My Lover | 25. Favoritism

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The next day, I was taking way more precautions than necessary.  Ever since I saw Stephen yesterday, I couldn't ignore the feeling of lurking. That someone was watching every move I made. Jessie insisted it was just the sight of seeing Stephen again freaked my nerves, but I couldn't be too sure about that.

I was slightly late getting to work, and was walking in when the bus arrived to drop off the kids. So, I just waited, smiling at the kids and holding the door open for them. They can't know that I'm mentally freaking out.

Hazel was the last one off, and I saw her exchange words to the bus driver, then hug them. A natural smile took over my face, and grew even wider when I saw the bus driver.

"No way, Jess," I giggled at the double doors of the bus.

"Yes way," Jessie joked. "Come on up, I'm the only one up here."

I climbed the steps of the bus, and, sure enough, she was the only person up there. Jessie pulled me into a kiss and asked if I was okay.

"Of course I'm okay," I assured her.

Jessie smiled at me, then I got off the bus. Hazel was waiting for me at the door, smiling.

"Hi, Ms. Sydney,"she acutely greeted, hugging me.

"Hey, darling! How are you?"

"I'm fine. Look at what your girlfriend got me!"

Hazel held a brand new gym bag in her hands, and from the looks of it, it was a very expensive bag.

"Wow, that's really pretty,"I said, forcing myself to smile. I mentally told myself that Jessie and I needed a talk. How is she able to buy expensive things, yet still has the money saved up from her house?

Most of the girls were practicing the dances I had taught them for the upcoming competition.  Today I had planned to start on Hazel, so nobody would suspect me showing favoritism.

"Okay, Hazel, are you..." I trailed off, my eyes going to the new set of clothes she was currently wearing. Did her family buy her new clothes?

"And your girlfriend got me new clothes, too!" Hazel said, spinning around.

Oh, yeah. We really need to have a talk.

As I was teaching Hazel her part, girls kept coming up to me, asking questions about their parts. I noticed they all glared at Hazel's new clothes, all except Amber, who actually complimented Hazel on them.

"Hazel, you are doing your jumps high enough," I sighed to the young girl as she fell on her butt for the seventh time.

"I'm trying to!" Hazel whined, getting up and attempting to try it again. "But my legs hurt!"

"Are you stretching properly?" I questioned.

"Yes. I even stretched my legs extra long the past few days. They still hurt."

"Why do they hurt?"

Hazel fell silent, and her head hung, her curls hanging down. My face softened, but I was confused.

"Hazel?" I quietly said, while I heard squeals of the other girls. I lifted her head up, and saw a deep frown on her face.

" there something going on?" I softly asked, scanning her face.

The young girl opened her mouth, then closed it again, as if debating whether or not to say anything. It just made me even more anxious. What has happened to this young, innocent child that she can't even tell me?

Hazel panicked and ran into the dressing room. Most girls watched her, then turned to me. I only sighed and buried my face in my hands.

First, I have to worry about the whole Stephen situation, my dad dying, the whole thing going on with my brain and fire, and Jessie. Then on top of that, there's Hazel that's keeping a secret from me.

So, I was glad when it was time to go, I waited for all the girls to leave--trying my hardest to smile at Hazel, who scurried past me--then left myself, telling Gloria good-night.

Jessie waited for me in the living room when I got home. Toby hopped out of her lap as she came and gave me a kiss. I didn't hesitate to start questioning Jessie.

"How did you buy Hazel them things?" I asked sternly.

Jessie sighed. "Syd...I had to. Seeing her with battered clothes and torn things made me feel bad. And there was something going on at home. So, I wanted her to be happy for once."

She twirled a lock of her hair shyly, blushing madly.

"Jess, is there something you're not telling me?" I asked.

Jessie made a strangled noise in the back of her throat. "Jess...I've been keeping this from you for a long time. You know how I was able to keep that nice house, but still had a job as a janitor?"

I nodded, hardly believing she was going to tell and this.

"Syd, my parents are sending me money every month. I really don't need a job, but I kept it not to raise suspicions."

The look on my face froze. Jessie had me feel sorry for her hat I cost her her job. But, she never even needed the darn thing?

My eye twitched, and I turned around and walked away from Jessie. She's kept money from me the whole time we were together. How much? Was she ever going to tell me this?

"Syd, I'm so sorry, but it isn't a big deal--"

I rounded on her, marching back so I was directly in her face. "It isn't a big deal?! Jessie, this is a HUGE deal! I've been tricked into thinking you only got a house from your parents, and you wanted to make a living by being a janitor! When you've told me about them, I told you that you didn't act like a snobby, rich girl. But now? Now I realize that it fits you perfectly! A rotten, spoiled brat who can get whatever she wants whenever!"

"Syd, it's not even like that! I swear!" Jessie was on the verge of tears.

"Why didn't you just tell me when we first met?" I moaned, starting to cry out of anger.

"Because, I didn't want you to pre-judge me--"


"Syd, I would never! I didn't want you to think of me as the typical rich-girl stereotype like they all do! I thought you were different!"

"You should've told me," was the last thing I said before walking away.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now