Her Own | 17. Awake

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"Delilah!" I exclaimed, rushing to my sister's side and giving her a big hug. She groaned, and I quickly got off of her.

"I can't believe you're awake! The doctor said you were going to wake up tomorrow!" I excitedly said to her, over the moon that she's finally awake so soon.

Delilah gave me a painful smile and reached for my hand. I quickly grasped it, and held it. "Syd, could you lower your voice? My head's killing me."

"Oh," I said, my voice softer. "Sorry, sis."

Delilah sighed softly. "I'm in so much pain right now. The least you can do is not fight with Jessie right now in front of me. I love her so much, also."

Jessie appeared at my side, and she smiled down at my sister. "I love you too, Delilah."

My sister smiled up at Jessie, then chuckled. "Remember when I first saw you two together at our house? You two were about to kiss, and I freaked out."

Jessie and I giggled. "I remember that," Jessie said. "I was so scared after that."

"I never would have thought you were gay, Syd," Delilah continued.

"I wouldn't have guessed it either," I agreed, using my other hand to hold Jessie's. Jessie gave me a smile, then laid her head on my shoulder.

"You two are so cute," Delilah said. Then her face screwed up in a look of pain, and she cried out. Her hand slipped out of mine and went to her head.

I was beyond worried for my sister, and Jessie obviously was too. She lifted her head up and looked at Delilah in concern.

"Do you need a nurse?" Jessie asked.

Delilah quickly waved her hand, eyes closed tightly. "No no no...Just a headache. Probably a migraine or something. I'm alright."

"Dee, you need a doctor," I sadly said.

Delilah opened her eyes again and gazed up at me. She still looked tired, even more than before. "Why so sad?"

Don't you just love how your twin can tell if you're sad?

"The doctor said you were going to have to be in a coma again," I responded. "So your body can fully recover."

Delilah scowled. "But I'm fine. Just sore and whatnot. But I'm really fine, Syd. Don't call them in."

"But, Dee, I want you to get better. I don't want you to be hurt anymore."

"Well, I'll get better in my own. I don't need to be in a stupid coma anyways."

She was so stubborn at times. But you had to love her, even though she's against her own health.

"I love you, Dee," I randomly said.

"I love you, too. Why?"

I shrugged. "I just felt like I needed to say that."

"And you really need some sleep," Jessie added, patting Delilah's arm.

As if on cue, she yawned, then winced in pain. "But, I don't want to. I haven't seen you in forever."

"Don't worry, we'll be here when you wake up. Syd won't leave until you're out of the hospital, anyways. You're lucky to have a sister like her."

"And you're lucky to have a wife like her. Take care of her."

Suddenly, I felt sad. Like this was the last time I would see her. But, it's not. I'm going to see her in the morning and every day after that until she's out of the hospital. And even then, I'll stay with her until she gets completely better.

I kissed my sister on the forehead, and she smiled at me. Jessie did the same, then we went over to our chairs. Delilah faced the window, the moonlight illuminating her face. She looked so distressed, so broken.

"I'm sorry for earlier," Jessie apologized.

"It's okay," I responded, then my hand rested against Jessie's stomach.

"Dee!" I said suddenly, scaring Jessie.

But Delilah only turned back to face me, not startled or anything. "Yeah?"

"Jessie's pregnant," I announced.

Delilah smiled. "Congrats, Jess!"

"Thank you," Jessie thanked, blushing.

"It's going to be a girl," Delilah said, turning back around.

Jessie smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at her, then asked, "How do you know?"

"I can feel it," she said, unknowingly quoting Jessie's response from earlier that night.

"And how can you feel it?"

"I don't know. But trust me, I know these things," she replied, quoting my answer from earlier tonight.

I grinned at her, then snuggled with my loving wife. She kissed my forehead, then I waited until her breathing evened out. And I continued gazing at Delilah until my eyelids got heavy.

A/N: I'm sorry. 😔

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