My Lover | 22. Hazel

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The next day, I was so excited to finally start my job. I could barely sleep last night because of my excitement. Finally, something was going good in my life. I could be happy now.

"Have a good day at work," Jessie said, kissing me good-bye. She didn't have work today, obviously.

"I will," I grinned, stepping out the house.

As I drove off, I saw Jessie watching me, smiling. Maybe she also thought that finally something was going right.

When I got there, the smile was frozen on my face. I couldn't remove it at all. And Gloria was happy to see that I couldn't either.

"My, the girls will love you!" Gloria said, patting my cheek softly. "Have anything planned today?"

"Yeah, probably getting to know each other so we can all be comfortable. Since I'm new and all."

Gloria raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that's the greatest idea ever. The girls...they don't get along with each other very well."

"But, they were doing fine yesterday."

"Because you were a visitor. Trust me, the reason they aren't winning is because they don't work together to get their work done. They don't work well as a team. I'm hoping you could fix that problem."

The smile faltered on my face a bit. "Okay. I'm sure I'll work it out between them."

Gloria smiled, then we waited for the girls to arrive. I put my hair into a ponytail and began stretching. My nerves were everywhere. I hope the girls aren't too bad. They possibly can't be that bad, can they?

A girl walked in, wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, her blonde hair into a high ponytail. She smiled at us, the smile not reaching her blue eyes. I swear, I was trying not to pre-judge her and say she was the start of most trouble. Instead, I smiled back at her.

"Hello, there!" I cheerfully said, smiling back at her.

"Good morning! I'm Kenzie, glad to meet you!"

Kenzie walked into a room near the back of the room, which I was informed by Gloria that it was the dressing room. Pretty soon, one by one, the girls arrived greeting us and telling me their names. For the most part, they didn't really have any bad vibes to them. They were all polite and smiled sweetly.

And then the last girl came in. It had apparently started raining outside, and she ran inside soaking wet. Her gym bag has rips and tears in it, and some of her clothes hung out. She had a light skin complexion, and I really loved her hair. It was in a curly afro, topped with a yellow bow. The girl walked by without a word to me or Gloria.

Gloria sighed and shook her head. "That's Hazel. She isn't the most popular among the girls. Take care of her, okay?"

As I watched her leave wet footprints on the floor, I nodded. "I promise you I will."

Ten minutes later, I assembled a circle, me at the head of it. "Okay, how about we play a game to learn more about each other? You can tell a hobby, or something you like to do. I'll go first," I said.

The girls kept their attention on me. "I'm Sydney Tenner, annnd I enjoy playing with my puppy, Lucy. Next?"

I looked to the girl to the right of me. She had brown hair and braces. "Well, I'm Amber, and I take dance class, and I've earned three trophies so far. I love dancing."

"That's so cool!" I said in my childish voice reserved for little kids.

Amber batted her eyes at me, then looked to the right of her. The girls kept going around the circle until it was one girl left. The Hazel girl. She sighed when it was her turn, then sat up straight.

"My name's Hazel, and I...I don't have hobbies."

"Oh come on," I encouraged. "You must have some hobby! What do you like to do?"

I heard a girl say not-so-quietly, "Be homeless," and snickers erupted. I ignored them.

"I don't know." Hazel shrugged.
"You have pretty hair. Do you do it yourself?"

Hazel nodded shyly.

"See? That's something good! I like that."

I saw Hazel smile, and that had my heart racing. That good feeling passed through me, and I hopped up. "Okay! How about we learn a warm-up routine?"

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now