Her Own | 25. Luna

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The next day, I went out with Rhonda. Last night, she told me that she's met a gentleman that was interested in her. I was happy for her, and she was so excited in coming out again. She deserted me to go look for him. So I sat at some sort of bar on the beach and ordered a soda.

As I sat there, glancing at everybody and glancing at pregnant women and thinking about Jessie, a girl came up and sat a few seats away from me. At first, I made nothing of it and politely smiled at her, but she kept glancing over at me and giving me flirtatious looks.

She was pretty, with olive skin and long dark hair. She wore a top that revealed her nicely sized chest, along with a skirt that showed off her pretty legs--

Why am I thinking about another woman like this?! Jessie's the only one for me. I like her small chest and her extremely long legs and pale skin.

"Hey, there," the woman said with an accent that everybody else here had too.

"Hello," I politely said, but didn't really want to engage in anymore conversation. I mean, I was checking her out while I had a wife at home!

"What's your name?" She asked, sliding off her seat and walking closer to me.

"Er, Sydney."

"That's a beautiful name," she commented, sitting on the seat next to me.

"Thank you. Uh, what's yours?"


"I've always liked that name," I found myself saying.

Luna smiled at me. "Where are you from?"

Then I found us talking to each other about ourselves. Not on purpose, I didn't mention my family. Luna was just so interesting, I found myself asking multiple questions about her.

Before long, Luna asked if I wanted to take a walk. I nodded and we both started walking along the beach.

"So, are you on a vacation?" Luna asked, looking at me.

"Yeah. I just needed to relax. Kinda stressful back at home."

"Aw, that's too bad. Are you here with anybody?" Luna asked.

"No, just with my friend."

"Are you single?" Luna asked hopefully.

I ran a hand through my purple hair. Do I tell her or not? Well, I'll have to in case I don't like her advances on me. It's very obvious that she likes me.

"No, I'm not. I have a girl at home, but we're on a break at the moment. Some issues."

Luna nodded understandingly. "She's a very lucky woman to have someone like  you."

"Thank you, you're very thoughtful."

"You're just so beautiful and nice. I wish I had a chance to take you myself. I mean, with a body like that, everybody must be falling over your body."

Luna bit her lip at me, and I blushed. Why am I blushing?! Jessie usually only makes me blush like this! And some girl I just met is making me easily do it.

"No, not really," I answered truthfully.

"Well, I think so, and you just don't want to admit it," Luna giggled. "C'mon, I'll show you my favorite spot on the beach..."


All day was spent with Luna. We went to places on the beaches, we went sightseeing, we danced at some parties, and I had a great time. But I never thought of Jessie. This dawned on me after I got back from Luna's house that she showed me.

I quickly got my phone out, to see ten missed calls from Jessie. Mentally cursing myself, I called her back.

"Oh, so you finally made time for me?" Jessie sarcastically asked, angry.

"Babe, I'm sorry."

"Who is she?"

The question was asked so suddenly, I was surprised. How did she know I was out with another woman? Just the thought made me sick.

"Her name's Luna," I found myself replying.

"...You were serious..."

"Baby, we haven't done anything, I promise," I said, hoping she wasn't as mad at me.

"I'm not mad," she said as if reading my mind. "I just never knew you were serious...Is she pretty?"

"Honestly, yes. But not as beautiful as you, Jessie. You'll always be the most gorgeous person to ever walk the earth."

I could practically hear the smile in her voice. "You know exactly what to say."

"I'm glad. And when you find someone, you can drop the bomb on me, too. And we'll both feel like this."

"You mean if, Syd."

"No, I mean when. Oh come on, you're a hot woman with this amazing body! Who wouldn't want you, baby? You drive me crazy all the time, you know?"

Jessie giggled. "You're so silly...So, is she single?"

"Yeah," I responded when I realized she was referring to Luna.

"She isn't looking for a long-time thing or a relationship, right?"

"Babe, I explained all this to her. I'm sure she wouldn't want to interfere with a marriage."

"But who knows? Maybe she's into that sort of stuff?"

"Jessie...are you jealous?" I asked, smirking.

"What? No! Why would I be jealous of her? I mean, she probably isn't that pretty and--FINE! I'm jealous, alright?!" Jessie admitted.

Smiling like an idiot, I said, "Awww. You're so cute, baby. Don't worry, you're the only one for me."

"I better be. It else we'll have problems."

"Baby, stop being so hormonal. Go eat something or whatever."

"Shut up, Sydney! And I'm perfectly fine," Jessie giggled, before yawning.

"Jess, get some sleep."

"No! I wanna...I wanna stay with you..."

"You need sleep. The two of you."

"Stop being so darn cute," Jessie murmured, yawning again.

I rolled my eyes at her. She's the cute one, that's for sure. "Fine. But our phone bills will be pretty high because of this, you know?"

"I don't care...It's worth it..."

"I love you, baby," I said, grinning so hard at how adorable she was.

"I love you...too..."

Within minutes, I heard steady breathing through the phone. Grinning at how insanely adorable she was, I crawled under the covers and slept to the sound of Jessie's breathing.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now