My Lover | 28. Horrible Person

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Originally, I was just supposed to visit my mom, talk with her, then come home. But instead, I was here, with Stephen, talking about my deceased father.

"What are you taking about?" I questioned, secretly hoping this was true.

Stephen twirled the knife expertly around his fingers. "The night of the fire, he caught me behind the house. I thought he was coming to help me, for revenge. I had the knife, ready to climb inside and kill both of you myself. But, naturally, we fought a little, and he took the knife away--it was a pretty good one, too--and climbed inside to help his poor, precious daughter and her girlfriend."

That can't be...No, it can. I knew something wasn't right. I was Daddy's Little Girl. He wouldn't risk killing me just to kill Jessie. And I thought so bad about him, and I've blamed Jessie for his death. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!

I wiped my eyes from the stray tears, and angrily focused them on Stephen again. The only thought that went through my brain was:I'm gonna kill him. I was going to kill him. My mind was so set on that, and I was confident. I was going to kill him.

Stephen was gazing lovingly at the blood-coated knife. "Not so sadly, you're going to be next."

Before I could process what he said, Stephen lunged at me, and bearing the knife stretched outward. Just in time, I dodged him and sent him to the ground. My mind being set on actually killing him, I grasped his hand holding the knife and attempted to pull it away from him. The knife got me a couple of times, and I cried out in pain. Luckily, I wrestled the knife from him. But, the knife flew away from us and landed yards away.

"FREEZE!" A manly voiced yelled, as I crawled towards the knife.

I froze and looked up. Dozens of police officers and the S.W.A.T Team made a circle around us. My heart leaped for joy. I'm saved. I'm SAVED!


I was in the police station, being questioned. My mom was in the other room being questioned also, along with my sister, Rhonda, and Katy. They also wanted Jessie, so they called her too.

In my heart, I knew Jessie was straight up worried. So I called her and willed her to stay home and that I'd be there in a little bit.

Hours and hours later, I finally made it home. It was way past the time I planned to come home. But now, Stephen's in jail, and I can finally rest at piece. My father died to save me, not kill me.

At midnight I reached home, after dropping Lucy off to a vet in hopes of getting her tomorrow morning. The house was quiet, but I entered the living room and saw why.

Jessie was asleep in front of the couch, Hazel in her lap, asleep also. The main menu of Finding Nemo was on the television screen. Not too far away, Jessie's phone laid there.

Smiling slightly, I quietly walked over and picked Hazel up. Her sleep was undisturbed as I carried her to her room. She smiled as I tucked her in, and she snuggled her bunny.

Then I returned to the living room to pick up Jessie. She woke up as soon as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Syd," she sleepily murmured. She rubbed her eyes as I shushed her and attempted ti stand her up.

Jessie leaned against me and yawned. I turned the tv off and helped Jessie up the stairs and into our room. Afterwards, I turned the bedside light on to see Jessie crying. She pulled me into a tight hug, full on sobbing now.

"I was so worried," she sobbed.

"Jessie, I'm okay! Please stop crying!"

"I thought I lost you, Syd! When they called me, I thought of you! Don't scare me like that!"

"I promise I won't, now calm down. Wipe your nose. Wait."

I ran into the bathroom and got her some toilet tissue. She smiled and blew her nose.

"I love you, Syd."

"I love you more."

"So, what happened?"

"Now Jessie, you've had a big day. You need some rest."

"Says you," Jessie smiled.

I helped her under the covers, then went to shower.

Jessie had her eyes closed when I emerged from the bathroom, which gave me the impression that she was asleep. Little did I know that I was wrong, until I climbed into bed. Her arms snaked around me, pulling me close to her. I inhaled he vanilla scent, feeling warmer and safer than ever before. And for the first time in a while, I had a dreamless sleep.

My Janitor [Jessie J] *COMPLETED* (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now