My Lover | 29.

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After the whole Stephen-in-the-woods episode, my days have been considerably brighter. I haven't had to look over my back every five minutes out of fright of Stephen somehow appearing behind me, ready to murder me. Jessie's been smiling a lot more now, and it's actually genuine. Even Hazel noticed a change in the atmosphere. She smiled more with Jessie, and even started singing songs she makes up.

One night as I read a book Jessie had picked out for me one time she visited the bookstore with Hazel, Jessie jumped on the bed beside me.

"Baby," she said, holding my wrist in her hand.

"Yes?" I bookmarked the page by folding the corner of the page (Jessie huffed in disapproval). Then I sat the book on the bedside table.

"Can we keep her?" She questioned.

"Keep who?" I asked stupidly.

"Hazel," Jessie answered, grinning.

"Hazel...Are you sure about this?" I sat up so I could look at her better.

"I'm positive. I mean, she's already our own. She doesn't want to go back, and I asked if she's happy here, and she said she was. Syd, we can't send her back. I've grown attached to her and I love her."

I thought about what Jessie said. She was right. I knew Hazel wouldn't step foot back in her foster parents' house. And we could have the child we've always wanted. But, didn't Hazel want us as her parents?

"Please?" Jessie poked her bottom lip out.

"It depends on whether Hazel wants us as her parents or not. It's al down to her decision. I just want her to be happy."

"Well, if she does say yes, what about you?"

"I'd love to call her my daughter."

Jessie squealed and hugged me. "How about tomorrow at breakfast? We can ask her?"

"Yes, Jessie. Whatever you want."

The next morning, I went to wake Hazel up and help her get ready for school. Jessie had bought her even more clothes, and the closet she has was full of outfits. She also had a brand new dresser with more clothes. Hazel wasn't even officially ours, and yet she was already being spoiled by Jessie.

The excitement was evident on Jessie's face when I entered the kitchen after finishing with Hazel. She was humming to herself as she cooked, and she didn't even see me. So when I went up and wrapped my arms around her waist, she shouted in surprise.

"Don't do that!" Jessie said, looking back at me.

I kissed her cheek and sat down at the table. Hazel came down shortly after, in a cute skirt Jessie bought her. Jessie served breakfast, and we all were at the table.

Jessie and I kept glancing at each other while we ate. Finally Jessie raised an eyebrow, silently asking if she could ask. I nodded and looked at Hazel.

"Hazel, honey?" Jessie said.

Hazel looked up from eating her eggs. "Yes?"

Jessie's hand flew under the table and rested on my leg. I used my right hand to hold her hand. She's developed the habit of holding my hand when she's nervous or anxious recently, which I don't mind.

"Um, how would you feel if we, uh...adopted you?"

I don't know what Jessie was expecting, but she released a sigh when Hazel excitedly nodded her head.

"Yes! Yes, please adopt me! I like living here!" Hazel said, showing all of her teeth.

Jessie smiled over at me, and I squeezed her hand in comfort. The family she's always wanted was here. At last.


Jessie held my waist as we waited to speak with the person in charge about adopting Hazel. My face was buried in the crook of her neck. Last night, at gymnastics, we had to stay after for more practicing since our competition was next Saturday, then a girl's mom had gotten off late and I had to stay there with the girl.

"Maybe you should take tomorrow off?" Jessie suggested.

"But it's Monday. You won't be there all day."

"Baby, take the day off. I'm commanding you."

I smiled into her neck. I absolutely love her dominant side. "Yes, Jessie."

"Ms. Tenner?" A woman called from the room.

Jessie and I looked at each other. Then we stood and then walked to the woman in the room, our hands laced together. Finally, we were adopting our little Hazel.

A/N: I know I said "finally" a lot, but yeah...I didn't know what else to say.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now