My Lover | 10. Heartbeat

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Going to the doctor's office with Jessie was beyond nerve-wracking. I mean, she's better than Stephen by a mile, but I constantly worried somebody would recognize her then both of us. Which was when I decided she should wear sunglasses. There was already an article about the public suspecting I'm pregnant. And I don't see why they're always on my tail. Shouldn't the interest stop at when Jessie was put in jail?

As we walked in there, I was so tempted to hold her hand for comfort. And I could tell by her fidgeting hand that she wanted to do the same to me. But I made Jessie sit down as I went to the desk. The woman there heard of our story obviously, and loved it. And she's been flirting with me every time I came here.

"So, new friend?" She asked, touching my hand.

"Yeah, and she's not for sale," I said, as if I was talking about a blanket.

"Why not? She's pretty cute."

It's bad enough I'm annoyed when she flirts with me, but now that she's checking Jessie out made me beyond angry.

"She has someone."

"Like who?"

Me! I wanted to shout, but I kept myself calm. "A loving girlfriend who she wouldn't drop for the world." And then I walked off like a boss.

"You okay?" Jessie quietly asked me.

"Oh, I'm fine." I nodded my head.

When they called me, my nerves started acting up again. After we went past the double-doors out of the Waiting Room, I grabbed Jessie's hand and interlaced our fingers together. Just the gesture alone made me feel a lot better. She smiled down at me, since I still wasn't her height, and never will be.

I hopped on the bed while Jessie occupied the chair beside it. Our hands had fallen apart, and I really wanted to reach out and hold hers again, but I didn't want to push what we have.

"Are you excited?" Jessie asked, still wearing her glasses, so I couldn't see her eyes.

"At first, I wasn't," I admitted. "Because it was his."

"I'm here now, so you don't have to worry about him." She reached out and cupped my cheek with a hand.

My eyes slightly narrowed at her. "Jessie, don't do anything stupid."

"I'm not, okay! He just needs to learn his lesson on putting his hands on a woman, specifically my woman."

"Jessica," I said in a warning tone.

"Fine." Even thought she wore glasses, I knew she rolled her eyes.

The door opened, and Jessie immediately removed her hand off of me, and I sat up straight. A nurse had walked in, and she asked me questions along with taking my blood pressure and such. She kept giving Jessie side glances, but didn't say a word to her. When she finally left, we had a few minutes to ourselves.

"I dunno," Jessie was saying. "I'm pretty sure she as checking me out."

"Okay," I nodded.

"What if she actually was?"

"I would find her and beat her into a pulp," I truthfully admitted. "Only I can check you out."

The door opened again, and Jessie didn't hesitate to stiffen and look upon her hands. I laughed once I saw it was only Dr. Cartman who entered the room. He was my favorite doctor in the world. While Jessie was away, and I was pregnant, he doubled as my therapist. With his gray hair, laugh lines on his face, and a kind smile, he definitely looked the part.

"Now come on, Jessica," he spoke with a deep voice who was well respected. "No need to hide your beautiful face."

Jessie timidly looked up and slid off her glasses. She quickly glanced at me out of nervousness before taking Dr. Cartman's hand in a shake.

"Charming to meet you," he said.

"Pleasure to meet you too," Jessie said more confidently than she looked.

Dr. Cartman then turned to me, holding his clipboard. "Now you, Mrs--"

I shook my head at him, and he stopped, understanding that I didn't want to be called that anymore.

"Miss Tenner, I mean. We've gotten your results for your blood pressure. I've compared it to the one we took a few weeks ago and noticed a dramatic difference. A few weeks ago, your blood pressure was sky-high! And, surprisingly, it's normal now. Any idea how that's possible?"

I looked at Jessie as she looked at me, the reason obvious. Now that I have my Jessie back, I feel less stressful.

"Thanks, Jessie." I kissed her cheek, and she blushed acutely.

"Now that I know you're all healthy, lets get to the baby, shall we?"

I laid all the way back on the bed as Dr. Cartman got his tools ready. He then rubbed some very cold gel on my belly, and I resisted the urge to laugh. Then he got out the wand and pressed it against the area the gel was applied to. Jessie and I intently watched the screen. Finally we saw the baby.

"There they are," Dr. Cartman smiled, pointing at the baby. "And you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I asked, but realized as soon as I had said that.

A soft, steady beat was heard in the room. Jessie gripped my hand and smiled at me. It was their heartbeat. So many emotions were coming at me at once. I was so happy that I was tearing up. I was carrying a life inside of me right now. The heartbeat is proof of it. Neither me nor Stephen killed off the baby that's growing inside me at that instant.

"So, your decision?" Dr. Cartman asked me.

The last visit, I had told Dr. Cartman I wanted an abortion. I just could not live with the thought of carrying Stephen's baby, and have them grow up in terrible environment.

"I'm keeping them," I said with determination.

The doctor nodded and wrote things down on his clipboard before announcing he'll be right back. Jessie looked at me questionably.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "It's a big responsibility for taking care of a ba--"

"I know, Jessie. But, as long as you're by my side, I'm more than ready to do this. I've been ready since I had to bring home that plastic baby doll from Parenting! I'm ready yo take that next step with you, Jessie."

She smiled before kissing my forehead. "I promise I'll help you every step of the way."

"But, what about Stephen?" Surely he'll get in the way of it all.

"Don't worry about him right now. Focus on the baby, and not being stressed."

A/N: Originally, I was thinking about killing the baby off...

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now