My Lover | 20. Jobs

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Jessie brung me my breakfast, and sat with me while we ate. I was still slightly in shock that we've been given so much money. And I was still confused at how Jessie managed to pay off the house before we even got the money. Did she sell stuff online? I looked around to see everything that was at the old house, with the exception of the lamp that burned in the fire.

"I was actually looking for you a job while you were...away," Jessie said, looking up at me.

"Jessie, you didn't have to--"

"I wanted to," she quickly said. "And...I may have found you the perfect job. I've spoken to the owners, and they said that it would be fine that you wait until you were stronger before you can start."

"Start where?"

Jessie was really too sweet to be worrying about me. I didn't deserve her taking care of me.

"It's a surprise. I'll show you it when  you're better, baby."

Okay, now I've got to know where it is. I hope it isn't a place that has anything to do with food. I'm sick of the restaurant industry.

"And I found me a job at an elementary school," Jessie said, beaming.

"Jessie, that's great!" I exclaimed, leaning over to give her a kiss. But, I couldn't help wondering if she only got this job because she wanted kids. And being around a bunch of kids would help.

"It's a Kindergarten through 8th grade school, and it looks very pretty, Syd," she continued. "I start this upcoming Monday!"

"I'm so happy for you, Jess."

The remainder of the day was spent lounging around the house. Jessie forbid me to get up, unless it was to go to the bathroom. Even then she would follow me to make sure I was safe. She's such a sweetheart, but she's acting as if I was in a cast. I'm only sore, and even then it was going away. I should be able to work in a few days.

"Lucy needs to go out," I mumbled, sitting up.

Jessie beat me to the front door, Lucy's leash in hand. "You need rest, baby."

"I'm perfectly able to take care of myself. For Pete's Sake, I've been in the hospital for over a month! I'm not crippled, Jessie! It was only a coma, and I'm totally fine! And I appreciate the help, but I'm not worth it!"

By the way she looked at me, I could tell she wanted to cry. In a shaky voice, she said, "You're worth all of my time, Syd. I just want you to be healthy again."

Then she hooked the leash to Lucy's collar and left the house.

I sighed and went back to watching tv. The movie that was playing hadn't been able to attract my attention before, but I had nothing else to do, so I watched whatever was on. Toby was curled to my right since Jessie sat to my left. I watched as the the ran out the building, and it exploded. Right then and there, after the boy's brother went back in to save some professor.

I froze, remembering the fire. The flames around me, all that smoke. Not being able to breathe...then imagining my dad's body in the fire too. It was as if I was back in the flames, struggling to breathe, Jessie crying my name. Then the dreams, with her dying and my dad dying and myself dying. A mixture of emotions ran through me. Sad, anger, grief, shock, remorse, confusion...Then I imagined what it would be like if I hadn't woken up. Jessie, Lucy, Kirby, and I would all be dead probably...The sound of broken glass and the whooshing of fire filled my ears...I couldn't breathe...


"What?" I looked around, expecting to see flames and hearing Jessie cry my name in agony. Instead, I was in the new house, Jessie standing in front of me.

"Syd, are you okay? What happened?" Jessie asked, wiping my tears away.

"Nothing...I was just watching the movie..." I glanced st the tv. There wasn't a burning building on the screen, but the same kid and some puffy white thing who was talking.

Jessie was still looking at me in concern. She stroked my cheek with her thumb, gazing into my eyes.

"Jessie, I'm fine. Really."

She reluctantly sat beside me, and I finished watching the movie, which I knew was called Big Hero 6. What had happened with me? Why did I blank out when that building exploded?

"Are you tired?" Jessie asked, even though it wasn't dark yet.

"Yeah, a little."

"Do you want a bath?" She asked, standing up.

"That would be nice, but you don't have to--"

"Syd, I'm taking care of you. Now, come on up and I'll run you a bath."

Instead of arguing, I followed her upstairs where she prepared me a bath in our private bathroom. With my permission, she helped me undress and get in the tub.

"Get in with me," I insisted before she could leave.

Jessie questioned it, but I wanted her there, and she undressed before getting behind me in the tub. I laid against her chest as she stroked my stomach shockingly.

"Thanks, Jessie."

"Anything for you."

Jessie washed us up, then we sat there for a while longer. Enjoying each other's company. Then we got out, and Jessie dried me off and redressed me in shorts and a tanktop. Then she dressed herself in an oversized t-shirt. We climbed in the bed, and Jessie spooned me from behind, talking softly to me about things she was going to do for me when I got better.

How did I deserve a girl like her?

A/N: ...Hi! Sorry, I was lonely, and thought somebody might wanted to comment back???

A/N#2: Oh my gosh, I am soooo sorry! I thought I posted this last night! Wattpad said I did, but I guess it lied to me. No wonder I thought people hated it! So, enjoy this early update!

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now