My Lover | 13. House Hunting

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"Ooh! I like this one!" Jessie exclaimed at a house I pulled up on my phone.

Normally, I'd be at school, but luckily the semester ended yesterday. From now on, I'm taking classes online.

Jessie was sitting behind me, her long legs on either side of my body, chin resting on my shoulder. She was pointing at the current house, telling me to click on it. Jess babbled on about how beautiful it was, while I eyed the price of it.

"Jessie, don't you think it's a little too...pricey?" I suggested.

She shrugged. "I think it's fine. But look at the backyard !Little Sam can play back there!"

Jessie's been calling the unborn baby "Sam" since it's a boy nd girl name. It's more of a placeholder until we know the gender of the baby.

"Jess, we can't afford that," I scoffed.

"Why not?"

"Uh, hello! I work at Domino's. You're jobless. Think about it!"

Jessie gazed lovingly at the house on my phone. "Well, maybe we can set a payment plan or something."

"It'll take my whole life to pay this off!"

"Syd, trust me. I got this."

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. If Jessie can handle it, then she'll handle it. So I just watched her squeal about the features of the house and her ideas about it. It wasn't until she hopped up and ran out the room that I realized she was going to call for that house. And in my mind, I somehow knew we were going to get it. So, I might as well start packing now.

"We're going today!" Jessie squealed as she ran back in the room. "Two o'clock. Wear something nice!"

Sure, I'll wear something nice. If jeans and a graphic t-shirt count. But I didn't tell Jessie this, knowing she would have told me to wear a dress or something.

Jessie threw my phone on the bed, extracting hers from her pocket. She said something about calling Katy before running out again.

I got up and literally left to find some boxes. With all the things Jessie's got, we should've started packing yesterday to finish on time! We'll just have to continuously pack without stopping. Unless Katy and Delilah could lend a hand.

In a hallways closet, I found empty boxes and brought them out just as Jessie was skipping up the stairs. She saw me and came over, a huge smile overtaking her face.

"Katy's coming over to help pack tomorrow! And she was so excited about us moving, and us  being back together, and I had almost told her about Sam! But, I kept my mouth shut, because it'll be your decision to decide when."

Her hand rested on my tummy, as if there was an actual visible bump there. I smiled up at her." Thank you, baby."

"Oh, maybe we should start now," Jessie suggested, as if she originally thought of it first.

As I lifted up a particularly large box, Jessie stopped me by taking it out of my hands. Giving her a confused look, I asked what she was doing.

"Don't want to use up your energy." Jessie grinned, putting the box down and grabbing my hand. I decided to not say anything, but just let her lead me to the kitchen, weirdly. She sat me down before starting to rummage through the fridge, asking what I wanted.

"I'm not hungry right now," I laughed, feeling my stomach start to growl.

Jessie gave me a look. "Yeah, you are. I can tell."


"You're my baby. I know all about you."

"Fine. I could use a sandwich..."


After two sandwiches and a soda later, Jessie was driving us  up to the new house. It was really beautiful, and I instantly knew why she loved this house. She glanced at me, smiling a smile that made her eyes sparkle. It was adorable seeing her happy like this, it made my insides warm and fuzzy.

The Real Estate agent smiled as we walked up to her and introduced herself as Sandy. Sandy gave us a lengthy tour of the house, due to how huge the house was. The excitement was practically radiating off of Jessie. She really wanted this house.

The backyard was beautiful with a huge pool I wouldn't mind taking a dip in at the moment. There was enough room for tons of kids to play around at. I could picture it now, Jessie and I with all of our friends--maybe two--and children running around playing with bubbles and toys. It would be perfect.

"Do you like it?" Jessie asked as we stood in the master bedroom.

"It's beautiful. I love it, Jess," I admitted, grasping her hand once again. She slipped from my grasp from time to time looking at specific things.

"Can we get it?" She asked, biting her bottom lip.

"Of course we can."

Jessie squealed and hugged me before calling Sandy back in the room. She told Sandy that we wanted the house and they talked about the pricing, and I noticed Jessie saying she got it.

"When can we move in?" Jessie asked, holding me by my waist.

"I'd say, next week?" Sandy suggested.

We exchanged looks. We wanted to move in as soon as possible. Meaning, this week.

"What about this week?" Jessie tried. "We really need a new place. Please?"

Sandy looked at her clipboard, and flipped through some papers. "I don't see why not. This week it is. Just come to my office tomorrow and we can discuss the paperwork."

"Can we do it today? We're in a hurry."

Sandy eyed Jessie. "You two aren't escaped criminals, are you?" She joked.

Jessie stiffened against me. I guess that joke brought up memories from prison. So I had to laugh for her.

"Good one! But, no. We just have a small situation where we currently live. The people around there aren't too friendly."

Yeah, Stephen isn't all that friendly alright. And would be even worse when I demand a divorce.  Jessie had asked to come with me, but I denied it saying my mom was coming with a guy friend that has an intimidating look to him, but I've seen him as an uncle.

Sandy lead us out the house, and we drive to her office across town. This was going better than I thought. The hardest part was soon to come.
A/N: I just wanted to thank you all for giving me over 4k reads! It's ah-mah-zing! And I love you all! *Sends Virtual Hugs*

And, since this is the sequel, I'm going to repost the cover on every chapter to not be confused. Mostly for my sake, because I read over this to figure what to write next. I may change it. The cover's pixelated a bit.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now