8. Jessie's Mistake

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                            Delilah gave me a strange look when I came in the house. Yeah, my cheeks were probably red from what happened in Jessie's car, but nothing out of the ordinary. Just a girl kissing her janitor, nothing to be freaked out about.

"You okay, sis?" She carefully asked, as if to not upset me.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm totally fine. Nothing to worry about."

I quickly went up to my room and locked the door. The moment kept playing in my head. How adorable she looked. When I kissed her, and she didn't pull away. Her dazed expression. She must like me back. She has to like me back. Or was she just being nice?

Think about it. She wouldn't be so nice and caring towards me if she didn't. And wouldn't have visited me at my job. Or gave me a ride home, knowing perfectly well I got there on my own.

My sister's voice rang through the house, calling my name. As quickly as I could, I ran downstairs to be met with a sight I thought I'd never see. Jessie. In my house.

"J-Jessie?" I stupidly asked.

"Yeah, she wanted you," Dee confirmed, walking to the living room.

The tall woman smiled shyly at me, and I reciprocated it. Yeah, she was tall compared to me, since I was about average.

"Hi, Jessie."

"Hey, Sydney. Um, you forgot something in my car."

In her hand held my phone. I grabbed it and slid it in my pocket, with a, "Thanks." I must have been so happy or anxious that I forgot it in there. Whoops.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow then?" She asked, pulling a lock of hair behind her ear. It fell again.

"Sure." Instinctively, I leaned in to fix it and actually put it back in its ponytail. Suddenly, I felt hands on my hips, cool ones at that. It had to be Jessie's. I looked down. They were. I placed mine around her neck.

"Thanks," she murmured, her eyes casting to my lips once again.

This has to be some proof that she wants me. Especially since she was moving in closer to me. We both leaned inwards. I could smell and feel her breath on me. Minty.


The two of us jumped away from each other, Jessie removing her hands instantly. Delilah gawked at us, and even though I wasn't violent towards my sister, it made me want to punch her.

"Sydney! I didn't know you were one of them!" Delilah gasped, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Delilah! It's not..." I didn't even know what to say. This wasn't going to be a secret forever, I knew that. But, this wasn't the way I was going to tell her. Not even Jessie!

It was supposed to be calm and collected and civil. But, my sister was freaking out before I could even explain. Or come up with one.

"Sydney, answer me!"

Jessie turned around. "I'm about to go."

Dee glared at Jessie. "Yeah, you do that."

"Delilah!" I cried in anger.

Once Jessie left, I felt weak. I was stronger when she was here, so she could help. Or even for her support.

"I can't believe you," she snarled. "Were you so lonely you started dating the JANITOR?"

"Delilah, stop," I quietly said.

"Oh, no! What will Mom and Dad think about this? Would they hate you? Disown you?"

Why was she being so mean and disrespectful? I mean, she has a gay guy friend, and said she respects him. But she didn't want her own sister to be one? How wrong did that sound?

Unable to stand this, I ran back upstairs and into my room. I slammed the door close and sat on my bed. I was so scared. What if she did tell Mom and Dad? As far as I knew, they weren't homophobes, but anything could happen.

My phone dinged, and I opened a text message.

Jess: I am so sorry for that! I hope you aren't in trouble. :( x

It's sweet knowing she still cares for me.

Me: It's okay. I'm just scared. x

Jess: Aww! Can you still come tomorrow?

Me: Yes, I want to. When will you come get me?

Jess: Whenever you want.

Me: I want to leave as early as possible.

Jess: Okay. How about 11?

Me: Perfect x

Jess: Great. See you then :) Good-night x

Me: Good-night x

I was surprised that she still wanted me over. I expected her to ignore me and never talked to me again, all because of my sister and her big mouth. I can't believe she insulted Jessie like that. She doesn't even know what Jessie's like! And I'd thought she would react better than that, remembering the episode when Jessie's tires got slashed. How could she have turned so quickly?

After charging my phone up, I slipped into bed, forgetting my day-clothes were still on.

A/N: Short, I know, but I couldn't end it any other way. Dedicated to Isthatyaqueen for her(?) lovely comments! X3

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now