Her Own | 23. Without Her

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"Syd, please don't go," Jessie quietly pleaded the next day as I had my suitcases and bags packed. Our foreheads were pressed together, and her arms were around my waist.

"I have to, baby," I said.

She sighed then kissed me one last time. It was the longest kiss we've ever shared, as far as I could remember. It was filled with so much passion and love, I was almost confused as to why I was leaving in the first place. My hands went from around her neck to her flat stomach. And I remembered why we were on a break.

"Syd, I'm not going to sleep with anybody," Jessie said. "You're the only one my heart belongs to."

I shook my head and chuckled. "Last night, I had planned on making you hate me so I wouldn't miss you so much. That failed."

She chuckled cutely. "I love you, Syd."

"I love you, too, Jessie. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more. Make sure you text me and Skype me. I want to see and hear you every day."

I nodded, then kissed her forehead before going to my car. It feels weird being separated from Jessie, especially for an unknown time. I realized that as I pulled out the driveway. It took all my power to not stop the car and turn around back to her.

Already I've begun missing her, and I haven't even boarded the cruise ship. I was taking a cruise ship to go to some unknown island that was filled with nature and just beautiful places. And the sad part is that I've always wanted to go on a cruise with Jessie by my side. I guess that'll wait another time.

Hours later, I got to the place where all the passengers boarded the cruise ship. My eyes searched the harbor for Rhonda, who I invited to keep me company. The ship blew it's horn, and that's when I saw Rhonda already on the ship, motioning for me to get on. I hurried, and embraced her into a hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Rhonda exclaimed, taking a good look at me.

"I know! And I feel really bad now." I began pouting at her as she led me on board.

"Don't sweat it. And I need to know everything between you and Jessie. This isn't like you to be so far away from her."

"I love her so much, Rhonda. That's why I'm doing this. I don't want us to keep getting into fights, and then us splitting up."

"So, you're on a break?"

I nodded.

"And she can do whatever and whoever she wants? Like with that Mike guy?"

I felt my anger arise. Maybe I should have excluded him from the deal. "Well, I guess."

"You're regretting it now, aren't you?" Rhonda questioned.

I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm not sure now."

"You know, you can run off the boat now and into her arms. And you can tell her to pretend like it has never happened," Rhonda suggested.

As much as I wanted to do that right now, I shook my head. "No. We have to do this."

"Did she kiss you before you left? Like an actual kiss?"

I nodded.

"I'm sure she won't sleep with anybody."

"And I won't have to worry about her getting pregnant," I joked. "Since she already is..."

My voice trailed off as I saw Rhonda's shocked expression. I never told her about the pregnancy. Whoops.

"Jessie's pregnant?!" Rhonda exclaimed, a huge grin spreading across her face.

I nodded, and she squealed like a teenager before pulling me into a hug. People behind us grunted and pushed past us, belittle neither of us cared.

"I'm so happy for you, Sydney! Do you know the gender?" She asked enthusiastically.

"No, she hasn't gotten a check-up yet. I'll remind her tonight."

Rhonda smiled softly. "You care so much for her, Sydney. It would be odd if the two of you didn't work out."

"I know, but I'm sure we will. I believe in us..."


Jessie's face made me smile as I saw her on my screen. My heart pounded for her, and it longed to be with her.

"Hey, baby," she said, smiling as bright as me.

"Hey, Jessie. How are you?"

"I'm okay, missing you," Jessie pouted. "How's the cruise so far? Is it fun? Are you and Rhonda having a good time?"

"Jess, we only just got on it!"

"Nuh-uh! You've been up there for three hours. It's nighttime, haven't you noticed?" Jessie frowned.

I nodded, glad we weren't talking on the actual phone. "Yeah, sorry. I've just been in my room while Rhonda's out partying. For an older woman, she sure can dance."

Jessie laughed her beautiful laugh. "So...have you found anybody yet?"

I shook my head. "No, beautiful."

"Oh. Me neither."

"Maybe tomorrow? I am on a boat full of people."

Jessie frowned sadly. "But I want you to be here with me."

"Soon, baby. Soon."

"Sydney, I can't do this. I hate the fact that I'm not near you, touching you, physically here. It's tearing me apart, since we've never done this before. Oh, Syd, I want to kiss you so and right now, you don't even know!"

"Kiss your pillow," I joked, trying to ignore the feeling of my heart breaking. Jessie seems like she doesn't want to jump at the chance to sleep with anybody she desires.

"Syd, I'm waiting for you. I'll always wait for you. Even if it means a lifetime. Because I love you and only you, Syd."

I heard an 'awe' in the background, and Jessie told Katy to shut up. Katy cackled like a witch before disappearing.

"She's so weird," Jessie commented.

"Because she's your friend!" I giggled.

Jessie pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. The same lock she's been pushing for years, and I had to do it myself because it always came out of place. Sure enough it did now, and I giggled again.

"Jess, pretend like I'm doing it," I instructed.

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

Jessie gave me a weird look before repeating her actions, this time slower and so her fingers would go all the way down her ear. She smiled and blushed when it stayed there.

"I love you," Jessie blurted.

"I love you too, baby. Get some sleep."

"But, I don't want to. I want to sleep with you."

"Then keep me on the line. And I won't go anywhere."

Jessie and I continued talking until we both fell asleep, still on Skype.

A/N: Aweeee! Do you think Sydney's gonna meet somebody? What about Jessie? Will I make a long third book or a fourth one? You don't know, but I...don't...know either...*cough* Awkward.

Okay, so if you're one of them Profile Stalkers, you would know I'm super close to  250 followers. It's not much at the moment, but yays! If you guys could be amazing people and follow me if you haven't, I'll have a surprise or something when I hit the 250 mark. :3 I'm not aiming high, because I'll never meet them goals. Did I mention I'll follow you back?

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now