22. The Competition

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                    The day of competition was here, and I tried my best to not make my nervousness obvious. I mean, I'm really good and I win 90% of the time. But, maybe if Jessie's here I'll lose my train of thought. Because, who wouldn't? She's a beautiful, stunning woman that you don't see every day. Mostly because she hides her face behind her black curls as she's working. She's like an angel sent from Heaven.

"Where do I sit?" Jessie asked me. When I had told her about me losing my train of thought, she made an effort to make herself less noticeable. Her hair's just loosely curled, and she wore a black t-shirt with jean shorts. Even in the simplest clothing she was breath-taking.

I pointed to our side, and she gave me a smile before going over there. I turned away from the stands so I wouldn't see where she was going. No doubt if I knew where she sat, my eyes would zoom right on her.

My eyes wandered to everywhere but our stands, and my jaw dropped from who I saw. Someone I didn't even suspect would be a gymnast.

I pulled Delilah to my side. "Dee, why is she here?!"

Dee followed my eyes and frowned. "Syd, I'm so sorry. But, I forgot to tell you she's...sorta in gymnastics too."

"So, I'm going against her?"

"That would be correct."

We both stared at Suzy as she stretched herself, with a bruised cheek. She slightly winced, and I started to feel a little bad about it. She shouldn't have messed with my Jessie in the first place. I'm also kind of scared because she could tell someone of Jessie and I. And I don't want that spreading and getting to Jessie's boss who would fire her and then put her in jail. Then my parents would take me back and ban me from ever seeing her again.

"Don't let her get to you, Syd. Don't let her mess you up in front of Jessie. Wait, where is Jessie?"

"Her hair isn't as curly today. I told her I would be distracted if I saw her beauty," I said jokingly, but it was true.

Delilah searched our stands and saw her, then waved. "Wow, she does look beautiful."

We went to change, and that's when it started. Suzy gave me glares as we waited for our turns to go. Then when it was my turn, I got on it and got into my starting position, ignoring Suzy. She shouted insults at me, until I heard her coach tell her to stop.

While I was performing, I heard my sister and some other people cheer for me. I could even make out Jessie's beautiful voice. But I tried not to concentrate too hard on it, or else I'll mess up or forget something. Almost at the end, something happened.

As I landed from a backwards flip, something swept under me and knocked me off my feet. My head banged against something hard, and I cried out as I held my head. The music stopped and I heard the crowd gasp. My eyes remained shut as I heard and felt people crowd around me. Hot tears  rushed down my face, not just from the pain in my head, but from my performance. How could i have screwed up? I've been practicing that same flip for years, and I've never had a problem in competitions before. What went wrong this time?

"Syd? Syd, wake up! Please!" Jessie's voice was heard above all the others.

I slowly opened my eyes to see her looking down at me. My eyes closed again, and they stayed closed as my whole body relaxed, and everything disappeared.

A/N: Who's the best author in the whole world? I am! Nah, I'm kidding. But I've managed to update this instead of my other two, does that give me credit?

Okay, now down to business. You all know Jessie is Jessie J, and all that beautiful jazz.But, Sydney Tenner is just a character. She doesn't really exist, but portraying her is Tamara Rapp, a dancer who I thought would be perfect for this part. Delilah Tenner is her twin sister, which is Tiara Rapp. I didn't want to use their actual names just because. They're in a dance crew called 8 Flavahz (I love them so much) and those are the extra people in the video. Remember Tam has red hair, and Ti is blonde.

Okay, that's all. :)

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