grabbed my hair with a hand. I watched as she threw her head back, her black curls falling perfectly in place. That was just about my favorite part in her appearance. Her hair. I've never seen anybody's hair so naturally curly. People had to use tools to make their hair like Jessie's.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now