2. The Second Time

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"Late, Miss Tenner?" My english teacher asked when I walked into his class. He was half bald, with his hair making a ring around his head. His giant spectacles on his face made his eyes ten times bigger. He looked around his early forties.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," I apologized, taking the seat next to Sylvia. She gave me a shy smile.

"Any reason?" He continued questioning me.

"Couldn't find the class. Long summer break. It won't happen again." I smiled sweetly at him.

He shook his head before resuming an explanation. Luckily, we sat in the back so Sylvia and I could conversate.

"Where were you?" She asked me.

"Where was I? Where were you? I was late looking for you, Syl!" I responded.

Sylvia bit her bottom lip in an apologetic way. "Sorry, hun. I was with a new friend I made over summer break. His name's Brandon."

Sylvia leaned back in her seat so I could get a good look at this Brandon guy. His dirty blonde hair and brown eyes made me scrunch up my face. He wasn't that cute, but that didn't matter. How come Sylvia's never told me this before? How long has this been going on? Brandon waved at me, and I gave him a half-hearted smile.

"Isn't he cute?" She whispered, loud enough for only me to hear.

"Yeah. Sure is."

And here comes the part I've been dreading. She finds someone better than me and leaves me for them, and I end up on square one all over again. It's happened plenty of times, so I'm used to it.

Even with the whole Sylvia situation, my mind drifted off elsewhere. To a certain green-eyed goddess. I wish I knew what her name was. I want to see her again, since we only had a brief encounter. There's something about her that I like.

The bell rung, and I jumped to get out of there. No more waiting for Sylvia. And the whole day went like that. Me trying to forget about Sylvia, and trying to recall what happened this morning.

"Syd!" My sister called to me, hopping on my shoulder, out of nowhere.

"Whoa! What is it, Dee?" I asked, holding onto her arm.

"Don't forget we have gymnastics this afternoon! Hurry up!"

Another thing we have in common. We do gymnastics. She's more flexible, I'm stronger.

"Okay," I said. "Go get the car, and I'll be out."

"Hurry!" Delilah shouted as she ran to the parking lot.

I shook my head as I walked to my assigned locker to put my new textbooks in. Finding it, I unlocked the locker with the combination I wrote on a sheet of paper, then opened it. After putting my books in there, I felt my phone buzz. Leading to me trying to pull it out of my pocket, and it clattering to the floor.

"Oh, I believe you dropped this."

I froze. I remember that voice. That angelic voice that makes me swoon. Her beautifully accented voice that matched her looks.

I closed my locker to see her smiling at me. Her black, curly hair pulled into a low ponytail. Her nose piercing creating a glint from the sun coming in from the windows. My phone in her hand. I smiled back as I sheepishly took what was mine back.

"Twice we ran into each other today," she said.

"Uh, yeah." I am so lame.

"So, Sydney, where are you off to?"

"Gymnastics. My sister's obssessed about it. I kind of am too. I love it."

"That's cool. Who's your sister?" She asked.

"Delilah Tenner."

The custodian nodded. "Tenner, eh?"

I blushed. "Yeah. Kinda weird."

"No, I like it."

She leaned against the lockers a little. My heart swelled every passing moment she stood there. Talking to me. As if I was important.

"What year are you in?" She asked, curiously.

"I'm a Senior, actually. I take it, you're not from around here, are you?" And here I was, asking questions back to her. I love hearing her talk, and just her overall prescence.

She grinned. "No, I'm not. I'm British, and came here from England, actually."


She shrugged. "Better opportunities."

"Of being a janitor?" I sarcastically asked.

"I like cleaning, what can I say?"

Before I could ask anything else, my phone buzzed with a text from my sister. Such a needy girl!

The woman smirked. "I'm guessing that it's your sister?"

"Yeah. I have to go."

"Well, it was nice talking with you. See you tomorrow, maybe."

"See you."

As we went our seperate ways, I realized something. I still don't know her name.


Delilah and I left gymnastics around eight. We only have it Mondays and Thursdays, though. And we have work Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

"So, you don't know her name?" I asked my twin on the car ride back home. I was talking about that lady janitor I bumped into today.

"Sorry, Syd. I don't know her name. What happened the first time y'all met?"

"After Suzy pushed me down, I gathered all my things and got up. Then she bumped into me, making my books fall again. Then, I..."

I trailed off because of my sister's snickering. Glancing at her, I asked, "Oh, so it's funny to you?"

"No! No way! It's not funny seeing you having to pick up all your books again." Dee tried not to smile by biting her lip. She failed miserably.

"If you had let me finish, you would know I didn't have to pick up the books myself. She did."

"Ooh, letting someone do your dirty work! Bad, bad girl, Syd!"

"Shut up and tell me what you want!"

We were at a Sonic drive-thru, ordering us a slushie. Because they're awesome. We arrived home a little after 8:30, and we went straight up to our rooms. Delilah's was more girly than mine, having pink everywhere, while mine had red everywhere, reflecting our favorite colors. I threw my bag by the closet, and finished the rest of my cherry slushie.

"Hey, Syd?" Dee's voice came from the other side of my door.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"What should I wear tomorrow? My purple or pink dress?"

"Which goes to your mid-thigh?"


"That one. And make your hair wavy. Don't put it in a ponytail."

"Okay. Thanks, sis."


I showered in the bathroom right across the hall, threw on a shirt and short shorts, then climbed into bed and fell asleep.

A/N: Sorry, it's going so slow. I promise it'll get better. Thanks to those who are reading this. It means a lot. ^_^

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now