My Lover |27. Visiting Mom PART ONE

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"Jessie, I'll be alright," I assured my girlfriend the next morning.

She was about to leave from work, but she was holding herself up by talking to me. Jessie stood at the door very hesitantly, not stepping one foot out.

"Are you sure? Remember what I said, call the police or anybody. And don't leave out of your mother's sight. Maybe you should meet in public. Where there will be lots of people and lots of witnesses. Yeah, I like that better."

I giggled at Jessie. "I'll be fine. I'll even call you when I'm on my way back."

"No! Call me before you leave your mom's house. Can't risk you being in an accident. Are you sure you can't wait until Sunday?"

"Please, Jessie. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl."

Jessie finally agreed with a heavy sigh. "Okay, fine. Be safe."

She gave me a kiss, prolonging it like she does whenever she's nervous about us parting ways. "Sydney, I'm so worried about you."

"Honey, relax. I'll see you later on tonight," I assured, kissing her forehead.

"Okay. See you later."

"'Bye, baby. 'Bye, Hazel!" I waved to the girl in the backseat of Jessie's car.

"'Bye, Ms. Sydney!" Hazel waved back.

"I love that girl," I mumbled to myself.

Jessie gave me one last kiss before finally leaving. I waved at them until they couldn't see me anymore, and then I called for Lucy. I couldn't leave her alone all day. She might wreck something.

After putting her leash on, I locked up and lead her in the car. Her tail was wildly swinging everywhere, and I waited until she was calm before driving away from the house.


A couple of hours later, I was pulling into my mom's driveway. My right arm was bruised from the number of times Lucy got excited and beat my arm with her tail. Yet, I was just glad to have gotten here without interference.

I lead Lucy up the steps, and I knocked on the door and rung the doorbell. My mom answered, standing in an empty hallway.

"Woah, what's up with the lack of decorations?" I asked, leading Lucy inside.

Mom smiled at me. "I've decided to move, Sydney. This gives me too many memories. And Stephen..."

"Well, Mom I've came here just for that reason," I specified.

Her face brightened. "Really? I'm glad you've came then!"

We sat down in the kitchen, and I felt a pang of sadness as I remember Delilah, Dad, and I sitting at the table for breakfast in the mornings. Mom turned around from the coffee machine.

"Coffee?" She asked.


Mom poured me a cup, then got a bowl and filled it with water for Lucy, who happily lapped it up. "Okay, so talk to me."

"Mom, when will he be in prison? I've had nightmares about him, and Jessie was scared about me leaving to visit you. And the day at the funeral has made things worse. And I don't want him to find about our little girl and get her."

"Little girl?" Mom questioned with a playful smirk.

I grinned idiotically. "She's an orphan that I teach in gymnastics, Hazel. But she isn't officially ours. But Jessie and I love her to death. Her foster parents are awful, Mom..." Then I launched into an explanation about the foster parents.

"Well, I want you to adopt her soon. No child deserves that." Mom frowned and shook her head, sipping from her mug.

"I know," I fondled with my untouched one. "I'm just waiting for the right time to suggest it. And I want Hazel to be okay with it."

Mom smiled. "You two will be great parents, I can tell. Now, back to Stephen."

"When is the soonest time? I want him locked up for good."

"Life?" Mom questioned.

Slowly, I nodded my head. It's a horrible thing, but he deserves it. "Is there any way I can help?"

"If you had pictures or evidence of his abuse, that will get him away for sure. But we're already on it. I found your father's phone, and maybe the investigators can track down his calls. See if Stephen had anything to do with it."

I nodded. "I can't wait until this is all over."

My mom nodded in agreement. "I know, Syd. So, how's Jessie?"

"Worried. She's so protective about me, and cares so much. Sometimes I wish she cared less."

"I love her," Mom commented, finishing her drink, and turning to pour some more. "So, why haven't you married her?"

I almost coughed on the first sip I had of the warm drink. "Huh?!"

"You know, wedding rings, vows, marriage, commitment. You aren't going to be with anybody else, you made that sure. And you've divorced. So, why not? You two are so cute together."

I blushed. My own mom called Jessie and I cute. "Well, I'm just waiting for the right time--"

"And when will that be? Face it, you've already settled down, and you're on the verge of being a family with Hazel. You kids need to get married. And don't tell me about 'taking it slow', because I know you two haven't restrained yourselves at night--"

"MOM!" I screeched.

"What? Don't pretend like you aren't doing it!"

My cheeks were flaming red. "Please never talk about that again..."

Mom just laughed.

A/N: Soooo, this is part one, since I'm too lazy to write more. And, yah!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now