20. Jessie's P.O.V.

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Okay, I'm gonna do something a little different here. This chapter will be focused on Jessie, so why not write it in her perspective? This won't happen a lot, since the story is supposed to mainly be in Sydney's perspective. But, enjoy. :)

                        Tonight I had to work late, and it was the Friday before Sydney's competition. I told her this and she said that she was fine with it.

The time I've spent with Sydney was the happiest I've been in years. And the best part is I can see her for sure each and every day. Sure, if we ever break up, which I'm not intending to, it'll be hard. We've been accustomed to living with each other, and my heart will break if we ever separate.

I was the only janitor in--no, scratch that--I was the only person throughout the school. It was okay, I was fine with it actually. The only reason I was doing this was to help the teacher. I just really like helping people, because I didn't need the money.

Katy said I was head over heels for this girl. At first I wouldn't believe it. But now I see it. I get her anything she wants and even more. There were these shoes that were really expensive that she mentioned once. I used a month's worth of money from this job to buy her them while we were at the mall. Every time she looks at them, she smiles.

One of the lights flickered as I pulled my cart down the hallway. Mentally noting that I'll need to change the light, I turned and unlocked the door to a classroom. The teacher said that some kid stuck a big wad of gum under her desk and that she needed it off because it kept sticking to her leg.

I pulled the scraper from the cart and went under her desk. Sure enough, there was gum under the desk. Also, there was a note attached to it. It was obvious the teacher liked me, with her flirtatious smiles and looks and her complimenting me, saying I'm beautiful. I've never told Syd that because she would've said something to the woman. She is very protective over me, as I am of her. One day while we were out an older man, a wayyy older man--older than me--approached her and started flirting with her. I was a few yards away, and saw her try to ignore him. But when her forced her to face him, I stomped over there and punched him in the eye, giving him a black eye. Sydney flinched as I lead her away. I wasn't that much older than her, but he looked almost thirty!

I threw the note away along with the gum. Turning around, I heard heels clicking down the hallway slowly. That can't be possible, because I'm the only one here. My guess is that it's the teacher who has a thing for me. My arms crossed as I focused on the door, only to be met with a sight I thought I'd never see.

"Suzy?" I questioned the brown-haired girl dressed in high heels and a black and very short dress, black purse accompanying her.

"Hello, Jessica," Suzy said, walking slowly towards me. "Missed me?"

"Last time I saw you was when you were leaving school today," I deadpan. "Why are you still here?"

Suzy stopped right in front of me. She was closer than what I'd like to be. But I couldn't move because I was backed into the teacher's desk.

"For you," she simply said, twirling a lock of my hair around her finger.

"Stop that." I pushed her hand away, but she went back at it.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You," Suzy growled, pushing me on the desk.

Honestly, I was terrified. Here Suzy was, coming on to me, knowing that if someone walks in I would be in big trouble. Both of us would. She must know about Sydney and I, she just has to.

"Suzy, please leave. You're not even supposed to be here."

"Why her?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why her? Why that redheaded girl with no life? She isn't even pretty! Why would you chose her over me?!" Suzy said, grabbing my overalls.

With anybody else I would have stood up for my girlfriend, but I can't let Suzy know. This is probably the reason she came here. "I don't know what you're talking about. And I would appreciate it if you would move."

Surprisingly, Suzy backed away so I could get off the desk. I moved to the other side of the desk while I straightened everything that was up there back how it was, so I wouldn't be near Suzy anymore.

"I know you want me," Suzy stated behind me.

Where she would get that idea from, I have no idea. But that was far from the truth. "Suzy, please leave. Please."

"You do want me. That's why you're playing hard to get. Just admit it!"

"Admit wha--"

Suddenly I was pushed backwards into the chair behind the desk. Suzy appeared in front of me, a pair of handcuffs in her hand. Before I could get up, she grabbed my wrists as I pleaded for her to stop. She was stronger than I thought, because she had my wrists handcuffed around the pipe behind the chair. I was way beyond terrified now. I wished somebody would walk in on us and stop her.

"Please stop," I said, starting to cry.

Suzy dropped her purse and sat on my lap, legs on each side of me. My wrists jerked forward in an attempt to be freed.

"Oh, shut up and take it. I promise you'll like it," she murmured before pressing her lips to mine.

She was wrong. So incredibly wrong. I hated it. I hated it all. Especially, me. I hated myself for letting her get me in this situation. Why couldn't I have acted like an adult and stopped this somehow?

"What the--"

Suzy stopped and looked behind her. There she was, my beautiful Sydney. Staring at us as if she was in shock. I cried harder, my sobs louder. Suzy just smirked as I made movements to try to free my wrists. But the girl on my lap held my face and kissed me more.

Nothing else came from Sydney, and I was scared that she had left me because she was angry at me. How wrong I was.

One minute Suzy was sucking my face off, the next she disappeared. I looked to see Sydney on top of Suzy, punching her and kicking her. As much as I wanted Suzy to get what's good for her, I couldn't let Sydney do this. She'd get into so much trouble.

"SYDNEY, STOP!" I cried, yanking at the handcuffs that wouldn't budge.

Sydney wouldn't stop.

I cried harder and harder, still begging for her to stop until she finally did. Sydney stood up and looked at me with evil eyes. Uh-oh.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now