Her Own | 12. The Dream

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A week has passed, and Mike has backed off on me. I don't know what Gloria said or did, but I'm happy for it. Sure, he lets out a few flirts, but they're not constant anymore which I'm happy about. And gymnastics had ended for the summer, which I was happy about. Now I can finally spend time with my family, like I could never do.

"Hazel, you can start the movie," I called to the living room. "Your mother and I will be right out."

"Okay!" I heard from her. The Disney's little theme song from lots of their movies began playing.

Jessie took the popcorn off the stove and poured it into the bowl. "I saw Mike today, Syd."


"At the store. He was talking to me about how great Hazel is in class."

"I tell you how she is everyday."

"I know. Then he started talking about you. And I got really mad and told him to leave you alone. He should really stop obsessing about you. He's never gonna get you."

I smiled at Jessie. It was obvious she was at least a little jealous. And it warmed my heart at her concern.

"Jessie, I will always be with you," I promised.

"I hope he doesn't turn into one of those stalker guys. Like..."

Jessie trailed off, but I knew what she meant. Stephen was like a forbidden word to us now.

"Yeah, me neither. But, it's all over now. So, let's forget about it, okay?" I asked.

Jessie picked up the popcorn while I grabbed the drinks. "Okay."

I followed Jessie into the living room in time for the start of Bolt. It's a great movie about a dog who's famous that gets lost away from his hometown. I've watched it before, and it's cute how Hazel snuggles with Lucy while watching the movie.

Which was what Hazel was doing now. She had her own small bowl of popcorn and was on the ground with Lucy. Jessie and I had the couch to ourselves, and we cuddled each other to death. My head was tucked under Jessie's chin, and I could hear her rhythmic beating of her heart. Her hands rested on my back while mine were around hers.

"That cat is so cute," I heard Jessie mumble.

"The cat? I like the hamster."

"He's cute. But I really like the cat. She's been through a lot, not having a family and all."

"Would you adopt a stray cat?"

"If it had its shots and was declawed."

"That's never the case, Jess."


I giggled and kissed her cheek. She smiled and gave me a proper kiss, which I quickly responded to.

My eyes started to droop, and I struggled to stay awake. Then Jessie started stroking my hair soothingly. And I was out like a light.


Jessie sat outside on the porch of our our house on the countryside. She rocked back and forth with a young baby in her arms as she hummed to him. I walked out of the screen door and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey, Syd. Did you finally put on cartoons for Miranda?" She asked quietly.

"Mhmm. Her and Tommy are watching them now."

Jessie smiled. "Good. Oh, and I made a salad for dinner."


"And Hazel wants to start driving soon. She wants her permit soon, baby."

"Okay. I'll remember that."

Jessie nodded at me. Then Lucy came around the corner, slightly limping. She had grey on her muzzle, indicating she is old. Lucy weakly wagged her tail at me, and I gave her a scratch behind her ear.

"Mama Ten! Could you tie up my dress?"

An older Hazel, around sixteen, came out of the house and put her back to me. She was so beautiful, and I started tearing up when I realized this was her first date. I tied her dress up then made her face me.

"You look so beautiful," Jessie and I said at the same time. I looked back and smiled at my wife.

"Thank you!" Hazel beamed. Then she scurried back inside the house.

"MAMA!" A little girl wailed.

A small girl came outside, followed by an older one. The small one looked a lot like me while the older one resembled Jessie so accurately.

"Mama, she took the remote from me!" Mini Me shouted, pointing at Mini Jessie.

"Shhhhh!" Jessie shushed, holding the black-haired baby closer to her body. "Steve's sleeping!" (A/N: I decided on Steve since I couldn't find it.)

"One of you use the tv in our room. Happy?"

"Yay! Thanks, Mama!" Mini Jessie said, running back in the house with Mini Me.

Jessie sighed and smiled at me. "Aren't kids adorable, Syd?"

"They're the best," I found myself saying, then I kissed her softly.

A car pulled up, and a handsome young man stapled out of it, asking for Hazel. In record time, Hazel came out, kissed Jessie and I, then went with the guy.

"Her first date..." Jessie smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I could remember when all she cared about was Disney like it was yesterday."

"It's Hazel. She always lived Disney."

We laughed, and I took a seat next to my wife, watching the sunset...

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now