Her Own | 4. Baby Talk

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A/N: I got me another phone!!! So, no more computer updates! Although, I'm not sure about the pictures and their quality. :s

Mike made me extremely mad at not only him, but myself also. He knew what he was doing, acting dumb and clueless, trying to get under my skin. My face felt hot at the way I reacted to him internally. He really was attractive, but I have Jessie. So, I shouldn't be thinking about him like that. Right?

The whole household seemed to notice that I was deeply disturbed, judging by the way Lucy was wagging her tail and how Toby was wrapped around my legs. The main one that was the most concerned was my wife.

"Syd, what happened? Are you okay? What did he say to you?" She asked all at once, now in front of me and holding my shoulders.

"I'm fine," I distantly answered, barely looking at her. Saying I was ashamed of my thoughts would be a huge understatement. This is Jessie we're talking about, the tough, dominant woman that has a huge heart for everything. What idiot would give that up just to be with some pretty boy? Not that I was considering that.

Jessie wasn't buying it. She frowned and caught my gaze. She stared deeply in my eyes, as if searching for the reason for my actions. "Syd, talk to me. We won't keep any secrets, remember?"


"Then why are you upset? Was it because of Mike?"

True to my word, I nodded. "I don't like him, Jess."

"Oh, you poor thing. You'll get through this, I promise. Soon, you'll be inviting him over for dinner with us, and he'll be a family friend!"

"He said he's met you before, but you didn't recognize him," I stated emotionlessly.

"Really? I don't remember. Was it over here?"

I shrugged, already tired of talking about him. "That's just what he told me."

Then I escaped from Jessie's light grip and made my way to the master bedroom. All I wanted to do at that moment was lay down and rest, and hopefully try to forget what happened this afternoon. It was all a mistake. I shouldn't have visited him or anything. But I just had to get my pride in the way.

Something grabbed my wrist, and I turned to see Jessie there. She released me, only to grab me by my waist and pull me closer to her. I didn't resist or fight her, I just submitted to her actions.

"Syd, it's only some guy that's trying to get through to your head. Don't worry about him, baby. Just calm down, and don't fight him or anything, okay?"

I nodded, and was about to pull away until she bent down and kissed me. It amazes me how long we've been together and I still react to her kisses an her touch as if we were teenagers again. Well, when I was a teenager and she was a young adult.

My hands reached up to cup her face as the kiss deepened. Jessie was just too great of a kisser for me to only have a peck and move on. And the fact that she's not letting up made my head spin.

Finally, Jessie let me go, and I went back in for more, being the greedy person I was. Jessie laughed, which broke the kiss off.

"Syd, you're so greedy! Anyways, you'll just have to talk to me. I promise it'll help. I'm your wife now, baby. Trust me on this."

"I trust you, always," I automatically said, lacing our fingers together and kissing the back of her hand.

"Act like it. I don't like seeing you upset."

I almost wanted to tell her about what I was thinking, but I didn't want to ruin the moment. Jessie would probably be mad and then she may beat the guy up. Nowadays, Jessie's super protective over me at the weirdest times. One day a woman was eyeing me up and down flirtatiously while we were at a restaurant, and I saw Jessie expertly throw a salt shaker into the stranger's wig when she wasn't looking. Okay, that was pretty funny and I praised her the whole day after that.

"Sorry for getting you worried, Jessie.  It just thought it wasn't important--"

"Everything about you is important to me, Syd. Remember, we're together. Legally. So what's your business is my business and vice versa. Okay?"

I nodded and gave Jessie one more lasting kiss before making my way upstairs. She was entirely right, but I couldn't make myself admit my thoughts towards Mike. It could strike a nerve or damage what we have. Jessie may start believing I cheat on her, and everything will be a mess.

Toby hopped beside me on the bed and curled up next to me. There was nothing I could do now but help make up choreography  for my girls down at the studio. But stupid Mike might have changed them, and just thinking about it made my blood boil. I'm glad Gloria found somebody to temporarily hold my spot, but he's not going to start believing he runs the show. It's just not going to happen.


"Are you still hung up over the Mike situation?" Jessie asked that night as I helped her clean up after dinner. Hazel was in her room, fast asleep after being read a bedtime story.

"Of course not," I lied. Of course I was still thinking about it! How could I not? I was thinking of how attractive he was when I have a WIFE!

"If you lie one more time, I may have to punch you in the throat," she threatened. But I saw a playful grin on her face.

"Don't do that!" I laughed, holding my hands up.

Jessie finished putting the dishes into the dishwasher, then pinned me against the counter. "You know, Hazel's getting awfully big now. Soon she'll be dating and in high school, and before we know it, she's packing up for college!"

"It'll be fine, baby. Hazel will always be our little girl."

"No, that's not what I meant," Jessie said, kissing the side of my neck lightly.

"Then what are you saying?" I asked, fully aware of the answer.

"I want a baby, Syd. And not one we adopted. One that's from one if us, blood and all. Something a part of us, you know?"

The memories came back. At how Jessie wanted a baby ever so badly when I told her I was pregnant with Stephen's baby. But I lost it all because of me, and I don't think I can do that again. It's too much of a risk, and I'd we lose another one, I just might think something's wrong with us.

"Jess..." I lightly pushed her away, and she narrowed her eyebrows.

"What? What is it?" She asked.

"I don't think I'm ready for that so soon. Just think about it. My last one died because of a house fire and stress."

"Aren't you happy?" Jessie asked.

"Of course I'm happy."

"Then there's no stress. And maybe I can carry them."

"But...what if we lose them? I don't think I can relive through that kind of pain again. And what about Hazel? She's only ten."

Jessie sighed and moved away from me. My heart fell when I saw her walk out the kitchen without saying a word. Great. My big mouth got me in trouble again.

A/N: So, what so you think? Is Sydney right for sticking up for herself?

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now