Her Own | 6. Job Insecurities

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My hands gripped the steering wheel as I drove back home. There is no way he could be flirting with me. Jessie's right. He's just trying to get into my head.

But that's his downfall. He won't get to me because I have this beautiful woman by my side for the rest of my life. And there's no way I'm willing to screw this up.

Luckily, Jessie was still at work, so I didn't have to worry about her questioning why I was upset. Hazel knew I had blown a fuse with Mike, so she did her hardest to not mention anything about him as I began teaching her dance routine for our next competition. It was hard doing it without the actual mattress in the studio, but we dragged the guest bedroom's mattress to the ground as a substitute.

I guess we were practicing so hard and having so much fun we didn't see Jessie watching us. She laughed when Hazel landed on top of me on the floor, and I jumped out of my skin when I heard her. Her curly hair was pulled out of her face, and she had a few oil smudges on her beautiful face.

"Practice?" Jess asked, grinning still.

"Uh, yeah," I answered, getting up and picking Hazel up also.

"Y'all are so cute." She giggled, kissing Hazel on her forehead before kissing me on the lips.

One of my hands held the back of Jessie's head as I extended the kiss. I'm not going to pretend to not know why I am doing this. I'm doing this because I want to feel the connection we have after all these years. And pretty much, I've felt it. I felt it run through my veins as Jessie deepened the kiss and held my waist. I hadn't even noticed Hazel escaped my grip and got out of the way. It was just my girl and I there in that moment.

"I love you," I immediately said after I caught my breath again.

"I love you, too. But what was that for?" Jessie asked, still holding my hips.

"I just felt the need to. And I had to. Can I not kiss you anymore?" I joked.

"Oh, don't say that. I may die without them."

We shared a shorter kiss before walking out of Hazel's room. Something bumped into my legs, and I looked down to see Kirby. I bent down to pick him up gently, and Jessie stroked his ears.

"Hey, Kirbs," I cooed as I went and carried him to the kitchen.

"So, I was thinking about having Chinese food for dinner," Jessie suggested, pulling out a carrot stick from the refrigerator.

"Sounds wonderful," I commented, grabbing the vegetable and washing it off.

"I'll go place the order, then. You want the usual?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Jessie disappeared, and Hazel took her spot, Toby in her arms. Kirby tensed up in my arms at the sight of the cat, but Toby paid him no mind.

"Hazel, honey, could you take Toby somewhere? Kirby's in here right now," I politely said, stroking the trembling Kirby's fur in an attempt to soothe him.

"Mama Ten?" Hazel, instead, asked.

"Yes, darling?"

"Why was Mike flirting with you?"

At that question, I froze. How did she know about flirting? And was it that obvious?

"He wasn't flirting," I lied, with my voice waivering. I'm a horrible liar nowadays.

"Yes, he was. I was there. I saw it."

"Uh...Hazel, it was nothing."

"Oh it wasn't?"

I would've responded, but I gulped when I realized it wasn't Hazel's voice. Very slowly, I turned around to see Jessie at the doorway, arms crossed. She definitely looked more than pissed.

"Hazel, please go to your room," Jessie said, her eyes not leaving mine.

Hazel left without a word, leaving me alone with Jessie. And Kirby.

"Mind explaining about all this flirting I'm hearing?" Jessie started walking towards me, and I held Kirby tighter to me.

"Jess, it was nothing--"

"If it was nothing, how come you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't want you to make a big deal about this like you are now!" I tried.

Jessie sighed and massaged her temples. She was on the verge of a migraine now, and the conversation hasn't even reached the point of yelling. Maybe something bad happened today at work.

"Syd, I care about you. I love you. But you couldn't even tell me this one little thing? What about the secret thing?!"

"Jess, this only happened today. If you had given me more time, I might would have  told you it--"

"Might?! You MIGHT would have told me?! Sydney, I am in no mood for your mind games or whatever. I had a bad day at work, and--"

"What happened?" I quickly asked, hesitating before grabbing a hold of her limp hand.

Jessie's face relaxed. "Oh, nothing."

"Jessie, talk to me," I urged. I sat Kirby down, then grabbed her other hand also.

She sighed before talking. "First I was being yelled at for not cleaning something right by a co-worker. Then they all hate me because kids love me and I was able to get a vacation so quick. They stole my lunch and supplies, and it was just awful, Syd. Awful. Because I've been nothing but nice to them, and they do such horrendous things to me. I've never intentionally hurt anybody, Syd! I've never been so hated to the point that I need to carry my belongings everywhere I go."

This was way bigger than my situation, and I felt anger rise in me. Jessie's never hurt a fly, so how could they be horrible to her? "Baby, that is so not fair. You know what? I'm gonna go down there right now and give them a piece of my mind--"

"Baby, no," Jessie gripped my arms. "I don't want them to start on you, and the fact that we're two married women."

"So?! That doesn't give them a right to be such bullies!" I exclaimed. "Please let me see them! I have a lot to say right now!"

Jessie smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "I may have to do the same thing about Mike. He's deeply disturbed you, baby. And I can't handle that."

I felt my anger slowly ease away, and it went faster as soon as Jessie pressed her lips into mine. Her hair was released from her tie by my fingers, and I ran my hands through her hair. Doing this gives me life, because she has such good hair.

The doorbell interrupted our moment, and I rolled my eyes before hurrying to answer it. Not bothering to ask who it was or look through the peephole, I opened the door.

Mike stood there, a sleeping bag in one arm, and a huge pillow in the other. My jaw dropped as he asked, "Could I please stay here tonight?"

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now