15. Distraction

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                                    The rest of practice was terrible. I couldn't concentrate on anything, my mind stuck on the phone call with Mom I just had. I didn't get the high scores like Coach wanted. But she was caring, and asked what was wrong with me, but I assured her it was nothing to worry about. She wasn't convinced with my answer, but continued on anyways. And with a competition next Saturday, I can't let myself stay this way.

When it was over, I stood outside and texted Jessie, wearing her sweater again. I was minding my own business, standing there, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Delilah stood there, her car keys in hand.

"Um, I can give you a ride to Jessie's if you want?" She offered.

I would accept, but I don't want her to know where Jessie lives. Even if it seems like she changed, I wouldn't be surprised if she went over there to harass Jessie or get Mom and Dad to come and take me home.

"Nah, I'm fine. Go ahead, I've already text her."

"Are you sure? It wouldn't be a problem."

I'm sure it wouldn't. "Yep, I'm sure. You go on, she'll be here in a little bit."

After slight hesitation, Delilah left in her car, and I stood alone outside, everybody else leaving. Within a few minutes, Jessie pulled up, and I gladly got inside.

"I'm so sorry for taking so long," Jessie apologized as she pulled off.

"It's okay," I mumbled, leaning my head against the window.

"Syd, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just had a bad day."

"What happened? What made you have a bad day?"

As nice and sincere Jessie was being, I didn't want to talk about it. But I didn't want to tell her that because she's just being a good girlfr...

"Jessie, what are we?" I asked, twice in the same day.

"Oh, Syd. I thought we already established this?" Jessie sighed softly.

"Not really. All I said was that I wanted to be yours. You didn't say anything after that. So what are we? What am I to you?"

"Can we talk about this when we get home? I don't want to be distracted."

So, I was a distraction? Giving her what she wanted, I sat back and be quiet.

When we arrived to her house, I sat in the car a bit longer. Jessie was at the door, probably unlocking it. But she didn't go in. She just stayed facing the door. Maybe she couldn't get in?

Slowly, I gathered my things and trudged to the steps, then to the door. Jessie glanced back at me before opening it and letting me walk through first. She was waiting for me. Like always. Normally, I would have smiled at her, but I was just tired and wanted to sleep.

"Baby," Jessie said, following me to her room, "tell me what's wrong. Please?"

"Nope, because I'm a distraction to you. I don't want to distract you any longer, Jessie."

"No, I only said that because I didn't want to get in an accident." I could tell Jessie was struggling to keep her voice levelled and to keep calm.

"Well, who would want to listen to my problems anyway?"

"I do! I want to make sure you're okay, Syd! But how can I do that if you won't talk to me?"

By now, I was sitting on the bed, Jessie a few feet in front of me. "My sister told me my parents want me back," I bluntly told her.

"They do? And you want to go back?" Jessie had lowered her voice even more.

I only shrugged at her.

"Well, they're your family. You need to at least see them. I'm sure they love you still."

"Yeah, but the only problem is that I told them they were going to see my girlfriend."

Jessie gave me a 'So what?' look.

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"You're really shallow, you know that, Sydney?"

"Actually, I was just telling the truth, Jessica." If she wanted to use whole names, so could I.

"Then what am I to you?" She asked.

"I don't know, what are you? That's the question I've been trying to ask you! And you never answered!"

Jessie just stood there for a few moments before walking towards me. I thought she was going to hit me, and I backed up on the bed. Instead, she climbed on the bed also, and pinned my arms above my head and straddled my hips.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, trying to wiggle from her grip.

"Syd, I really like you. I like you a lot. But I don't like this attitude you have. Now I'm here to talk to you and be there for you. I want to actually help you. I'm not against you, Syd, so stop trying to fight me."

My body stopped and I looked into her green eyes. Her face was only inches from mine, and I wasted no time in leaning up to kiss her. She kissed back, using a hand to hold my cheek, the other still holding my wrists.

"I'm so sorry, Jessie," I said, about to cry.

"No, don't cry! You're too beautiful to, baby! Give me a hug."

We both sat up, and I gave her a hug. I never wanted to fight with Jessie ever again, but I knew it was bound to happen again. No relationship is perfect. If there's one that hasn't had a single fight, there's something wrong.

"You know, lots of people were asking about this sweater," I said, pulling the sleeves up.

"Oh yeah? What did you say?"

"I told them it was none of their business. One girl asked if you were a singer. Can you sing?"

"A little."

I back up to look her in the eye. "Seriously?"

She nodded.

"Is there something you can't do?" I giggled jokingly.

She looked up in thought, and my eyes roamed over her features. She was just so beautifully made she seemed unreal. Maybe I was dreaming. If I was, I never wanted to wake up.

"I've never skipped a rock over water," Jessie finally said, looking back at me.

My jaw dropped. "Never? Really?"

She shook her head.

"Then, I can teach you. I know this pond that I used to skip rocks all the time. Maybe I can take you there some day?"



Jessie smiled at me again before getting off of me. "I'm sorry for not answering your question, Syd."

"It's not your fault, Jess. I overreact. A lot."

A/N: Thank you for helping me get to 1k reads! It really means a lot, guys! ^_^

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